Science And Technology: How They Improved Our Human Life Essay Example
I wish to acknowledge my debt and express my gratitude to; The various Authors and publishers whom have drawn data and examples and whom I have duly acknowledged. I would like to thank also the following, who in one way or another inspired me to make this research possible: To my Family, who supports me to accomplish my work piece and carryover the responsibilities that is expected to me on the 4th grading period. Which regarded as one of the major requirements of being a graduating student. To my solid IV-B family, who keep on inspiring me to come up with this piece of work .
This is my simple gift and remembrance to them. To those who are close to my heart, my true and faithful friends who in one way or another supports me in doing this work piece. To Mrs.. Margin T. Domain tha
...nk you for the guide that u teach us, by that you inspired me to push and accomplish my work piece. And also, To ALMIGHTY GOD who give me strength, wisdom, and courage to face all the challenges and criticisms. L. Illumination Science and technology have greatly improved the quality of human life and have raised the standard of living to a record high.
For centuries, Science has produced dazzling technical achievements: The unleashing do energy locked up in atoms, the inquest of space, the impair micro-electronics, computers, industrial robots, and communication satellites. Scientist have discovered new ways of treating cancers and have saved lives through scientific interments and equipments. Scientific findings have given them awesome power to invent thongs and discover the secrets of the world o
nature through science and technology. The latest gadgets and equipments they have invented: We have smart phones, laptops, android phones and so much more.
And for a better communications all over the world they have invented broad bands and packet internet. Through Science and Technology they allowed people to drive cars, communicate instantly across the globe and even reach out into space. Science and Technology affects modern life in nearly every aspect. While some developments are seen as far more positive than others, each has their own impact on our lives. A. What is Science and Technology? Science is a knowledge gained by systematic experimentations and analysis, and information of general principles.
Technology is the application of mechanical and applied science to industrial use. Technology is the application of all sciences. Science and technology studies (SST) is a growing field of study in the United States and around the world that seeks to understand how science and technology shape human lives and livelihoods and how society and culture, in turn, shape the development of science and technology. From the automobile to the internet, and from cloning to the Earth's climate, modern life is intimately entwined with advances in science and technology.
Every social issue, from AIDS and economic growth to arms control and crime, entails important scientific and technological aspects. By sousing scholarly attention on science and technology as human institutions, situated in wider historical, social, and political contexts, SST provides insights into the relationship between science and technology and such basic categories of social thought as race and gender, poverty and development, trust and credibility, participation and democracy, health and pathology, risk and uncertainty,
globalization, and environmental protection.
SST theories and methods offer new approaches to understanding scientific and technological change and their intersections with other social, political, and economic dynamics. As an academic program, SST offers students an opportunity to learn skills and approaches for understanding the political and cultural implications of new technologies, as well as the role of science and expertise in the making of public policy. SST prepares students to be more active and effective participants in public debates about science and technology.
The field also prepares students for the many expanding career opportunities in managing science and technology in a democratic society, including the management of scientific and technological research, science and technology logic, the design and maintenance of museum exhibits and archival collections, science Journalism, science advice and expert assessment, and science, technology, and the law.
Significance Of The Study
They enhance to improved the quality and capability of human life through various research and inventions.
History of Science and Technology
History of science and technology From Wisped, the free encyclopedia For historical accounts of the development of science and technology, see history of science and history of technology. The history of Science and Technology (HAST) is a lied of history which examines how humanity's understanding of the natural world (science) and ability to manipulate it (Technology) have changed over the centuries. This academic discipline also studies the cultural, economic, and political impacts of scientific innovation.
Histories of science were originally written by practicing and retired scientists, starting primarily with William Wheel, as a way to communicate the virtues of science to the public. In the early sass, after a famous paper given
by the Soviet historian Boris Hisses, was focused into looking at the ways in which scientific practices were allied with the needs and motivations of their context. After World War II, extensive resources were put into teaching and researching the discipline, with the hopes that it would help the public better understand both Science and Technology as they came to play an exceedingly prominent role in the world.
In the sass, especially in the wake of the work done by Thomas Kuhn, the discipline began to serve a very different function, and began to be used as a way to critically examine the scientific enterprise. At the present time it is often closely aligned with the field of Science studies. Citation needed] Modern engineering as it is understood today took form during the scientific revolution, though much of the mathematics and science was built on the work of the Greeks, Egyptians, Mesopotamia, Chinese, Indians and Muslims. Citation needed] See the main articles History of science and History of technology for these respective topics.
