Avancemos 2
Avancemos 2
1st Edition
Holt McDougal
ISBN: 9780554025322
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 256: Actividad 2

Exercise 1
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Las fresas con azúcar tiene sabor dulce.
Step 1
1 of 5
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 5
In this exercise, we must decide if the following sentences are logical. If not, change them to logical sentences, using the model as a guide:

**The model reads:**

* We fry the lettuce.
It’s not logical. We fry the onion.

Step 3
3 of 5

* Let’s carefully read “***Presentación de Vocabulario***” from page **254** to page **255** and take note of the words on a separate sheet.

Step 4
4 of 5
**The sentences are:**

**1**. Strawberries with sugar have a spicy taste.

**2**. We eat snacks in the afternoon.

**3**. We boil carrots in hot vinegar.

**4**. We buy the ingredients for the recipe at the supermarket.

**5**. We have breakfast at night.

**6**. We mix the mustard with the vinegar to have a sweet taste.

Step 5
5 of 5
**Answer number 1:**

**Español**: No es lógico. Las fresas con azúcar tienen sabor dulce.

**English**: It is not logical. Strawberries with sugar have a sweet taste.

Exercise 2
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Comemos la merienda por la tarde.
Step 1
1 of 5
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 5
In this exercise, we must decide if the following sentences are logical. If not, change them to logical sentences, using the model as a guide:

**The model reads:**

* We fry the lettuce.
It’s not logical. We fry the onion.

Step 3
3 of 5

* Let’s carefully read “***Presentación de Vocabulario***” from page **254** to page **255** and take note of the words on a separate sheet.

Step 4
4 of 5
**The sentences are:**

**1**. Strawberries with sugar have a spicy taste.

**2**. We eat snacks in the afternoon.

**3**. We boil carrots in hot vinegar.

**4**. We buy the ingredients for the recipe at the supermarket.

**5**. We have breakfast at night.

**6**. We mix the mustard with the vinegar to have a sweet taste.

Step 5
5 of 5
**Answer number 2:**

**Español**: Esto es lógico. La merienda se come por las tardes.

**English**: This is logical. Snacks can be eaten in the afternoon.

Exercise 3
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Hervimos las zanahorias en agua caliente.
Step 1
1 of 5
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 5
In this exercise, we must decide if the following sentences are logical. If not, change them to logical sentences, using the model as a guide:

**The model reads:**

* We fry the lettuce.
It’s not logical. We fry the onion.

Step 3
3 of 5

* Let’s carefully read “***Presentación de Vocabulario***” from page **254** to page **255** and take note of the words on a separate sheet.

Step 4
4 of 5
**The sentences are:**

**1**. Strawberries with sugar have a spicy taste.

**2**. We eat snacks in the afternoon.

**3**. We boil carrots in hot vinegar.

**4**. We buy the ingredients for the recipe at the supermarket.

**5**. We have breakfast at night.

**6**. We mix the mustard with the vinegar to have a sweet taste.

Step 5
5 of 5
**Answer number 3:**

**Español**: No es lógico. Las zanahorias se hierven en agua caliente.
**English**: It is not logical. Carrots are boiled in hot water.

Exercise 4
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Compramos los ingredientes para la receta en el super mercado.
Step 1
1 of 5
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 5
In this exercise, we must decide if the following sentences are logical. If not, change them to logical sentences, using the model as a guide:

**The model reads:**

* We fry the lettuce.

It’s not logical. We fry the onion.

Step 3
3 of 5

* Let’s carefully read “***Presentación de Vocabulario***” from page **254** to page **255** and take note of the words on a separate sheet.

Step 4
4 of 5
**The sentences are:**

**1**. Strawberries with sugar have a spicy taste.

**2**. We eat snacks in the afternoon.

**3**. We boil carrots in hot vinegar.

**4**. We buy the ingredients for the recipe at the supermarket.

**5**. We have breakfast at night.

**6**. We mix the mustard with the vinegar to have a sweet taste.

Step 5
5 of 5
**Answer number 4:**

**Español**: Esto es lógico.

**English**: This is logical.

Exercise 5
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Desayunamos por la mañana.
Step 1
1 of 5
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 5
In this exercise, we must decide if the following sentences are logical. If not, change them to logical sentences, using the model as a guide:

**The model reads:**

* We fry the lettuce.

It’s not logical. We fry the onion.

Step 3
3 of 5

* Let’s carefully read “***Presentación de Vocabulario***” from page **254** to page **255** and take note of the words on a separate sheet.

Step 4
4 of 5
**The sentences are:**

**1**. Strawberries with sugar have a spicy taste.

**2**. We eat snacks in the afternoon.

**3**. We boil carrots in hot vinegar.

**4**. We buy the ingredients for the recipe at the supermarket.

**5**. We have breakfast at night.

**6**. We mix the mustard with the vinegar to have a sweet taste.

Step 5
5 of 5
**Answer number 5:**

**Español**: No es lógico. Desayunamos por las mañanas y cenamos por las noches.

**English**: It’s not logical. We had breakfast in the mornings and dinner in the evenings.

Exercise 6
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Mezclamos la mostaza con el vinagre para tener un sabor agrio.
Step 1
1 of 5
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 5
In this exercise, we must decide if the following sentences are logical. If not, change them to logical sentences, using the model as a guide:

**The model reads:**

* We fry the lettuce.

It’s not logical. We fry the onion.

Step 3
3 of 5

* Let’s carefully read “***Presentación de Vocabulario***” from page **254** to page **255** and take note of the words on a separate sheet.

Step 4
4 of 5
**The sentences are:**

**1**. Strawberries with sugar have a spicy taste.

**2**. We eat snacks in the afternoon.

**3**. We boil carrots in hot vinegar.

**4**. We buy the ingredients for the recipe at the supermarket.

**5**. We have breakfast at night.

**6**. We mix the mustard with the vinegar to have a sweet taste.

Step 5
5 of 5
**Answer number 6:**

**Español**: No es lógico. Mezclamos la mostaza con el vinagre para tener un sabor agrio y picante.

**English**: It’s not logical. We mix the mustard with the vinegar to have a sour and spicy taste.

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