Islamophobia: Understanding Anti-Muslim Sentiment Essay Example
The continued war in Syria and other Arab nations have been a catalyst towards forming people’s perceptions on Islamic religion and people all over the world. The Islamic religion has been painted by writers and factions as a religion that advocates for war and violence in its ideals. Islam is strict and has a set of codes that are to be followed by its members to the letter. In a liberal society, these aspects are deemed as being too strict and need to be changed to ensure that the religion meets the requirement of a present liberal society such as the United States. The religion is spreading all over the world and particularly in the Western world where it was not followed before. This has raised fear on the Muslim religion and its people due to the skepticism held by the society on the grounds of vi
...olence and terrorism.
September 11th, 2001 attacks ushered in a new world where the Muslim were seen culpable for harboring terrorists and the situation has since never changed with people continually viewing Islam as a threat to the society. However, for those who strictly follow the religion without changing some parts to meet their own agenda, advocate for Islam since it is a good and non-violent religion like other world religions followed by other people in the society. Islamophobia has been prevalent particularly in the present society where the number of immigrants is increasing in the society. Immigrants from the war-struck areas are increasing in the Western world, and the people are increasingly being skeptical of the religion and its people. This paper aims to assess the different aspects o
discrimination that is observed in the society and recommendations for methods that can be used to ensure that the world changes and accommodates all religions.
Islamophobia is defined as the fear or prejudice against Islam and the Islamic people on the society. Islamophobia is a fairly new concept that is prevalent in the present society due to the number of attacks and violent actions orchestrated by terrorists who use Islam as the main connecting factor. Islamophobia however, is a breach of human rights in the society and is sourced and forwarded to massive peril for the people in the society (Kaplan 141). It is one of the aspects that can be identified and asserted to be increasing in number following the cases of favoritism and racism in the present society. The definition of the terms has not become well conceptualized in the society as there is no proper structure that has been used to effectively define and develop the best models and aspects of the term in the society. islamophobia has been used by the society to forward different opinions and actions that have been deemed to be selfish depending on the cause of action taken.
One of the aspects is that some people use it to complain while others only use it to forward their own rhetoric. It is however, a serious and critical issue in the society that should be assessed and developed to ensure that it is properly controlled. Like other forms of human rights violations such as racism and slavery, islamophobia should be given the same level of care and diligence in the society to ensure that it properly meets the demands and
aspects of the society accordingly. It is a critical aspect that affects the lives of the Islamic people in the society and should, therefore, be met with a serious and most constructive method towards better results. This raises the question of whether islamophobia is a religious prejudice, type of racism or an aspect that has developed and cultivated in the society due to the beliefs and approaches that people have taken in the society (Kaplan 112). Nevertheless, it is vital to note that islamophobia is not a necessary evil but a form of discrimination that needs to be completely eradicated in the society.
While assessing islamophobia it is important to note that the problems became escalated and more pronounced after the 9/11 attacks in the US. There was a whirl of attack in the past with the Al Qaeda hitting high valued American targets but the 9/11 attacks epitomized the importance of assessing the problem and drawing conclusions on the aspect of the society (Mirrhoisseini et al 58). At the time the political outcry and outpour from the US and other Western countries was particularly vibrant against Muslims. Investigations into the case revealed that the bombers had studied in the US or had connections to the US and as a result it offered them perfect cover to attack (Kaplan 91). The Muslim religion and Muslim groups were particularly prejudiced against and the people were looking to root out any other factions in the society accordingly. There was a strong show of force in the government as it aimed to control the problem in the society completely. People were calling out for more force to be used
and the Muslims to be given ultimatums to ensure that they give out the names of other terrorist members in the society accordingly. Islamophobia was demonized by the government since it was seen as a source of prejudice that was not allowed in the society (Tausch 99). The Muslim people and groups were taken through rigorous processes as the government looked to root out any terrorists. These were the main principles used by government security factions as they took serious measures to control the spread of terrorism in the society.
The government however, cannot be faulted for its actions against Islamic groups and individuals in the society with the trend being a major problem in the larger society. It has become inherent in other regions where terrorism has thrived that the Islam religion is used as a method of recruiting new followers or giving individuals the best methods and processes towards ensuring that they gain from the scope and aspects that have been developed accordingly (Cabili 48). The number of Muslim attacks has increased with more mosque attacks being orchestrated by the government. This has been mainly aimed at rooting out any followers and curbing the level of following by individuals in the society accordingly. These attacks are believed to be critical by the government but it is a form of discrimination since the same cannot be seen in other religious societies in America. The American society has had to fight with different forms of discrimination that is prevalent in the society accordingly. It has become essential for the society to develop better terms that are aimed at controlling the problem and creating a stronger and
wider scope accordingly. The American people have only found a new dimension to discriminate against others in the society that is a major infringement of American rights.