Benefits of Science and Technology
Science and technology are probably the most debated topics in society. On the contrary Science and technology has improved our way of life for the better of mankind. Medical advancements, computers and simple inventions such as light lb are all example of how science and technology beneficial. Len each of these cases, there is no undesirable changes to people's life styles.
If it were not for many not all,of these changes in our history, we as an economy and nation would have fallen apart . Looking into the past, we can see all the beneficial advancements we
have made and how far we have come. Scientific and technological development such as medical research to find cure for AIDS, modern health care and computers are beneficial in the role of improving people's lives and do not come at the cost of undesirable changes to them. Today with new technology,medical research is being done everyday to help find cures or vaccines for devastating diseases such as Cancer AIDS, Listener's and Leukemia.
Being diagnosed with one of these diseases is hard, but growing up with them is even harder. "Lads was first identified in USA in 1981. The epidemic has now spread to every part of the USA and to all sectors of society. "Due to the benefits of science and technology concerning AIDS they can save people's lives. After the inventions of computers in 1936, computers are now commonly used nearly everyday for numerous reasons. At first, when computer was firstly introduced,people was cautious as it was new.
Slowly over the years , people started to accept it and it has remarkable outcomes for the users. Computers were originally designed for the used of financial things to keep files in order to a folder on the computer rather than a file cabinets. Gradually overtime society has accepted this remarkable invention and its many uses; writing reports, researching accounting, numerous web pages,emails, and last but not the least entertainment reasons. Through the years, people have started to leave longer and their health is remarkable .
Modern health cares takes credits for this type of technology . Mixing medical research with technology has created great results for the life expectancy of the people. People in society
want to live longer and look good and they can benefit by this by following the instructions of the doctors, counselors, etc. To live a better life style. A. How Does Science and Technology Affects Our Life? In today's world, Science and Technology have take on ever greater importance in our daily life, a trend that will continue as we enter the 21st century.
They have brought untold advances in medicine, communications, and transportations making our everyday world vastly different from that of earlier Generations. Science and Technology is an essential part of everyday life in the modern world. Science and technology have improved our life in many ways. First of all, Science together w/ technology plays a strong role in the industrialization as well as modernization of the world. It's clearly seen that robots are now replacing humans in many factories especially nuclear ones .
Moreover there is no doubt that our daily life has been made a lot more convenient thanks to the help of science and technology. Medical science has also discovered new kinds of treatments for diseases which were thought to be incurable. An average person penis quite a lot of time using a computer or keeping in touch with his or her friends and families via such things as the internet or mobile phones. In addition, we would also entertain by watching TV, listening to music, playing video games thanks to many scientific and technological achievements.
With the reason listed below, I totally believe science and technology helps improved our daily living standard. Science and technology are probably the most debated topics in society. Science and technological developments have been
debated as to whether they affect people's life styles and cause hassle. On the contrary Science and technology has improved our way of life for the better of mankind. Medical advancements, the most general function describes science as the enterprise that organizes and builds knowledge that gives explanations and predictions about the world.
The constant developments made by scientist are giving humans a healthier lives and better chance of survival. Technology as a general term, Technology is the making, knowledge and usage of tools, crafts, and systems in order to serve a purpose or solve problems. The development of technology has allowed people to drive cars, ammunition instantly across the globe and even reach out into space. Science and technology affects modern life in nearly every aspects. While some developments are seen as far more positive than others, each has their own impact on our lives.
The Most Important Contribution of Science and Technology
To Society With Regards To Health Science and technology has a great contribution in our hospital facilities especially with the sophisticated technology that we are using now in our hospital in order to manage diseases and health of the people. I couldn't mention all the details about the technology in the hospital. There are lots of those Just like the one used in the operating room, but I would like to cite one which is something common like blood pressure apparatus to measure our blood pressure weather it is high or low.
Another is we have Gloucester to measure our blood sugar for the management of diabetes mellitus. Those are Just some of the simple but very useful technologies we have.
When you say science, it is the body of knowledge and the product of that knowledge is technology. Science also has many branches depending on its field of study. Some of the knowledge accumulated in science contributed a lot to the basis or concepts in managing our health or diseases considering our anatomy and physiology which is also studied in science.
