Avancemos 2
Avancemos 2
1st Edition
Holt McDougal
ISBN: 9780554025322
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 233: Actividad 11

Exercise 1
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Sandra quiso tomar una foto del calendario azteca pero nosotros le dijimos que no.
Step 1
1 of 6
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 6
***”No photos allowed in the museum. Say what happened”.***

In this exercise, we must form a sentence with the names provided in each image, using the model as a guide.

Step 3
3 of 6
**The model reads:**

Beto / the guide

**Beto** wanted to take a photo of the sculpture
but the **guide** told him not to.

Step 4
4 of 6

* We should review the information we have studied so far.

* Let’s remember to use the preterite to form our sentences.

Step 5
5 of 6
**The names and images are:**

**1**. English: Sandra / Us.

**Español**: *Sandra* / *Nosotros*

**In the image we can see an Aztec calendar** (Calendario Azteca).

**2**. I / You.

**Español**: *Yo* / *Tú*

**In the image we can see a sculpture** (Escultura).

**3**. Jorge / my friends.

**Español**: *Jorge* / *mis amigos.*

**In the image we can see some tools** (Herramientas).

**4**. You, the director.

**Español**: Tú, la directora.

**In the image we can see a painting** (Una pintura).

**5**. My parents / me.

**Español:** Mis padres / yo.

**In the picture we can see some vessels** (Vasijas).

**6**. We / the teacher.

**Español**: Nosotros / el profesor.

**In the image we can see some necklaces** (Collares).

Step 6
6 of 6
**Sample answer for the first sentence:**

* In this case, we must use the indicative past tense of the verb **”Querer”**, conjugated in the third person singular **”Ella”**, (***Sandra***), **”Quiso”** and the indicative past tense of the verb **”Dejar”**, conjugated in the first plural person (**Nosotros**) **”Dejamos”**, after the indirect object pronoun **”Le”**.

**Español**: ***Sandra*** **quiso** tomarle una foto del calendario Azteca, pero no ***nosotros*** ***le dijimos*** que no.

**English**: Sandra wanted to take a picture of the Aztec calendar, but we told her not to.

Exercise 2
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Yo quise tomar una foto de la escultura de piedra pero tú me dijiste que no.
Step 1
1 of 6
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 6
**”No photos allowed in the museum. Say what happened”.**

In this exercise, we must form a sentence with the names provided in each image, using the model as a guide.

Step 3
3 of 6
**The model reads:**

Beto / the guide

**Beto** wanted to take a photo of the sculpture but the **guide** told him not to.

Step 4
4 of 6

– We should review the information we have studied so far.

– Let’s remember to use the preterite to form our sentences.

Step 5
5 of 6
**The names and images are:**

**1**. English: Sandra / Us.

**Español**: *Sandra* / *Nosotros*

**In the image we can see an Aztec calendar** (Calendario Azteca).

**2**. I / You.

**Español**: *Yo* / *Tú*

**In the image we can see a sculpture** (Escultura).

**3**. Jorge / my friends.

**Español**: *Jorge* / *mis amigos.*

**In the image we can see some tools** (Herramientas).

**4**. You, the director.

**Español**: Tú, la directora.

**In the image we can see a painting** (Una pintura).

**5**. My parents / me.

**Español:** Mis padres / yo.

**In the picture we can see some vessels** (Vasijas).

**6**. We / the teacher.

**Español**: Nosotros / el profesor.

**In the image we can see some necklaces** (Collares).res).

Step 6
6 of 6
**Sample answer for the second sentence:**

* In this case, we must use the indicative past tense of the verb **”Querer”**, conjugated in the first person singular **(Yo)**, **”Quise”** and the indicative past tense of the verb **”Decir”**, conjugated in the second person singular **(Tú)** **”Dijiste”**, after the indirect object pronoun **”Me”**.

