Avancemos 2
Avancemos 2
1st Edition
Holt McDougal
ISBN: 9780554025322
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 434: Actividad 14

Exercise 1
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
¿Leerás durante el verano? Sí, leeré dos días a la semana.
Step 1
1 of 2
In this exercise, we need to talk about our plans for the summer. We should use verbs in the future tense.

We form the future tense by **adding endings *(-é, -ás, -á -emos, -éis, -án)* to the infinitive** form of the verb.

Step 2
2 of 2
Therefore, the example of the **answer** could be:

A: ¿Leerás durante el verano?

B. Sí, leeré durante el verano.

Exercise 2
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
¿Tus padres viajarán durante el verano? Sí,viajarán.
Step 1
1 of 2
In this exercise, we need to talk about our plans for the summer. We should use verbs in the future tense.

We form the future tense by **adding endings *(-é, -ás, -á -emos, -éis, -án)* to the infinitive** form of the verb.

Step 2
2 of 2
Therefore, the example of the **answer** could be:

A: ¿Tus padres viajarán durante el verano?

B: Sí, mis padres viajarán durante el verano.

Exercise 3
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
¿Tu familia acampará durante el verano? No, no acampará.
Step 1
1 of 2
In this exercise, we need to talk about our plans for the summer. We should use verbs in the future tense.

We form the future tense by **adding endings *(-é, -ás, -á -emos, -éis, -án)* to the infinitive** form of the verb.

Step 2
2 of 2
Therefore, the example of the **answer** could be:

A: ¿Tu familia acampará durante el verano?

B: No, mi familia no acampará durante el verano.

Exercise 4
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
¿Tu hermano montará a caballo durante el verano? No, no montará a caballo.
Step 1
1 of 2
In this exercise, we need to talk about our plans for the summer. We should use verbs in the future tense.

We form the future tense by **adding endings *(-é, -ás, -á -emos, -éis, -án)* to the infinitive** form of the verb.

Step 2
2 of 2
Therefore, the example of the **answer** could be:

A: ¿Tu hermano montará a caballo durante el verano?

B: Sí, mi hermano montará a caballo durante el verano.

Exercise 5
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
¿Irás a pescar durante el verano? Sí, iré a pescar dos días a la semana.
Step 1
1 of 2
In this exercise, we need to talk about our plans for the summer. We should use verbs in the future tense.

We form the future tense by **adding endings *(-é, -ás, -á -emos, -éis, -án)* to the infinitive** form of the verb.

Step 2
2 of 2
Therefore, the example of the **answer** could be:

A: ¿Irás a pescar durante el verano?

B: No, no iré a pescar durante el verano.

Exercise 6
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
¿Tú y tus amigos mirarán la televisión durante el verano? Sí, miraremos la televisión.
Step 1
1 of 2
In this exercise, we need to talk about our plans for the summer. We should use verbs in the future tense.

We form the future tense by **adding endings *(-é, -ás, -á -emos, -éis, -án)* to the infinitive** form of the verb.

Step 2
2 of 2
Therefore, the example of the **answer** could be:

A: ¿Tú y tus amigos mirarán la televisión durante el verano?

B: Sí, yo y mis amigos miraremos la televisión todos los días.

Exercise 7
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
¿Te acostarás tarde durante el verano? No, no me acostaré tarde.
Step 1
1 of 2
In this exercise, we need to talk about our plans for the summer. We should use verbs in the future tense.

We form the future tense by **adding endings *(-é, -ás, -á -emos, -éis, -án)* to the infinitive** form of the verb.

Step 2
2 of 2
Therefore, the example of the **answer** could be:

A: ¿Te acostarás tarde durante el verano?

B: Sí, me acostaré tarde tres veces a la semana.

Exercise 8
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
¿Te levantarás tarde durante el verano? Sí, me levantaré tarde.
Step 1
1 of 2
In this exercise, we need to talk about our plans for the summer. We should use verbs in the future tense.

We form the future tense by **adding endings *(-é, -ás, -á -emos, -éis, -án)* to the infinitive** form of the verb.

Step 2
2 of 2
Therefore, the example of the **answer** could be:

A: ¿Te levantarás tarde durante el verano?

B: Sí, me levantaré tarde todos los dias.

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