All Solutions
Page 275: Actividad 3
* Let’s review the information we have learned.
* Let’s review the grammar sections ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***, ***”Usted/Ustedes Commands”.***
**English:** Start washing the carrots.
* Start washing the carrots.
**EspaƱol:** *Empezar a lavar las zanahorias.*
* *Empiecen a lavar las zanahorias.*
**1.** Taste the lettuce.
**2.** Go get more spinach.
**3.** Find this mustard.
**4.** Write the correct prices.
**5.** Give the lady some strawberries.
**6.** Know the prices of lemons.
**7.** Be organized with the oil and vinegar.
**8.** Be happy when they work.
* In this case, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Probar**”, conjugated in the present subjunctive of the third person plural: “***Prueben***”.
**EspaƱol:** *Prueben la lechuga.*
**English:** Try the lettuce.
* Let’s review the information we have learned.
* Let’s review the grammar sections ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***, ***”Usted/Ustedes Commands”.***
**English:** Start washing the carrots.
* Start washing the carrots.
**EspaƱol:** Empezar a lavar las zanahorias.
* Empiecen a lavar las zanahorias.
**1.** Taste the lettuce.
**2.** Go get more spinach.
**3.** Find this mustard.
**4.** Write the correct prices.
**5.** Give the lady some strawberries.
**6.** Know the prices of lemons.
**7.** Be organized with the oil and vinegar.
**8.** Be happy when they work.
In this case, we must use the “**Usted**” form of the verb “**Traer**”, conjugated in the present subjunctive of the third person plural: “***Traigan***”.
**EspaƱol**: *Traigan mƔs espinacas.*
**English**: Bring more spinach.
* Let’s review the information we have learned.
* Let’s review the grammar sections ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***, ***”Usted/Ustedes Commands”.***
**English:** Start washing the carrots.
* Start washing the carrots.
**EspaƱol:** Empezar a lavar las zanahorias.
* Empiecen a lavar las zanahorias.
**1.** Taste the lettuce.
**2.** Go get more spinach.
**3.** Find this mustard.
**4.** Write the correct prices.
**5.** Give the lady some strawberries.
**6.** Know the prices of lemons.
**7.** Be organized with the oil and vinegar.
**8.** Be happy when they work.
* In this case, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Buscar**”, conjugated in the present subjunctive of the third person plural: “**Busquen**”.
**EspaƱol**: *Busquen esta mostaza.*
**English**: Look for this mustard.
* Let’s review the information we have learned.
* Let’s review the grammar sections ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***, ***”Usted/Ustedes Commands”.***
**English:** Start washing the carrots.
* Start washing the carrots.
**EspaƱol:** Empezar a lavar las zanahorias.
* Empiecen a lavar las zanahorias.
**1.** Taste the lettuce.
**2.** Go get more spinach.
**3.** Find this mustard.
**4.** Write the correct prices.
**5.** Give the lady some strawberries.
**6.** Know the prices of lemons.
**7.** Be organized with the oil and vinegar.
**8.** Be happy when they work.
* In this case, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Escribirr**”, conjugated in the present subjunctive of the third person plural: “**Escriban**”.
**EspaƱol**: Escriban los precios correctos.
**English**: Write the correct prices.
* Let’s review the information we have learned.
* Let’s review the grammar sections ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***, ***”Usted/Ustedes Commands”.***
**English:** Start washing the carrots.
* Start washing the carrots.
**EspaƱol:** Empezar a lavar las zanahorias.
* Empiecen a lavar las zanahorias.
**1.** Taste the lettuce.
**2.** Go get more spinach.
**3.** Find this mustard.
**4.** Write the correct prices.
**5.** Give the lady some strawberries.
**6.** Know the prices of lemons.
**7.** Be organized with the oil and vinegar.
**8.** Be happy when they work.
* In this case, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Dar**”, conjugated in the present subjunctive of the third person plural: “**Den**”, followed by the pronoun of object “Le”.
**EspaƱol**: ****Denle*** unas fresas a la seƱora.*
**English**: Give some strawberries to the lady.
* Let’s review the information we have learned.
* Let’s review the grammar sections ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***, ***”Usted/Ustedes Commands”.***
**English:** Start washing the carrots.
* Start washing the carrots.
**EspaƱol:** Empezar a lavar las zanahorias.
* Empiecen a lavar las zanahorias.
**1.** Taste the lettuce.
**2.** Go get more spinach.
**3.** Find this mustard.
**4.** Write the correct prices.
**5.** Give the lady some strawberries.
**6.** Know the prices of lemons.
**7.** Be organized with the oil and vinegar.
**8.** Be happy when they work.
In this case, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Saber**”, conjugated in the present subjunctive of the third person plural: “***Sepan***”.
**EspaƱol**: ***Sepan** el precio de los limones.*
**English**: Know the price of lemons.
* Let’s review the information we have learned.
* Let’s review the grammar sections ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***, ***”Usted/Ustedes Commands”.***
**English:** Start washing the carrots.
* Start washing the carrots.
**EspaƱol:** *Empezar a lavar las zanahorias.*
* *Empiecen a lavar las zanahorias.*
**1.** Taste the lettuce.
**2.** Go get more spinach.
**3.** Find this mustard.
**4.** Write the correct prices.
**5.** Give the lady some strawberries.
**6.** Know the prices of lemons.
**7.** Be organized with the oil and vinegar.
**8.** Be happy when they work.
* In this case, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Ser**”, conjugated in the present subjunctive of the third person plural: “***Sean***”.
**EspaƱol:** ****Sean*** organizados con el aceite y vinagre.*
**English:** Be organized with the oil and vinegar.
* Let’s review the information we have learned.
* Let’s review the grammar sections ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***, ***”Usted/Ustedes Commands”.***
**English:** Start washing the carrots.
* Start washing the carrots.
**EspaƱol:** *Empezar a lavar las zanahorias.*
* *Empiecen a lavar las zanahorias.*
**1.** Taste the lettuce.
**2.** Go get more spinach.
**3.** Find this mustard.
**4.** Write the correct prices.
**5.** Give the lady some strawberries.
**6.** Know the prices of lemons.
**7.** Be organized with the oil and vinegar.
**8.** Be happy when they work.
* In this case, we must use the **”Ustedes”** form of the verb **”Estar”**, conjugated in the present subjunctive of the third person plural: **”EstĆ©n”.**
**EspaƱol:** ***EstƩn** contentos cuando trabajen.*
**English:** Be happy when you work.