Avancemos 2
Avancemos 2
1st Edition
Holt McDougal
ISBN: 9780554025322
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 265: Actividad 14

Exercise 1
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Sí, bárranlo.
Step 1
1 of 7
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 7
In this exercise, we and our sibling have to do some chores before we go out. Which are? Let’s ask our mother or our father if we have to do the following activities. Let’s use the model as a guide.

Step 3
3 of 7

We must carefully read the section ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***

Step 4
4 of 7
**The model reads:**

* Clean bathrooms.

**English:** Do we have to clean the bathrooms?

**Español:** ¿Debemos limpiar los baños?


**Affirmative:** Yes, clean them.

**Negative:** No, they don’t clean them.


**Affirmative:** Sí, límpienlos.

**Negative:** No, no los limpien.

Step 5
5 of 7
**The activities are:**

| |**English** |**Español** |
|1. |Sweep the floor.|Barrer el suelo. | | |
|2. |Mow the lawn.|Cortar el césped. | | |
|3. | Take out the garbage. |Sacar la basura. | | |
|4. |Wash the dishes. |Lavar los platos. | | |
|5. |Make the beds. |Hacer las camas. | | |
|6. |Vacuuming. |Pasar la aspiradora. | | |
|7. | Set the table. |Poner la mesa.| | |
|8. |Feed the dog. |Darle de comer al perro. | | |

Step 6
6 of 7
**The answer to the first sentence of the exercise is:**

* In this case, to answer in the affirmative, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Barrer**”, conjugated in the third person plural subjunctive: “***Barran***”, followed by the object pronoun “**Lo**”.


|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que barrer el suelo*? |Do we have to sweep the floor? |
| *Sí, bárran***lo.**|Yes, sweep it.|

Step 7
7 of 7
* To answer in the negative, we must use the object pronoun “**Lo**” after “**No**” and before the verb “**Barrer**”, conjugated in the third person plural subjuntive: “***Barran***”.


|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que barrer el suelo*? |Do we have to sweep the floor? |
| *No, no **lo*** ***barran***. |No, don’t sweep it.|

Exercise 2
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
No, no lo corten.
Step 1
1 of 7
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 7
In this exercise, we and our sibling have to do some chores before we go out. Which are? Let’s ask our mother or our father if we have to do the following activities. Let’s use the model as a guide.

Step 3
3 of 7

We must carefully read the section ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***

Step 4
4 of 7
**The model reads:**

* Clean bathrooms.

**English:** Do we have to clean the bathrooms?

**Español:** ¿Debemos limpiar los baños?


**Affirmative:** Yes, clean them.

**Negative:** No, they don’t clean them.


**Affirmative:** Sí, límpienlos.

**Negative:** No, no los limpien.

Step 5
5 of 7
**The activities are:**

| |**English** |**Español** |
| 1. |Sweep the floor. |*Barrer el suelo.*|
| 2. |Mow the lawn. |*Cortar el césped.*|
| 3. |Take out the garbage. |*Sacar la basura.*|
| 4. |Wash the dishes. |*Lavar los platos.*|
| 5. |Make the beds. |*Hacer las camas.*|
| 6. |Vacuuming. |*Pasar la aspiradora.*|
| 7. |Set the table. |*Poner la mesa.*|
| 8. |Feed the dog. |*Darle de comer al perro.*|

Step 6
6 of 7
**The answer to the second sentence of the exercise is:**

* In this case, to answer in the affirmative, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Cortar**”, conjugated in the subjunctive of the third person of the plural: “***Conten***”, followed by the object pronoun “**Lo**”.


|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que cortar el césped?* |Do we have to mow the lawn?|
| *Sí, córten***lo.**|Yes, cut it.|

Step 7
7 of 7
* To answer in the negative, we must use the object pronoun “**Lo**” after “**No**” and before the verb “**Cortar**”, conjugated in the third person plural subjuntive: “***Corten***”.


|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que cortar el césped?* |Do we have to mow the lawn?||
*No, no **lo** **corten**.* |No, don’t cut it.|

Exercise 3
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Sí, sáquenla.
Step 1
1 of 7
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 7
In this exercise, we and our sibling have to do some chores before we go out. Which are? Let’s ask our mother or our father if we have to do the following activities. Let’s use the model as a guide.

