Avancemos 2
Avancemos 2
1st Edition
Holt McDougal
ISBN: 9780554025322
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 260: Actividad 6

Exercise 1
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Vaya a un supermercado bueno.
Step 1
1 of 5
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 5
We are writing a basic cookbook. Make recommendations on how to prepare the food. Use the form of you.

Step 3
3 of 5

* Let’s read carefully the “***Usted/Ustedes Commands***” from page **259**.

Step 4
4 of 5
**The combinations are:**

| |**English** |**Español**|
| **1**. | Go to a good supermarket.|Ir a un supermercado bueno.|
|**2**. | Find the freshest ingredients.|Buscar los ingredientes más frescos.|
|**3**. |Put the ingredients in the kitchen.|Poner los ingredientes en la cocina.|
|**4**. |Be organized.|Ser organizado.|
|**5**. |Read the recipe well.|Leer bien la receta.|
|**6**. |Add the ingredients one by one.|Añadir los ingredientes uno por uno.|
|**7**. |Mix the ingredients well.|Mezclar bien los ingredientes.|
|**8**. |Taste the dish frequently.|Probar el plato frecuentemente.|
|**9**. |Do not be sad if the dish is not perfect. |No estar triste si el plato no está perfecto.|

Step 5
5 of 5
**The answer to the first sentence of the exercise is:**

* Remember, the correct “**Usted**” form of the irregular verb “**Ir**” is “***Vaya***”. Therefore, the answer is:

**Español**: ***Vaya** a un supermercado bueno.*

**English**: Go to a good supermarket.

Exercise 2
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Busque los ingredientes mas frescos.
Step 1
1 of 5
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 5
We are writing a basic cookbook. Make recommendations on how to prepare the food. Use the form of you.

Step 3
3 of 5

* Let’s read carefully the “***Usted/Ustedes Commands***” from page **259**.

Step 4
4 of 5
**The combinations are:**

| |**English** |**Español**|
| **1**. | Go to a good supermarket.|Ir a un supermercado bueno.|
|**2**. | Find the freshest ingredients.|Buscar los ingredientes más frescos.|
|**3**. |Put the ingredients in the kitchen.|Poner los ingredientes en la cocina.|
|**4**. |Be organized.|Ser organizado.|
|**5**. |Read the recipe well.|Leer bien la receta.|
|**6**. |Add the ingredients one by one.|Añadir los ingredientes uno por uno.|
|**7**. |Mix the ingredients well.|Mezclar bien los ingredientes.|
|**8**. |Taste the dish frequently.|Probar el plato frecuentemente.|
|**9**. |Do not be sad if the dish is not perfect. |No estar triste si el plato no está perfecto.|

Step 5
5 of 5
**The answer to the second sentence of the exercise is:**

* Remember, the correct form of “**Usted**” for the verb “**Buscar**” is “***Busque***”. Therefore, the answer is:

**Español**: ***Busque** los ingrediente más frescos.*

**English**: Look for the freshest ingredients.

Exercise 3
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Ponga los ingredientes en la cocina
Step 1
1 of 5
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 5
We are writing a basic cookbook. Make recommendations on how to prepare the food. Use the form of you.

Step 3
3 of 5

* Let’s read carefully the “***Usted/Ustedes Commands***” from page **259**.

Step 4
4 of 5
**The combinations are:**

| |**English** |**Español**|
| **1**. | Go to a good supermarket.|Ir a un supermercado bueno.|
|**2**. | Find the freshest ingredients.|Buscar los ingredientes más frescos.|
|**3**. |Put the ingredients in the kitchen.|Poner los ingredientes en la cocina.|
|**4**. |Be organized.|Ser organizado.|
|**5**. |Read the recipe well.|Leer bien la receta.|
|**6**. |Add the ingredients one by one.|Añadir los ingredientes uno por uno.|
|**7**. |Mix the ingredients well.|Mezclar bien los ingredientes.|
|**8**. |Taste the dish frequently.|Probar el plato frecuentemente.|
|**9**. |Do not be sad if the dish is not perfect. |No estar triste si el plato no está perfecto.|

Step 5
5 of 5
**The answer to the third sentence of the exercise is:**

* Remember, the correct form of “**Usted**” for the irregular verb “**Poner**” is “***Ponga***”. Therefore, the answer is:

**Español**: ***Ponga** los ingredientes en la cocina.*

**English**: Put the ingredients on the stove.

Exercise 4
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Sea organizado.
Step 1
1 of 5
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 5
We are writing a basic cookbook. Make recommendations on how to prepare the food. Use the form of you.