In some cases nursing principles and practices were also based on science, not only nurses but much more our physicians and other health team members such as med tech and radiologist utilize science and technology! The most important contribution of science and technology to society is probably the advent of the biotechnology industry following the sequencing of the human genome. Not only did this event open up the key to understanding the nature of ones, non coding DNA and other biological processes that were previously unexplored, it also helped to develop the infrastructure and technology to help explore the data produced.
The biotechnology industry now is involved in many different aspects of society, but in terms of health, the most prevalent applications are the use of genetic screening for disease diagnosis, the applications of gene therapy, the comparison studies of polymorphism between individual humans and chimpanzee to discover differences that shape our uniqueness, the discovery of environmental factors that can modify our genetic makeup, and now the latest search on elements apart from genes that control the biological processes of organisms (non-coding DNA).
Any one of these contributions can be regarded as being significant to health, depending on your angle. However, up to now, the sequencing of the human genome would be the event
that started the genomic revolution, and that would be in my opinion the most important contribution, and the first significant co-operation between science and technology.
Influence of Science and Technology
In Our Lives Science and technology influence our lives in many different ways. Everything around s has been created or at least influenced by science and technology in some way.
Below are a few of the things in which technology and science influence out day-to- day lives. ;Medicine Medicines are 99. 9% of the time formulated in a laboratory. Most medicines are a mixture of different chemicals and minerals which have to be measured and tested to create the correct dosage. The invention of most medicines has been done in a laboratory and all batches of medicine have to be tested in a laboratory to ensure that they have been made up correctly and that they are safe for consumption. Machinery that is used in hospitals has also been developed using science and technology.
These are machines to help someone breathe or even scan and diagnose an illness. Therefore using science and technology in medicine does save lives. ; Food and drink Most food and drinks that have been manufactured have all been tested using science. Many will also have been tested. These tests will be to ensure that the food is safe for consumption but tests also have to be carried out to find out the nutritional values of a product. Packaged food and drink now have to show their durational information on their packaging so that people know how much fat, protein, carbohydrates and calories are in a product. Transport Technology has been
used to develop all vehicles that we now use. The science comes in when looking at the kinetic energy that is created or the fuel consumption and how an engine works. ; Nature Pesticides are used in nature to make crops grow better. Even when chemical pesticides are not used, scientific knowledge about how the sun rises and sets, when is the best time of year for particular crops and the use of greenhouses if also a use of science in nature.
Advantages of Science and Technology
In today's world, where Just about everything is more convenient and accessible due to advances in technology across almost all sectors, it may seem as though it's a misnomer to even mention any disadvantages of technological advances. However, despite how far technology has taken humans and no matter how convenient it may make things, there are some disadvantages accompanying this level of access. Technology advances show people a more efficient way to do things, and these processes get results.
For example, education has been greatly advanced by the technological advances of computers. Students are able to learn on a global scale without ever leaving their classrooms. Agricultural processes that once required dozens upon dozens of human workers can now be automated, thanks to advances in technology, which means cost-efficiency for farmers. Medical discoveries occur at a much more rapid rate, thanks to machines and computers that aid in the research process and allow for more intense educational research into medical matters.
How Does Science Contribute To Technology?
Science actually lays the basis for technology because of it's pragmatic nature. Science completely relies on a rigorous process of deduction
and detached homeopathic reasoning of the universe and it's phenomena. This practical approach leads to predictable results which can be observed and confirmed through practical approaches. Given the fact that Science does not entertain superstition or any supernatural creed, it enjoys a position which allows it's practitioners to come up with viable ideas which can be used to create ingenious technological inventions.
For example the light bulb's invention only followed the discovery of electricity. All inventions are based on scientific discoveries. There is no doubt that the internet is one of the greatest human kind's inventions of the last century. It is fast and easy way to get a lot of valuable information. However some people believe that the internet creates many problems. From my point of view I guess that the internet brings us advantages as well as disadvantages.
Inventions and Innovations through Science and Technology Invention and innovation represent those aspects of human creativity that have raised the standard of living in much of the world to a level that would provoke wonder and new among, for example, European nobles of the 16th century or even royalty of earlier times. Between 1000 and 1700 AD, real income per capita in Western Europe grew at a rate estimated to be about 0. 16% per year. Between 1700 and 1750 the rate rose to 0. 4%, and then during the next century and a half it rose to somewhere in the neighborhood of 1. 4%, about where it has rested over the last decades. In the last 25 years it has stood at about 1 . 7% in the United States. ) So, the doubling
time of real income was about 400 years for an individual in the Middle Ages and only about 50 years in the last century . 1 What accounted for this change as the 18th century approached? Prior to 1750, most technologies in use rested on a very narrow base of scientific or technological understanding. Inventions were sporadic and largely unconnected with one another, with chance playing a very large role in their development. The foundation of knowledge was insufficient to build a stable edifice of invention and innovation.