Step 3
3 of 7

We must carefully read the section ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***

Step 4
4 of 7
**The model reads:**

* Clean bathrooms.

**English:** Do we have to clean the bathrooms?

**Español:** ¿Debemos limpiar los baños?


**Affirmative:** Yes, clean them.

**Negative:** No, they don’t clean them.


**Affirmative:** Sí, límpienlos.

**Negative:** No, no los limpien.

Step 5
5 of 7
**The activities are:**

| |**English** |**Español** |
| 1. |Sweep the floor. |*Barrer el suelo.*|
| 2. |Mow the lawn. |*Cortar el césped.*|
| 3. |Take out the garbage. |*Sacar la basura.*|
| 4. |Wash the dishes. |*Lavar los platos.*|
| 5. |Make the beds. |*Hacer las camas.*|
| 6. |Vacuuming. |*Pasar la aspiradora.*|
| 7. |Set the table. |*Poner la mesa.*|
| 8. |Feed the dog. |*Darle de comer al perro.*|

Step 6
6 of 7
**The answer to the third sentence of the exercise is:**

* In this case, to answer in the affirmative, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Sacar**”, conjugated in the subjunctive of the third person of the plural: “***Saquen***”, followed by the object pronoun “**La**”.

|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que sacar la basura?* |Do we have to take out the garbage?|
| *Sí, sáquen**la.***|Yes, take it out.|

Step 7
7 of 7
* To answer in the negative, we must use the object pronoun “**La**” after “**No**” and before the verb “**Sacar**”, conjugated in the third person plural subjunctive: “***Saquen***”.

|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que sacar la basura?* |Do we have to take out the garbage?|
| *No, no **la** ***saquen.****| No, don’t take it out.|

Exercise 4
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Sí, lávenlos.
Step 1
1 of 7
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 7
In this exercise, we and our sibling have to do some chores before we go out. Which are? Let’s ask our mother or our father if we have to do the following activities. Let’s use the model as a guide.

Step 3
3 of 7

We must carefully read the section ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***

Step 4
4 of 7
**The model reads:**

* Clean bathrooms.

**English:** Do we have to clean the bathrooms?

**Español:** ¿Debemos limpiar los baños?


**Affirmative:** Yes, clean them.

**Negative:** No, they don’t clean them.


**Affirmative:** Sí, límpienlos.

**Negative:** No, no los limpien.

Step 5
5 of 7
**The activities are:**

| |**English** |**Español** |
| 1. |Sweep the floor. |*Barrer el suelo.*|
| 2. |Mow the lawn. |*Cortar el césped.*|
| 3. |Take out the garbage. |*Sacar la basura.*|
| 4. |Wash the dishes. |*Lavar los platos.*|
| 5. |Make the beds. |*Hacer las camas.*|
| 6. |Vacuuming. |*Pasar la aspiradora.*|
| 7. |Set the table. |*Poner la mesa.*|
| 8. |Feed the dog. |*Darle de comer al perro.*|

Step 6
6 of 7
**The answer to the fourth sentence of the exercise is:**

* In this case, to answer in the affirmative, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Lavar**”, conjugated in the subjunctive of the third person of the plural: “***Laven***”, followed by the object pronoun “**Los**”.


|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que lavar los platos?* |Do we have to wash the dishes?|
| *Sí, láven**los.***|Yes, wash them.|

Step 7
7 of 7
* To answer in the negative, we must use the object pronoun **”Los”** after **”No”** and before the verb **”Lavar”**, conjugated in the third person plural subjuntive: ***”Laven”.***

|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que lavar los platos?* |Do we have to wash the dishes?|
| *No, no los **laven.***|No, don’t wash them.|

Exercise 5
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
No, no las hagan.
Step 1
1 of 7
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 7
In this exercise, we and our sibling have to do some chores before we go out. Which are? Let’s ask our mother or our father if we have to do the following activities. Let’s use the model as a guide.