**Español**: **Yo** ***quise*** tomar una foto de la escultura, pero **tú** ***me dijiste*** que no.

**English**: **I** ***wanted*** to take a picture of the sculpture, but **you** ***told*** me not to.

Exercise 3
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Jorge quiso tomar una foto de las herramientas pero mis amigos le dijeron que no.
Step 1
1 of 6
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 6
**”No photos allowed in the museum. Say what happened”.**

In this exercise, we must form a sentence with the names provided in each image, using the model as a guide.

Step 3
3 of 6
**The model reads:**

Beto / the guide

**Beto** wanted to take a photo of the sculpture but the **guide** told him not to.

Step 4
4 of 6

– We should review the information we have studied so far.

– Let’s remember to use the preterite to form our sentences.

Step 5
5 of 6
**The names and images are:**

**1**. English: Sandra / Us.

**Español**: *Sandra* / *Nosotros*

**In the image we can see an Aztec calendar** (Calendario Azteca).

**2**. I / You.

**Español**: *Yo* / *Tú*

**In the image we can see a sculpture** (Escultura).

**3**. Jorge / my friends.

**Español**: *Jorge* / *mis amigos.*

**In the image we can see some tools** (Herramientas).

**4**. You, the director.

**Español**: Tú, la directora.

**In the image we can see a painting** (Una pintura).

**5**. My parents / me.

**Español:** Mis padres / yo.

**In the picture we can see some vessels** (Vasijas).

**6**. We / the teacher.

**Español**: Nosotros / el profesor.

**In the image we can see some necklaces** (Collares).

Step 6
6 of 6
**Sample answer for the third sentence:**

* In this case, we must use the indicative past tense of the verb “**Querer**”, conjugated in the third person singular “**Él**”, (**Jorge**), “**Quiso**” and the indicative past tense of the verb “**Decir**”, conjugated in the third person plural “**Ellos**” (**Mis amigos**), “**Dijeron**”, after the indirect object pronoun “**Le**”.

**Español**: **Jorge** ***quiso*** tomar una foto de las herramientas, pero **mis amigos** ***le dijeron*** que no.

**English**: **Jorge** ***wanted*** to take a picture of the tools, but **my friends** ***told*** him not to.

Exercise 4
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Tú le quisiste tomar una foto a la pintura pero la directora te dijo que no.
Step 1
1 of 6
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.
Step 2
2 of 6
**”No photos allowed in the museum. Say what happened”.**

In this exercise, we must form a sentence with the names provided in each image, using the model as a guide.

Step 3
3 of 6
**The model reads:**

Beto / the guide

**Beto** wanted to take a photo of the sculpture but the **guide** told him not to.

Step 4
4 of 6

– We should review the information we have studied so far.

– Let’s remember to use the preterite to form our sentences.

Step 5
5 of 6
**The names and images are:**

**1**. English: Sandra / Us.

**Español**: *Sandra* / *Nosotros*

**In the image we can see an Aztec calendar** (Calendario Azteca).

**2**. I / You.

**Español**: *Yo* / *Tú*

**In the image we can see a sculpture** (Escultura).

**3**. Jorge / my friends.

**Español**: *Jorge* / *mis amigos.*

**In the image we can see some tools** (Herramientas).

**4**. You, the director.

**Español**: Tú, la directora.

**In the image we can see a painting** (Una pintura).

**5**. My parents / me.

**Español:** Mis padres / yo.

**In the picture we can see some vessels** (Vasijas).

**6**. We / the teacher.

**Español**: Nosotros / el profesor.

**In the image we can see some necklaces** (Collares).

Step 6
6 of 6
**Sample answer for the fourth sentence:**

* In this case, we must use the indicative past tense of the verb “**Querer**”, conjugated in the second person singular (**Tú**), “**Quisiste**” and the indicative past tense of the verb “**Decir**”, conjugated in the third person singular “**Ella**” (**La directora**), “**Dijo**”, after the indirect object pronoun “**Te**”.

