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Page 57: Actividad 5
**You can read:**
*What is another name for Costa Ricans?*
**An answer can be:**
El otro nombre por el que se conocen a los costarricenses es Tico, que serĂa un termino informal. *The other name by which Costa Ricans are known is Tico, which is an informal term.*
**You can read:**
*What is a typical Costa Rican handicraft? What does it look like?*
Las carretas de madera, están hechas de forma artesanal y se utiliza para transportar alimentos o materiales.
(*Wooden carts are handcrafted and are used to transport food or materials.*)
**You can read:**
*Why do Costa Ricans say **pura vida**?*
**An answer can be:**
Es la forma que usan para decir de manera muy alegre que se encuentran muy bien. Utilizan esta frase tanto para saludar como para despedirse.
*It is the way they use to say in a very cheerful way that they are feeling very well. They use this phrase both to say hello and to say goodbye.*
**You can read:**
*What can you see at the La Paz Waterfall Garden?*
Puedes ver una gran variedad de plantas y animales que solo se pueden encontrar en esa parte del mundo.
*You can see a great variety of plants and animals that can only be found in that part of the world.*