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Page 224: Actividad 2
The example reads: It is between the café and the museum, in front of the square.
* It’s the traffic light.
**Español**: *Está en la esquina de la calle MarĂa y la avenida Sombra*.
* *Es el semáforo*.
* It is important that we carefully observe the image they show us.
* We should also carefully review the information we have been studying in **Unidad 4**.
**English**: It is in the center of the square.
**Español**: *Está en el centro de la plaza.*
**Español**: Lo que está en el centro de la plaza es ***la estatua.***
**English**: What is located in the center of the square is ***the statue.***
**English**: It is on the corner of MarĂa Street and Sombra Avenue.
* It’s the traffic light.
**Español**: *Está en la esquina de la calle MarĂa y la avenida Sombra*.
* *Es el semáforo*.
* It is important that we carefully observe the image they show us.
* We should also carefully review the information we have been studying in **Unidad 4**.
**English**: This building is on the corner of Sol Avenue and MarĂa Street.
**Español**: *Este edificio está en la esquina de la avenida Sol y la calle MarĂa*.
**Español**: El edificio que está en la esquina de la avenida Sol y la calle MarĂa es ***el rascacielos***.
**English**: The building on the corner of Avenida Sol and Calle MarĂa is ***the skyscraper.***
* It’s the traffic light.
**Español**: *Está en la esquina de la calle MarĂa y la avenida Sombra*.
* *Es el semáforo*.
* It is important that we carefully observe the image they show us.
* We should also carefully review the information we have been studying in **Unidad 4**.
**English**: If you leave the temple and turn right, you will get to this street.
**Español**: *Si sales del templo y doblas a la derecha, llegas a esta calle*.
**Español**: Si sales del templo y doblas a la derecha, llegas a la ***calle MarĂa***.
**English**: If you leave the temple and turn right, you come to ***MarĂa Street***.
*agriculture, the tool, the pyramid, the farmer*
We can conclude that the word *la pirámide* (“the pyramid”) does not belong to the group.
*temple, to build, religion, cathedral*
We can conclude that the word *construir* (“to build”) does not belong to the group.