In 2010, there were calls for the Islamic areas of worship to be restricted and not spread across other areas of the nation. There was a call to ensure that the Islamic areas of worship were controlled thereby reducing the number of Islamic worshippers in the country. However, through the Park 51, integration and discussions that were spread through the country, it was finally possible for the country to spread its own models towards ensuring a better Islamic cultural setting in Manhattan. The people through their civic leaders were adamant for the implementation of better models and processes that were to be spread across the country accordingly. Muslims as a result of Park 51 started pushing for their rights in the country as it was essential for all people to be treated equally (Ernst 133). Pastor Terry Jones’ global Burn a Koran Day in Florida in 2010 also sparked emotions across the divide as more people started looking for the best methods towards developing the best principles for Islamic people (Kincheloe et al 95). It was a chance to change and develop more areas of worship for the Islamic people and it gave a chance for individuals all over the world to develop the best systems and models across the country accordingly.
Disgruntled Americans have been highlighting the acts of violence that have been orchestrated by terrorist all over the world while hiding behind Islam. The ISIS group has become particularly notorious in recent years and has been one of
the most ruthless groups killing Americans and individuals all over the world indiscriminately (Cabili 77). It is very crucial to note that the Americans, as well as Muslims, have been strongly angered by these actions since they are targeted at all people in the society regardless of one's religion. Terrorism is a scourge in the society that does not discriminate on any grounds since the people orchestrating these acts are selfish and killers who do not value the lives of others. However, in America, most of the blame is directed towards all the Islamic people and groups in the region. There is no strong stance on the best models and principles that are needed in the society accordingly with individuals having to develop better tools and attributes towards achieving their own goals accordingly. The society needs not discriminate Islamic groups since these discriminations are unwarranted and highly in impartial. They are derived from individual’s beliefs and segregations in the society.
There are large organizations in the US that advocate for Muslim rights and are pertinent in the development and tools towards enabling the Islamic people in the country. The organizations discuss Muslim problems and look to integrate models and tools that are meant to eradicate the level of discrimination and dealing with individuals in the society. Some of the organizations are global entities that draw from a wide range of groups that are all aimed at targeting a better life. One of these groups is the Muslim Public Affairs Council that was developed with the aim of developing individual ideals and forwarding the public dimensions of Islamic acts in the country (Kincheloe et al 157). The
organization looks to advocate for shaping and informing the societal structure and model that is important in the development of better organizational structures and systems in the country.
The organization is also critical in engaging with the government decision makers, policy organizations as well as the media in aspects of Muslim authority and treatment in the country. It is an organization that looks to develop important traits among its members and equip them with the best tools to handle different aspects in the society. The workshops and seminars organized by MPAC are aimed at raising issues facing the Muslim society and brainstorm on the best cause of action to handle the impending problems and aspects in the society (Hammer 120). It is a major source of action and is underpinned by the best attributes and aspects needed in the society accordingly. There are different tools adopted in looking for ways to develop better systems of governance and give the people a better environment where each member can be comfortable and is treated fairly by the society.
The continued attacks in Europe, Arab regions and even the killing of Americans in recent years have not placed the country in good stead with the American people. The support of Islam from the American populous is declining according to recent research due to the association of Islam with violence. Many Americans deem the Islam religion as a major catalyst towards the violent behaviors propagated by the terrorists. Islamophobia has become more visible due to the relentless nature of the terrorists to continue targeting soft targets and call upon the name of Allah as the main source of inspiration for such
acts (Awan 88). It indicates a massive level of prejudice among the people in the society and is indicative of the changes and nature of American Muslims and other Muslims all over the world.
The people live in constant fear of actions that can be taken by Muslims as they are not only driven by their own selfish reasons but there are parts that support these acts in the Quran. The people have continually started taken actions against Muslims that is indicative of discriminative actions that are being developed by the new culture. There have been prevalent conditions and actions that have been orchestrated by individuals in the society indicative of the changing atmosphere and scope among members of the society accordingly. Depending on the structures and systems that are adopted, more will continue to face restrictive measures and aspects in the society. Americans are seen propagating a society that can be deemed to be racist and it is becoming essentially critical to adopt better programs in the country. Islam is a religion that has identical ideals and is controlled by aspects that are similar to other religions all over the world. There is no premise that should be allowed to discriminate against Islam since the same is not forwarded or applied in other religions.
Islam has been feared by most of the liberal and secular societies due to its original rules and prescriptions that have been considered to be particularly strong and strict. In a society where different systems and aspects of the society are changing, it has become increasingly critical to develop and integrate new tools and models that are essential for the liberal and
more secular minds in the society. The American society is a liberal democratic society that gives freedom to its people to take appropriate actions that they deem necessary to develop and create a better scope and livelihood.
