All Solutions
Page 424: Actividad 1
|**Recursos naturales** |**Problemas** |**Soluciones** |
|Natural resources |Problems |Solutions |
|Recursos naturales |
|el árbol |
In this part of the exercise, take a natural resource and write two sentences explaining how it is connected to a problem and to a solution. Since answers may vary, only take the following sentence as an example:
*Los **árboles** producen oxígeno, por lo cual tenemos que **conservar** los **bosques** y luchar contra la **deforestación**.*
|**Recursos naturales** |**Problemas** |**Soluciones** |
|Natural resources |Problems |Solutions |
|Problemas |
|La deforestación |
|**Recursos naturales** |**Problemas** |**Soluciones** |
|Natural resources |Problems |Solutions |
|Soluciones |
|Los voluntarios |
|**Recursos naturales** |**Problemas** |**Soluciones** |
|Natural resources |Problems |Solutions |
|Problemas |
|Los incendios forestales |
|**Recursos naturales** |**Problemas** |**Soluciones** |
|Natural resources |Problems |Solutions |
|Recursos naturales |
|El bosque |
In this part of the exercise, take a natural resource and write two sentences explaining how it is connected to a problem and to a solution. Since answers may vary, only take the following sentence as an example:
*La **deforestación** mata los **bosques**, así que necesitamos **voluntarios** para luchar en contra de ello.*
|**Recursos naturales** |**Problemas** |**Soluciones** |
|Natural resources |Problems |Solutions |
|Problemas |
|El smog |
NOTE: Mind the pronunciation! There are two variants: one would roughly correspond to European Spanish, and the other one to American Spanish.
ES: [esˈmoɣ̞]
Am: [smoɣ̞]
|**Recursos naturales** |**Problemas** |**Soluciones** |
|Natural resources |Problems |Solutions |
|Soluciones |
|El reciclaje |
|**Recursos naturales** |**Problemas** |**Soluciones** |
|Natural resources |Problems |Solutions |
|Problemas |
|La destrucción de la capa de ozono |
|**Recursos naturales** |**Problemas** |**Soluciones** |
|Natural resources |Problems |Solutions |
|Recursos naturales |
|El petróleo |
In this part of the exercise, take a natural resource and write two sentences explaining how it is connected to a problem and to a solution. Since answers may vary, only take the following sentence as an example:
*La combustión del **petróleo** contribuye a gran medida a la **destrucción de la capa de ozono**. Por ende, nos toca optar por los **vehículos híbridos** con el fin de **conservar**la.*
|**Recursos naturales** |**Problemas** |**Soluciones** |
|Natural resources |Problems |Solutions |
|Conservar |
|**Recursos naturales** |**Problemas** |**Soluciones** |
|Natural resources |Problems |Solutions |
|Soluciones |
|Los vehículos híbridos |
|**Recursos naturales** |**Problemas** |**Soluciones** |
|Natural resources |Problems |Solutions |
|Recursos naturales |
|La selva |
In this part of the exercise, take a natural resource and write two sentences explaining how it is connected to a problem and to a solution. Since answers may vary, only take the following sentence as an example:
*Le **selva** es el hogar de muchas especies de animales y plantas, pero también de mucha gente. Debemos dejar de **deforestar** para **conservar**la.*
|**Recursos naturales** |**Problemas** |**Soluciones** |
|Natural resources |Problems |Solutions |
|Recursos naturales |
|La naturaleza |
In this part of the exercise, take a natural resource and write two sentences explaining how it is connected to a problem and to a solution. Since answers may vary, only take the following sentence as an example:
*Los **incendios forestales** destruyen la **naturaleza**. Por ende debemos emitir menos gases para cuidar la **capa de ozono**.*