Step 3
3 of 7

We must carefully read the section ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***

Step 4
4 of 7
**The model reads:**

* Clean bathrooms.

**English:** Do we have to clean the bathrooms?

**Español:** ¿Debemos limpiar los baños?


**Affirmative:** Yes, clean them.

**Negative:** No, they don’t clean them.


**Affirmative:** Sí, límpienlos.

**Negative:** No, no los limpien.

Step 5
5 of 7
**The activities are:**

| |**English** |**Español** |
| 1. |Sweep the floor. |*Barrer el suelo.*|
| 2. |Mow the lawn. |*Cortar el césped.*|
| 3. |Take out the garbage. |*Sacar la basura.*|
| 4. |Wash the dishes. |*Lavar los platos.*|
| 5. |Make the beds. |*Hacer las camas.*|
| 6. |Vacuuming. |*Pasar la aspiradora.*|
| 7. |Set the table. |*Poner la mesa.*|
| 8. |Feed the dog. |*Darle de comer al perro.*|

Step 6
6 of 7
**The answer to the fifth sentence of the exercise is:**

* In this case, to answer in the affirmative, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Hacer**”, conjugated in the subjunctive of the third person of the plural: “***Hagan***”, followed by the object pronoun “**Las**”.


|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que hacer las camas?* |Do we have to make the beds?|
| *Sí, hágan**las.*** |Yes, do them.|

Step 7
7 of 7
* To answer in the negative, we must use the object pronoun **”Las”** after **”No”** and before the verb **”Hacer”**, conjugated in the third person plural subjunctive: ***”Hagan”.***

|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que hacer las camas?* |Do we have to make the beds?|
| *No, no **las** **hagan.***|No, don’t make them.|

Exercise 6
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Sí, pásenla.
Step 1
1 of 7
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 7
In this exercise, we and our sibling have to do some chores before we go out. Which are? Let’s ask our mother or our father if we have to do the following activities. Let’s use the model as a guide.

Step 3
3 of 7

We must carefully read the section ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***

Step 4
4 of 7
**The model reads:**

* Clean bathrooms.

**English:** Do we have to clean the bathrooms?

**Español:** ¿Debemos limpiar los baños?


**Affirmative:** Yes, clean them.

**Negative:** No, they don’t clean them.


**Affirmative:** Sí, límpienlos.

**Negative:** No, no los limpien.

Step 5
5 of 7
**The activities are:**

| |**English** |**Español** |
| 1. |Sweep the floor. |*Barrer el suelo.*|
| 2. |Mow the lawn. |*Cortar el césped.*|
| 3. |Take out the garbage. |*Sacar la basura.*|
| 4. |Wash the dishes. |*Lavar los platos.*|
| 5. |Make the beds. |*Hacer las camas.*|
| 6. |Vacuuming. |*Pasar la aspiradora.*|
| 7. |Set the table. |*Poner la mesa.*|
| 8. |Feed the dog. |*Darle de comer al perro.*|

Step 6
6 of 7
**The answer to the sixth sentence of the exercise is:**

* In this case, to answer in the affirmative, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Pasar**”, conjugated in the subjunctive of the third person of the plural: “***Pasen***”, followed by the object pronoun “**La**”.


|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que pasar la aspiradora?* |Do we have to vacuum?|
| *Sí, pásen***la.** |Yes, pass it on.|

Step 7
7 of 7
* To answer in the negative, we must use the object pronoun **”La”** after **”No”** and before the verb **”Pasar”**, conjugated in the third person plural subjunctive: ***”Pasen”.***

|**Español** |**English** |
|¿Tenemos que pasar la aspiradora?* |Do we have to vacuum?|
| No, no **la** ***pasen.***|No, don’t pass it on.|

Exercise 7
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Sí, pónganla
Step 1
1 of 7
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 7
In this exercise, we and our sibling have to do some chores before we go out. Which are? Let’s ask our mother or our father if we have to do the following activities. Let’s use the model as a guide.