Step 3
3 of 5

* Let’s read carefully the “***Usted/Ustedes Commands***” from page **259**.

Step 4
4 of 5
**The combinations are:**

| |**English** |**Español**|
| **1**. | Go to a good supermarket.|Ir a un supermercado bueno.|
|**2**. | Find the freshest ingredients.|Buscar los ingredientes más frescos.|
|**3**. |Put the ingredients in the kitchen.|Poner los ingredientes en la cocina.|
|**4**. |Be organized.|Ser organizado.|
|**5**. |Read the recipe well.|Leer bien la receta.|
|**6**. |Add the ingredients one by one.|Añadir los ingredientes uno por uno.|
|**7**. |Mix the ingredients well.|Mezclar bien los ingredientes.|
|**8**. |Taste the dish frequently.|Probar el plato frecuentemente.|
|**9**. |Do not be sad if the dish is not perfect. |No estar triste si el plato no está perfecto.|

Step 5
5 of 5
**The answer to the fourth sentence of the exercise is:**

* Remember, the correct form of “**Usted**” for the irregular verb “**Ser**” is “***Sea***”. Therefore, the answer is:

**Español**: ***Sea** organizado.*

**English**: Be organized.

Exercise 5
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Lea bien la receta.
Step 1
1 of 5
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 5
We are writing a basic cookbook. Make recommendations on how to prepare the food. Use the form of you.

Step 3
3 of 5

* Let’s read carefully the “***Usted/Ustedes Commands***” from page **259**.

Step 4
4 of 5
**The combinations are:**

| |**English** |**Español**|
| **1**. | Go to a good supermarket.|Ir a un supermercado bueno.|
|**2**. | Find the freshest ingredients.|Buscar los ingredientes más frescos.|
|**3**. |Put the ingredients in the kitchen.|Poner los ingredientes en la cocina.|
|**4**. |Be organized.|Ser organizado.|
|**5**. |Read the recipe well.|Leer bien la receta.|
|**6**. |Add the ingredients one by one.|Añadir los ingredientes uno por uno.|
|**7**. |Mix the ingredients well.|Mezclar bien los ingredientes.|
|**8**. |Taste the dish frequently.|Probar el plato frecuentemente.|
|**9**. |Do not be sad if the dish is not perfect. |No estar triste si el plato no está perfecto.|

Step 5
5 of 5
**The answer to the fifth sentence of the exercise is:**

Remember, the correct form of “**Usted**” for the irregular verb “**Leer**” is “***Lea***”. Therefore, the answer is:

**Español**: ***Lea** bien la receta.*

**English**: Read the recipe carefully.

Exercise 6
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Añada los ingredientes uno por uno.
Step 1
1 of 5
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 5
We are writing a basic cookbook. Make recommendations on how to prepare the food. Use the form of you.

Step 3
3 of 5

* Let’s read carefully the “***Usted/Ustedes Commands***” from page **259**.

Step 4
4 of 5
**The combinations are:**

| |**English** |**Español**|
| **1**. | Go to a good supermarket.|Ir a un supermercado bueno.|
|**2**. | Find the freshest ingredients.|Buscar los ingredientes más frescos.|
|**3**. |Put the ingredients in the kitchen.|Poner los ingredientes en la cocina.|
|**4**. |Be organized.|Ser organizado.|
|**5**. |Read the recipe well.|Leer bien la receta.|
|**6**. |Add the ingredients one by one.|Añadir los ingredientes uno por uno.|
|**7**. |Mix the ingredients well.|Mezclar bien los ingredientes.|
|**8**. |Taste the dish frequently.|Probar el plato frecuentemente.|
|**9**. |Do not be sad if the dish is not perfect. |No estar triste si el plato no está perfecto.|

Step 5
5 of 5
**The answer to the sixth sentence of the exercise is:**

Remember, the correct form of “**Usted**” for the regular verb “**Añadir**” is “***Añada***”. Therefore, the answer is:

**Español**: ***Añana** los ingredientes uno por uno.*

**English**: Add the ingredients one by one.

Exercise 7
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Mezcle bien los ingredientes.
Step 1
1 of 5
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 5
We are writing a basic cookbook. Make recommendations on how to prepare the food. Use the form of you.

