We've found 11 Nature Versus Nurture tests

Educational Psychology High And Low Human Development Life Span Development Nature Versus Nurture Theorists United States
PSYC 2314 Chapter 1 – Flashcards 52 terms
Cindy Krause avatar
Cindy Krause
52 terms
AP Psychology Introductory Psychology Nature Versus Nurture Psychology
PSYC unit 2 – Flashcards 93 terms
Patricia Smith avatar
Patricia Smith
93 terms
AP Psychology Introductory Psychology Nature Versus Nurture Psychology
Dual Credit Psychology Chapter 3 Multiple Choice Worksheet – Flashcards 50 terms
Patricia Smith avatar
Patricia Smith
50 terms
Generativity Versus Stagnation Introductory Psychology Nature Versus Nurture
PS101 Chapter 8 Questions – Flashcards 40 terms
Marvel Brown avatar
Marvel Brown
40 terms
Nature Versus Nurture North And South America Personality Psychology Social And Cultural Influences Tertiary Circular Reactions
Feldman 1-6 – Flashcards 316 terms
Karen Combs avatar
Karen Combs
316 terms
AP Psychology Nature Versus Nurture Psychology
Chapter 1: Psychology’s Roots, Big Ideas, and Critical Thinking Tools – Flashcards 10 terms
Charlotte Small avatar
Charlotte Small
10 terms
Human Anatomy And Physiology 1 Nature Versus Nurture Sociology
Psychology: Human Growth & Development Topic Test – Flashcards 81 terms
Rebecca Baker avatar
Rebecca Baker
81 terms
AP Psychology Introductory Psychology Nature Versus Nurture People Get What They Deserve Psychology
PSY 201 – Flashcard 157 terms
Martha Hill avatar
Martha Hill
157 terms
Developmental Psychology Educational Psychology Nature Versus Nurture Social Learning Theory
Early Childhood Development – Flashcards 98 terms
Rebecca Mallory avatar
Rebecca Mallory
98 terms
AP Psychology Introductory Psychology Nature Versus Nurture Psychology
Test 1 – Module Q’s 136 terms
Matthew Carle avatar
Matthew Carle
136 terms
Ethnic Studies Introductory Psychology Nature Versus Nurture Psychology Sigmund Freud
PSY 101 L1 Quiz – Flashcards 10 terms
Sonia Kelly avatar
Sonia Kelly
10 terms
Dr. Arantes uses a biopsychosocial framework for understanding human development. Which position is she most likely to endorse on the nature versus nurture issue
nature and nurture both play important roles
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/psyc-2314-chapter-1/
Many psychologists are interested in the influence of “nature versus nurture” in child development. Which one of the following examples illustrates the influence of nature?
Fourteen-year-old Deborah is starting to grow pubic hair, and she’s just had her first menstrual period.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/early-childhood-development/
Which of the following is an expression of the nurture side of the nature versus nurture argument?
An intellectually stimulating environment can lead to noticeable increases in the IQs of disadvantaged children.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/psych-111-exam-2-chapter-9-practice-questions/
Many developmental theorists are interested in the influence of “nature versus nurture” in child development. The term nurture refers to:
Environmental conditions that influence development.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/early-childhood-development/
The nature versus nurture controversy is a debate about the effects of ____________.
biology and environment
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/module-1-quiz-2/
who credited for first describing the contrast between heredity and environment as “nature versus nurture”?
The relative importance of cultural and biological factors in the socialization process is referred to as the debate over a. nature versus nurture. b. role versus status. c. manifest versus latent functions
a. nature versus nurture
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/introduction-to-sociology-midterm-exam/
Debates as to whether alcohol abuse is biologically determined or culturally influenced are most relevant to the issue of: Student Answer: a. nature versus nurture. b. rationality versus irrationality. c. behavior versus mental processes. d. structuralism versus functionalism.
a. nature versus nurture.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/psychology-101-unit-1/
(E) State the two sides of the debate in each of the following controversies among developmental theorists: nature versus nurture; activity versus passivity; continuity versus discontinuity; and universal vs particularistic development.
nature versus nurture issue debate within developmental psychology over the relative importance of biological predispositions (nature) and environmental influences (nurture) as determinants of human development. activity/passivity issue debate among developmental theorists about whether children are active contributors to their own development or, rather, passive recipients of environmental influence. continuity/discontinuity issue debate among theorists about whether developmental changes are best characterized as gradual and quantitative or, rather, abrupt and qualitative. Finally, theorists often disagree about whether the most noteworthy aspects of development are universal (that is, normative outcomes that everyone is said to display) or particularistic (trends or outcomes that vary from person to person). Stage theorists typically believe that their developmental sequences apply to all normal people in all cultures and are therefore universal.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/essay-psychology-456-mid-term/
Efforts to discover whether the intelligence of children is more heavily influenced by their biology or by their home environments are most directly relevant to the debate regarding A) structuralism versus functionalism. B) evolution versus natural selection. C) observation versus introspection. D) nature versus nurture
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