Step 3
3 of 7

We must carefully read the section ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***

Step 4
4 of 7
**The model reads:**

* Clean bathrooms.

**English:** Do we have to clean the bathrooms?

**Español:** ¿Debemos limpiar los baños?


**Affirmative:** Yes, clean them.

**Negative:** No, they don’t clean them.


**Affirmative:** Sí, límpienlos.

**Negative:** No, no los limpien.

Step 5
5 of 7
**The activities are:**

| |**English** |**Español** |
| 1. |Sweep the floor. |*Barrer el suelo.*|
| 2. |Mow the lawn. |*Cortar el césped.*|
| 3. |Take out the garbage. |*Sacar la basura.*|
| 4. |Wash the dishes. |*Lavar los platos.*|
| 5. |Make the beds. |*Hacer las camas.*|
| 6. |Vacuuming. |*Pasar la aspiradora.*|
| 7. |Set the table. |*Poner la mesa.*|
| 8. |Feed the dog. |*Darle de comer al perro.*|

Step 6
6 of 7
**The answer to the seventh sentence of the exercise is:**

* In this case, to answer in the affirmative, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Poner**”, conjugated in the subjunctive of the third person of the plural: “***Pongan***”, followed by the object pronoun “**La**”.


|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que poner la mesa?* |Do we have to set the table?|
| *Sí, póngan**la***. |Yes, set the table.|

Step 7
7 of 7
* To answer in the negative, we must use the object pronoun **”La”** after **”No”** and before the verb **”Poner”**, conjugated in the third person plural subjunctive: ***”Pongan”.***

|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que poner la mesa?* |Do we have to set the table?|
| *No, no **la pongan***.|No, don’t set the table.|

Exercise 8
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
No, no le den.
Step 1
1 of 7
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 7
In this exercise, we and our sibling have to do some chores before we go out. Which are? Let’s ask our mother or our father if we have to do the following activities. Let’s use the model as a guide.

Step 3
3 of 7

We must carefully read the section ***”Pronoun Placement with Commands”***

Step 4
4 of 7
**The model reads:**

* Clean bathrooms.

**English:** Do we have to clean the bathrooms?

**Español:** ¿Debemos limpiar los baños?


**Affirmative:** Yes, clean them.

**Negative:** No, they don’t clean them.


**Affirmative:** Sí, límpienlos.

**Negative:** No, no los limpien.

Step 5
5 of 7
**The activities are:**

| |**English** |**Español** |
| 1. |Sweep the floor. |*Barrer el suelo.*|
| 2. |Mow the lawn. |*Cortar el césped.*|
| 3. |Take out the garbage. |*Sacar la basura.*|
| 4. |Wash the dishes. |*Lavar los platos.*|
| 5. |Make the beds. |*Hacer las camas.*|
| 6. |Vacuuming. |*Pasar la aspiradora.*|
| 7. |Set the table. |*Poner la mesa.*|
| 8. |Feed the dog. |*Darle de comer al perro.*|

Step 6
6 of 7
**The answer to the eighth sentence of the exercise is:**

* In this case, to answer in the affirmative, we must use the “**Ustedes**” form of the verb “**Dar**”, conjugated in the subjunctive of the third person of the plural: “***Den***”, followed by the object pronoun “**Le**”.


|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que darle de comer al perro?* |Do we have to feed the dog?|
| *Sí, den**le*** de comer. |Yes, feed him.|

Step 7
7 of 7
* To answer in the negative, we must use the object pronoun **”Le”** after **”No”** and before the verb **”Dar”**, conjugated in the third person plural subjunctive: ***”Den”.***

|**Español** |**English** |
|*¿Tenemos que darle de comer al perro?* |Do we have to feed the dog?|
| *No, no **le** den de comer.* |No, don’t feed him.|

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