The followers of the original Muhammad teachings had a set of rules that were developed from economic, social political and legal aspects of life (Hammer 129). It was particularly essential and very strict since they believed in the best controls that would be essential for the people in the society accordingly. There are restrictions and harsh decisions in the hadith as well as Quran that advocate for cutting the hands off and stoning for theft and adultery in the society. The death penalty is also allowed and there are different rules and rights for the men and women in the Islamic society (Sayyid and Abdoolkarim 82). These are the main tools and objects that are used in rejecting the proposals which American society deems as retrograde due to their restrictions. In a liberal society, more freedom would be allowed and the people would be open to structures and approaches that are more open and creatively construed towards living well with others. It is a strong source of controversy since the people deem these rules to be highly strict and not changing with the present aspects of the society thereby can be deemed to be encroaching. The different aspects of the rules makes it critical to develop and control individual systems and adopt a better working environment that is essential in giving the Islamic people better living conditions with others in the society.
Jihad is particularly one of the most strongly
objected principles in the Islamic religion. It is widely critiqued by members of the Americans and Muslims alike who do not follow the tenet any longer (Awan 76). Jihad was one of the methods that were used in the past to ensure that the non-believers followed the Muslim teachings and war was the main instrument that was used to this account. It is not a term that is widely used in Islam in the present world since these methods were used in a time when the level of democracy and freedom was not the same as it is in the present world. Jihad is, however, the main propagation that is used by terrorists looking to reign terror on the ‘non-believers’ in the society. It is deemed to be retrograde and highly immoral in an advanced society where everyone has a choice to make individual decisions. The alienation from the present ideals and aspects of societal changes has been the main premise that has led individuals to be prejudicial against Islamic groups. Insufficient flexibility and the need for the society to develop the best traits and aspects of the individual are pertinent in improving the level of controls and giving a chance to individuals to work out a system that is ascertained and developed under strict and rigid principles. Islamophobia is, therefore, a consequence of the lack of change and fear that is instilled among people in the society due to the behaviors of the individuals in the wider structural models.
Islam has been generally considered to be a violent religion by most of the people in the ideal liberal world. However, although most may argue that
this is necessary it discrimination rather than a necessary evil. The government needs to criminalize islamophobia since it is a major problem in the society that has not been effectively addressed and attended but needs to be handled properly. Islamic groups have as much a right to be treated fairly and without any level of discrimination as other groups and individuals in the society.
There need to be more groups and people who come out and object to this vice in the society. The American society needs to ensure that it takes steps and controls the problems that have been identified as more people look to develop and implement principles that are essential for individuals accordingly. There is a wider scope and process that needs to be developed; however, all people need to contribute towards ensuring that the problem is completely eradicated in the society.
There needs to be more organizations and education on aspects of Islam and the religion in the society. The main problem that leads to Islamophobia is the lack of understanding of all the pertinent concepts and aspects of Islam in the society. The people have prejudicial judgments and views that are not based on facts but on individual policies and aspects in the society. It is, therefore, critical to ensure that the best tools and models are developed to ensure proper working systems and scopes are ascertained in the society accordingly.
The Islamic society also needs to be more liberal and adapt its restrictive methods to new models and aspects of the present society. There need to be changes and strong structures that are adopted to ensure that the religion is placed in
good stead with the people.
Islamic groups need to come out strongly against terror attacks and look to weed out any elements that may be propagating or recruiting for the terror groups. The only basis that can be used to showcase the seriousness of Muslims towards fighting terror is sensitization and strong objection to these aspects in the society. Islamophobia has been cultivated by the constant blame games by the government and these groups with no one looking to take responsibility and put their house in order.
The government and political leaders need to ensure that they do not propagate these activities and the vice to control the problem completely. Political elites have a strong opinion that is taken seriously by the people therefore, they need to advocate for a cohesive society altogether.
Islamophobia is a problem that has been particularly common in the 21st Century with the continued terror attacks in the world. The society is increasingly allowing this vice to creep in as they look for reasons to discriminate against others in the society. It is important for everyone to play their part in eradicating the problem and instill the best principles and tools that can be used to develop a better American society. Continued islamophobia will only escalate to more attacks and violence in the society and since everyone needs a good society, it is the responsibility of every member to take the necessary action towards changing the world.
Works Cited
- Awan, Mr I. Islamophobia. Place of publication not identified: Policy Press, 2016. Print.
- Cabili, Diana Mae. Islamophobia in America. Diss. University of South Florida St. Petersburg, 2011. Demonizing the Muslim "other". , 2015. Print.
- Ernst, Carl
W. Islamophobia in America: the anatomy of intolerance. Springer, 2013.
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