All Solutions
Page 265: Actividad 14
We must carefully read the section ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***
* Clean bathrooms.
**English:** Do we have to clean the bathrooms?
**Español:** ¿Debemos limpiar los baños?
**Affirmative:** Yes, clean them.
**Negative:** No, they don’t clean them.
**Affirmative:** Sí, límpienlos.
**Negative:** No, no los limpien.
| |**English** |**Español** |
|1. |Sweep the floor.|Barrer el suelo. | | |
|2. |Mow the lawn.|Cortar el césped. | | |
|3. | Take out the garbage. |Sacar la basura. | | |
|4. |Wash the dishes. |Lavar los platos. | | |
|5. |Make the beds. |Hacer las camas. | | |
|6. |Vacuuming. |Pasar la aspiradora. | | |
|7. | Set the table. |Poner la mesa.| | |
|8. |Feed the dog. |Darle de comer al perro. | | |
* In this case, to answer in the affirmative, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Barrer**”, conjugated in the third person plural subjunctive: “***Barran***”, followed by the object pronoun “**Lo**”.
|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que barrer el suelo*? |Do we have to sweep the floor? |
| *Sí, bárran***lo.**|Yes, sweep it.|
|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que barrer el suelo*? |Do we have to sweep the floor? |
| *No, no **lo*** ***barran***. |No, don’t sweep it.|
We must carefully read the section ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***
* Clean bathrooms.
**English:** Do we have to clean the bathrooms?
**Español:** ¿Debemos limpiar los baños?
**Affirmative:** Yes, clean them.
**Negative:** No, they don’t clean them.
**Affirmative:** Sí, límpienlos.
**Negative:** No, no los limpien.
| |**English** |**Español** |
| 1. |Sweep the floor. |*Barrer el suelo.*|
| 2. |Mow the lawn. |*Cortar el césped.*|
| 3. |Take out the garbage. |*Sacar la basura.*|
| 4. |Wash the dishes. |*Lavar los platos.*|
| 5. |Make the beds. |*Hacer las camas.*|
| 6. |Vacuuming. |*Pasar la aspiradora.*|
| 7. |Set the table. |*Poner la mesa.*|
| 8. |Feed the dog. |*Darle de comer al perro.*|
* In this case, to answer in the affirmative, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Cortar**”, conjugated in the subjunctive of the third person of the plural: “***Conten***”, followed by the object pronoun “**Lo**”.
|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que cortar el césped?* |Do we have to mow the lawn?|
| *Sí, córten***lo.**|Yes, cut it.|
|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que cortar el césped?* |Do we have to mow the lawn?||
*No, no **lo** **corten**.* |No, don’t cut it.|
We must carefully read the section ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***
* Clean bathrooms.
**English:** Do we have to clean the bathrooms?
**Español:** ¿Debemos limpiar los baños?
**Affirmative:** Yes, clean them.
**Negative:** No, they don’t clean them.
**Affirmative:** Sí, límpienlos.
**Negative:** No, no los limpien.
| |**English** |**Español** |
| 1. |Sweep the floor. |*Barrer el suelo.*|
| 2. |Mow the lawn. |*Cortar el césped.*|
| 3. |Take out the garbage. |*Sacar la basura.*|
| 4. |Wash the dishes. |*Lavar los platos.*|
| 5. |Make the beds. |*Hacer las camas.*|
| 6. |Vacuuming. |*Pasar la aspiradora.*|
| 7. |Set the table. |*Poner la mesa.*|
| 8. |Feed the dog. |*Darle de comer al perro.*|
* In this case, to answer in the affirmative, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Sacar**”, conjugated in the subjunctive of the third person of the plural: “***Saquen***”, followed by the object pronoun “**La**”.
|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que sacar la basura?* |Do we have to take out the garbage?|
| *Sí, sáquen**la.***|Yes, take it out.|
|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que sacar la basura?* |Do we have to take out the garbage?|
| *No, no **la** ***saquen.****| No, don’t take it out.|
We must carefully read the section ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***
* Clean bathrooms.
**English:** Do we have to clean the bathrooms?
**Español:** ¿Debemos limpiar los baños?
**Affirmative:** Yes, clean them.
**Negative:** No, they don’t clean them.
**Affirmative:** Sí, límpienlos.
**Negative:** No, no los limpien.
| |**English** |**Español** |
| 1. |Sweep the floor. |*Barrer el suelo.*|
| 2. |Mow the lawn. |*Cortar el césped.*|
| 3. |Take out the garbage. |*Sacar la basura.*|
| 4. |Wash the dishes. |*Lavar los platos.*|
| 5. |Make the beds. |*Hacer las camas.*|
| 6. |Vacuuming. |*Pasar la aspiradora.*|
| 7. |Set the table. |*Poner la mesa.*|
| 8. |Feed the dog. |*Darle de comer al perro.*|
* In this case, to answer in the affirmative, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Lavar**”, conjugated in the subjunctive of the third person of the plural: “***Laven***”, followed by the object pronoun “**Los**”.
|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que lavar los platos?* |Do we have to wash the dishes?|
| *Sí, láven**los.***|Yes, wash them.|
|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que lavar los platos?* |Do we have to wash the dishes?|
| *No, no los **laven.***|No, don’t wash them.|
We must carefully read the section ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***
* Clean bathrooms.