Step 3
3 of 5

* Let’s read carefully the “***Usted/Ustedes Commands***” from page **259**.

Step 4
4 of 5
**The combinations are:**

| |**English** |**Español**|
| **1**. | Go to a good supermarket.|Ir a un supermercado bueno.|
|**2**. | Find the freshest ingredients.|Buscar los ingredientes más frescos.|
|**3**. |Put the ingredients in the kitchen.|Poner los ingredientes en la cocina.|
|**4**. |Be organized.|Ser organizado.|
|**5**. |Read the recipe well.|Leer bien la receta.|
|**6**. |Add the ingredients one by one.|Añadir los ingredientes uno por uno.|
|**7**. |Mix the ingredients well.|Mezclar bien los ingredientes.|
|**8**. |Taste the dish frequently.|Probar el plato frecuentemente.|
|**9**. |Do not be sad if the dish is not perfect. |No estar triste si el plato no está perfecto.|

Step 5
5 of 5
**The answer to the seventh sentence of the exercise is:**

Remember, the correct form of “**Usted**” for the verb “**Mezclar**” is “***Mezcle***”. Therefore, the answer is:

**Español**: ***Mezcle** bien los ingredientes.*

**English**: Mix the ingredients well.

Exercise 8
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Pruebe el plato frecuentemente.
Step 1
1 of 5
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 5
We are writing a basic cookbook. Make recommendations on how to prepare the food. Use the form of you.

Step 3
3 of 5

* Let’s read carefully the “***Usted/Ustedes Commands***” from page **259**.

Step 4
4 of 5
**The combinations are:**

| |**English** |**Español**|
| **1**. | Go to a good supermarket.|Ir a un supermercado bueno.|
|**2**. | Find the freshest ingredients.|Buscar los ingredientes más frescos.|
|**3**. |Put the ingredients in the kitchen.|Poner los ingredientes en la cocina.|
|**4**. |Be organized.|Ser organizado.|
|**5**. |Read the recipe well.|Leer bien la receta.|
|**6**. |Add the ingredients one by one.|Añadir los ingredientes uno por uno.|
|**7**. |Mix the ingredients well.|Mezclar bien los ingredientes.|
|**8**. |Taste the dish frequently.|Probar el plato frecuentemente.|
|**9**. |Do not be sad if the dish is not perfect. |No estar triste si el plato no está perfecto.|

Step 5
5 of 5
**The answer to the eighth sentence of the exercise is:**

Remember, the correct form of “**Usted**” for the irregular verb “**Probar**” is “***Pruebe***”. Therefore, the answer is:

**Español**: ***Pruebe** el plato frecuentemente.*

**English**: Taste the dish frequently.

Exercise 9
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
No esté triste si el plato no está perfecto.
Step 1
1 of 5
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 5
We are writing a basic cookbook. Make recommendations on how to prepare the food. Use the form of you.

Step 3
3 of 5

* Let’s read carefully the “***Usted/Ustedes Commands***” from page **259**.

Step 4
4 of 5
**The combinations are:**

| |**English** |**Español**|
| **1**. | Go to a good supermarket.|Ir a un supermercado bueno.|
|**2**. | Find the freshest ingredients.|Buscar los ingredientes más frescos.|
|**3**. |Put the ingredients in the kitchen.|Poner los ingredientes en la cocina.|
|**4**. |Be organized.|Ser organizado.|
|**5**. |Read the recipe well.|Leer bien la receta.|
|**6**. |Add the ingredients one by one.|Añadir los ingredientes uno por uno.|
|**7**. |Mix the ingredients well.|Mezclar bien los ingredientes.|
|**8**. |Taste the dish frequently.|Probar el plato frecuentemente.|
|**9**. |Do not be sad if the dish is not perfect. |No estar triste si el plato no está perfecto.|

Step 5
5 of 5
**The answer to the ninth sentence of the exercise is:**

Remember, the correct form of “**Usted**” for the irregular verb “**Estar**” is “***Esté***”. Therefore, the answer is:

**Español**: *No **esté** triste si el no está perfecto.*

**English**: Don’t be sad if he’s not perfect.

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