All Solutions
Page 123: Actividad 11
**You can read:**
*The kids want to know what Tobal’s house is like.*
Los chicos quieren saber cómo es la rutina diaria de Tobal. *The kids want to know what Tobal’s daily routine is like.*
**You can read:**
*Tobal usually wakes up at five in the morning.*
Generalmente Tobal se despierta a las seis de la mañana. *Tobal usually wakes up at six in the morning.*
**You can read:**
*Tobal trains at night.*
Tobal se entrena por la mañana. *Tobal trains in the morning.*
**You can read:**
*Tobal normally bathes and combs his hair before exercising.*
Normalmente Tobal se baña y se peina después de hacer ejercicio. *Tobal normally bathes and combs his hair after exercising.*
Normalmente Tobal se baña y se peina después de hacer ejercicio.
**You can read:**
*Luisa wants to have nails as white as Tobal has them.*
Luisa quiere tener dientes tan blancas como Tobal las tiene. *Luisa wants to have teeth as white as Tobal has them.*