**Español**: Tú ***quisiste*** tomar una foto de la pintura, pero la directora ***te dijo*** que no.

**English**: You **wanted** to take a photo of the painting, but **the director told you** not to.

Exercise 5
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Mis padres quisieron tomarle una foto a las artesanías de cerámica pero yo les dije que no.
Step 1
1 of 6
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 6
**”No photos allowed in the museum. Say what happened”.**

In this exercise, we must form a sentence with the names provided in each image, using the model as a guide.

Step 3
3 of 6
**The model reads:**

Beto / the guide

**Beto** wanted to take a photo of the sculpture but the **guide** told him not to.

Step 4
4 of 6

– We should review the information we have studied so far.

– Let’s remember to use the preterite to form our sentences.

Step 5
5 of 6
**The names and images are:**

**1**. English: Sandra / Us.

**Español**: *Sandra* / *Nosotros*

**In the image we can see an Aztec calendar** (Calendario Azteca).

**2**. I / You.

**Español**: *Yo* / *Tú*

**In the image we can see a sculpture** (Escultura).

**3**. Jorge / my friends.

**Español**: *Jorge* / *mis amigos.*

**In the image we can see some tools** (Herramientas).

**4**. You, the director.

**Español**: Tú, la directora.

**In the image we can see a painting** (Una pintura).

**5**. My parents / me.

**Español:** Mis padres / yo.

**In the picture we can see some vessels** (Vasijas).

**6**. We / the teacher.

**Español**: Nosotros / el profesor.

**In the image we can see some necklaces** (Collares).

Step 6
6 of 6
**Sample answer for the fifth sentence:**

* In this case, we must use the indicative past tense of the verb “**Querer**”, conjugated in the third person plural “**Ellos**” (**Mis padres**) “**Quisieron**” and the indicative past tense of the verb “**Decir**”, conjugated in the first person plural. singular (**Yo**), after the indirect object pronoun “**Les**”.

**Español**: Mis padres ***quisieron*** tomar una foto de las vasijas, pero yo ***les dije*** que no.

**English**: My parents **wanted** to take a picture of the vessels, but I **told them** not to.

Exercise 6
Solution 1
Solution 2
1 of 1
Nosotros quisimos tomarle una foto a los collares pero el profesor nos dijo que no.
Step 1
1 of 6
As with every exercise, we must first read the problem statement and understand what it asks of us.

Step 2
2 of 6
**”No photos allowed in the museum. Say what happened”.**

In this exercise, we must form a sentence with the names provided in each image, using the model as a guide.

Step 3
3 of 6
**The model reads:**

Beto / the guide

**Beto** wanted to take a photo of the sculpture but the **guide** told him not to.

Step 4
4 of 6

– We should review the information we have studied so far.

– Let’s remember to use the preterite to form our sentences.

Step 5
5 of 6
**The names and images are:**

**1**. English: Sandra / Us.

**Español**: *Sandra* / *Nosotros*

**In the image we can see an Aztec calendar** (Calendario Azteca).

**2**. I / You.

**Español**: *Yo* / *Tú*

**In the image we can see a sculpture** (Escultura).

**3**. Jorge / my friends.

**Español**: *Jorge* / *mis amigos.*

**In the image we can see some tools** (Herramientas).

**4**. You, the director.

**Español**: Tú, la directora.

**In the image we can see a painting** (Una pintura).

**5**. My parents / me.

**Español:** Mis padres / yo.

**In the picture we can see some vessels** (Vasijas).

**6**. We / the teacher.

**Español**: Nosotros / el profesor.

**In the image we can see some necklaces** (Collares).

Step 6
6 of 6
**Sample answer for the sixth sentence:**

* In this case, we must use the indicative past tense of the verb “**Querer**”, conjugated in the first person plural (**Nosotros**) “**Quisimos**” and the indicative past tense of the verb “**Decir**”, conjugated in the third person singular “**Él**” (**El profesor**), after the indirect object pronoun “**Nos**”.

**Español**: Nosotros ***quisimos*** tomar una foto de los collares, pero el profesor ***nos dijo*** que no.

**English**: We **wanted** to take a picture of the necklaces, but the teacher **told us** not to.

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