All Solutions
Page 64: Actividad 3
regalos = presents
**You can read:**
*Comprar regalos*
**This is the correct form:**
To Buy = Comprar /
Regalos = Gifts
**To buy gifts**
To Buy = Comprar /
Regalos = Gifts
**To buy gifts**
caminata = hike
**You can read:**
*Dar una caminata*
**An answer to guide you is:**
To take= Dar / a= una / hike = Caminata.
**To take a hike.**
To take= Dar / a= una / hike = Caminata.
**To take a hike.**
museo = museum
**You can read:**
*Visitar el museo*
**An answer to guide you is:**
To visit= Visitar / the= el / Museum= museo
**To visit the museum.**
To visit= Visitar / the= el / Museum= museo
**To visit the museum.**
**You can read:**
**An answer to guide you is:**
fotos = photos
**You can read:**
*Tomar fotos*
**An answer to guide you is:**
To take= Tomar / photos= Fotos.
To take= Tomar / photos= Fotos.