Avancemos 2
Avancemos 2
1st Edition
Holt McDougal
ISBN: 9780554025322
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 213: Actividad 20

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 3
In this task, you need to invent a legend or a myth together with a setting and character development.
Step 2
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My answer reads:

Once upon a time, there was a goddess named Calamata. She is the winter goddess who created the mountains and hills all around the world. The legend says that she created them as her stepping stones. Others say she accidentally created them when she dropped rocks out of her apron. She froze the ground but she kept the seeds safe for spring.
One time, appeared the Ozonu, god of the summer who wanted to prevent Calamata to create new mountains and provide colder weather. He wanted to be hot all year long, which would be fatal for all the life on the planet Earth. Calamata bravely fought against Ozonu. She used all of her powers in this fight, like the ability to freeze things and the ability of persuasion. She won and the life on the Earth was finally saved.

3 of 3
Hab铆a una vez una diosa llamada Calamata. Es la diosa del invierno que cre贸 las monta帽as y colinas de todo el mundo. La leyenda dice que las cre贸 como sus escalones. Otros dicen que las cre贸 accidentalmente cuando dej贸 caer piedras de su delantal. Congel贸 la tierra, pero guard贸 las semillas para la primavera.

Una vez, apareci贸 el Ozonu, dios del verano que quiso evitar que Calamata creara nuevas monta帽as y proporcionara el clima m谩s fr铆o. Quer铆a que hiciera calor todo el a帽o, lo que ser铆a fatal para toda la vida del planeta Tierra. Calamata luch贸 valientemente contra Ozonu. Utiliz贸 todos sus poderes en esta lucha, como la capacidad de congelar cosas y la capacidad de persuasi贸n. Gan贸 y la vida en la Tierra se salv贸 finalmente.

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