**English:** Do we have to clean the bathrooms?
**Español:** ¿Debemos limpiar los baños?
**Affirmative:** Yes, clean them.
**Negative:** No, they don’t clean them.
**Affirmative:** Sí, límpienlos.
**Negative:** No, no los limpien.
| |**English** |**Español** |
| 1. |Sweep the floor. |*Barrer el suelo.*|
| 2. |Mow the lawn. |*Cortar el césped.*|
| 3. |Take out the garbage. |*Sacar la basura.*|
| 4. |Wash the dishes. |*Lavar los platos.*|
| 5. |Make the beds. |*Hacer las camas.*|
| 6. |Vacuuming. |*Pasar la aspiradora.*|
| 7. |Set the table. |*Poner la mesa.*|
| 8. |Feed the dog. |*Darle de comer al perro.*|
* In this case, to answer in the affirmative, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Hacer**”, conjugated in the subjunctive of the third person of the plural: “***Hagan***”, followed by the object pronoun “**Las**”.
|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que hacer las camas?* |Do we have to make the beds?|
| *Sí, hágan**las.*** |Yes, do them.|
|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que hacer las camas?* |Do we have to make the beds?|
| *No, no **las** **hagan.***|No, don’t make them.|
We must carefully read the section ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***
* Clean bathrooms.
**English:** Do we have to clean the bathrooms?
**Español:** ¿Debemos limpiar los baños?
**Affirmative:** Yes, clean them.
**Negative:** No, they don’t clean them.
**Affirmative:** Sí, límpienlos.
**Negative:** No, no los limpien.
| |**English** |**Español** |
| 1. |Sweep the floor. |*Barrer el suelo.*|
| 2. |Mow the lawn. |*Cortar el césped.*|
| 3. |Take out the garbage. |*Sacar la basura.*|
| 4. |Wash the dishes. |*Lavar los platos.*|
| 5. |Make the beds. |*Hacer las camas.*|
| 6. |Vacuuming. |*Pasar la aspiradora.*|
| 7. |Set the table. |*Poner la mesa.*|
| 8. |Feed the dog. |*Darle de comer al perro.*|
* In this case, to answer in the affirmative, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Pasar**”, conjugated in the subjunctive of the third person of the plural: “***Pasen***”, followed by the object pronoun “**La**”.
|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que pasar la aspiradora?* |Do we have to vacuum?|
| *Sí, pásen***la.** |Yes, pass it on.|
|**Español** |**English** |
|¿Tenemos que pasar la aspiradora?* |Do we have to vacuum?|
| No, no **la** ***pasen.***|No, don’t pass it on.|
We must carefully read the section ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***
* Clean bathrooms.
**English:** Do we have to clean the bathrooms?
**Español:** ¿Debemos limpiar los baños?
**Affirmative:** Yes, clean them.
**Negative:** No, they don’t clean them.
**Affirmative:** Sí, límpienlos.
**Negative:** No, no los limpien.
| |**English** |**Español** |
| 1. |Sweep the floor. |*Barrer el suelo.*|
| 2. |Mow the lawn. |*Cortar el césped.*|
| 3. |Take out the garbage. |*Sacar la basura.*|
| 4. |Wash the dishes. |*Lavar los platos.*|
| 5. |Make the beds. |*Hacer las camas.*|
| 6. |Vacuuming. |*Pasar la aspiradora.*|
| 7. |Set the table. |*Poner la mesa.*|
| 8. |Feed the dog. |*Darle de comer al perro.*|
* In this case, to answer in the affirmative, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Poner**”, conjugated in the subjunctive of the third person of the plural: “***Pongan***”, followed by the object pronoun “**La**”.
|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que poner la mesa?* |Do we have to set the table?|
| *Sí, póngan**la***. |Yes, set the table.|
|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que poner la mesa?* |Do we have to set the table?|
| *No, no **la pongan***.|No, don’t set the table.|
We must carefully read the section ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***
* Clean bathrooms.
**English:** Do we have to clean the bathrooms?
**Español:** ¿Debemos limpiar los baños?
**Affirmative:** Yes, clean them.
**Negative:** No, they don’t clean them.
**Affirmative:** Sí, límpienlos.
**Negative:** No, no los limpien.
| |**English** |**Español** |
| 1. |Sweep the floor. |*Barrer el suelo.*|
| 2. |Mow the lawn. |*Cortar el césped.*|
| 3. |Take out the garbage. |*Sacar la basura.*|
| 4. |Wash the dishes. |*Lavar los platos.*|
| 5. |Make the beds. |*Hacer las camas.*|
| 6. |Vacuuming. |*Pasar la aspiradora.*|
| 7. |Set the table. |*Poner la mesa.*|
| 8. |Feed the dog. |*Darle de comer al perro.*|
* In this case, to answer in the affirmative, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Dar**”, conjugated in the subjunctive of the third person of the plural: “***Den***”, followed by the object pronoun “**Le**”.
|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que darle de comer al perro?* |Do we have to feed the dog?|
| *Sí, den**le*** de comer. |Yes, feed him.|
|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que darle de comer al perro?* |Do we have to feed the dog?|
| *No, no **le** den de comer.* |No, don’t feed him.|