All Solutions
Page 261: Para y piensa
* Let’s read carefully the “***Usted/Ustedes Commands***” from page **259**.
**1.** To do: an omelette.
**2.** To start: to cook.
**3.** To go: to the supermarket.
**4.** To beat: the eggs.
In this case, we must use the “***Usted y Ustedes***” form of the verb “**Hacer**”.
* Let’s use the subjunctive of the verb “**Hacer**” in the second person singular: “***Haga***”, for the command “**Usted**”.
**Español**: ***Haga** una tortilla.*
**English**: Make an omelette.
* Let’s use the subjunctive of the verb “**Hacer**” in the third person plural: “***Hagan***”, for the command “**Ustedes**”.
**Español**: ***Hagan** una tortilla.*
**English**: Make an ometette.
* Let’s read carefully the “***Usted/Ustedes Commands***” from page **259**.
**1.** To do: an omelette.
**2.** To start: to cook.
**3.** To go: to the supermarket.
**4.** To beat: the eggs.
In this case, we must use the “***Usted y Ustedes***” form of the verb “**Empezar**”.
* Let’s use the subjunctive of the verb “**Empezar**” in the second person singular: “***Empiece***”, for the command “**Usted**”.
**Español:** ***Empiece** a cocinar.*
**English:** Start cooking.
* Let’s use the subjunctive of the verb “**Hacer**” in the third person plural: “***Empiecen***”, for the command “**Ustedes**”.
**Español**: ***Empiecen** a cocinar.*
**English**: Start cooking.
* Let’s read carefully the “***Usted/Ustedes Commands***” from page **259**.
**1.** To do: an omelette.
**2.** To start: to cook.
**3.** To go: to the supermarket.
**4.** To beat: the eggs.
In this case, we must use the ***”Usted y Ustedes”*** form of the verb **”Ir”.**
* Let’s use the subjunctive of the verb “**Ir**” in the second person singular: ***”Vaya”,*** for the command **”Usted”.**
**Español:** ***Vaya** al supermecado.
**English:** Go to the supermarket.
* Let’s use the subjunctive of the verb “**Ir**” in the third person plural: ***”Vayan”,*** for the command **”Ustedes”.**
**Español:** ***Vayan** al supercado.*
**English:** Go to the supermarket.
* Let’s read carefully the “***Usted/Ustedes Commands***” from page **259**.
**1.** To do: an omelette.
**2.** To start: to cook.
**3.** To go: to the supermarket.
**4.** To beat: the eggs.
In this case, we must use the ***”Usted y Ustedes”*** form of the verb “Batir”.
* Let’s use the subjunctive of the verb “Batir” in the second person singular: ***”Bata”,*** for the command **”Usted”.**
**Español:** ***Bata** los huevos.*
**English:** Beat the eggs.
* Let’s use the subjunctive of the verb **”Batir”** in the third person plural: ***”Batan”***, for the command **”Ustedes”.**
**Español:** ***Batan** los huevos.*
**English:** Beat the eggs.