After 1750, the scientific revolution, the broadening of technological understanding, the improving information exchange of the day, and no doubt other factors as well led to the first and second industrial revolutions with their sustained outpouring of inventions, and innovations. L Invention and innovation continue today to be the central driving forces for economic well being. Today, the reduces of inventors and human invention pervade our lives, from the digital revolution to medical miracles, from the alarm clock that wakes us up to the sedative that helps us sleep.
They make life longer, more comfortable, more informed, more engaging, for the most part safer from disease and violence, and more productive in innumerable ways. To be sure, the advance of technology also creates problems, such as nuclear proliferation and damage to the environment. Such challenges demand serious attention and underscore the need for greater social responsibility, sustainable growth, and more inventiveness. That acknowledged, only the most ardent romantics would care to swap their lives today for ones of 500 years ago, and much of the difference stems directly and indirectly from technological invention. 'V. Disadvantages of Science
and Technology Science and technology has also got disadvantages along its great advantages. It also includes some disastrous disadvantages which can be a great harm for us. It has such disadvantages which can destroy us and our habitat easily. Its disadvantages have ruined our life and we have become addicted to use it and the more we use it the more its disadvantages effects. Our life is in danger in big extent due to the disadvantages of science and technology. It also harms our life expectancy. Sometime the more use of it cause harmful diseases like Brain Tamer, Cancer, Nerves problem, etc.
As the more use of it is done in inventions and discoveries, more its disadvantages arise and harm us. It has such disadvantages which makes its advantages too small. Our life is totally in risk due to its disadvantages. Many years comes our atmospheres slowly destroy because of the air pollution that came from the factory and it can cause Green House Effect (GHEE) it is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases and is re-radiated in all directions. And is all harm for the people. Science and technology makes people lazy because people Just depend on it and not do there work well.
It will increased the anxiety of our lives, when technology goes in the wrong hand it can have a negative impact in our society it can create cyber crime, hacking, stealing of personal information and pornographic websites. It also gives opportunities to the terrorist to make crime like bombing. As technology develops we roger our tradition styles of living. It
is simply destroying our life styles. It also destroys our nature because of illegal logging, mining and so much more, this is the cause of landslide and flood that kills many people because nature can't stop it anymore.
The major disadvantage is the assumption that every scientific statement is the final answer to anything and becomes almost a religious tenet of society.
Negative Effects of Internet Usage Why is the Internet so addicting?
Two reasons: information and freedom. People go online to get information (music, news, stock prices, etc). Logging onto the Internet is like a kid going to a toy store; there is so much to do and explore that once you get in, you never want to leave.
People also go online because the Internet offers freedom to do whatever they want, to say whatever they want and to be whoever they want. This could have a negative effect since people will act in certain ways and say certain things that they otherwise wouldn't do in real life. Furthermore, because the Internet offers so much freedom, you can find your ideal self much easier, but it's not the same as your social self. The difference is due to you talking to a computer screen ND you talking to a real person.
Thus, the experiences we encounter on the Internet are not the same as the ones we encounter in real life. We know that the Internet has an unlimited amount of information and services; consequently, we excessively rely on it too much while ignoring social interactions in the process. That is not to say that the Internet is bad, it's Just being misused.
The Internet is the information superhighway; it contains more information than we ever need. When we open our web browser, you get to your home page; from there, you can go to an unlimited umber of destinations.
Online, you can do Just about anything: chatting, gaming, shopping and much more. People can literally spend their whole life on the Internet. They can attend an online school and get an online Job. They can pay their bills and invest their money. They can order whatever they need online and have it delivered to them; heck if they want to, they can even order a wife. The quirk is that you can do all that at the comfort of your own home in front of the computer screen. The Internet not only has an abundant amount of information but it also provides the lazing speed for acquiring them.
Ever need in On the Internet, we create our ideal self in a virtual environment; unfortunately, the ideal self we created often does not translate well into real life situations. A living, breathing human being is different from a computer screen. Just like the advent of television, the Internet has changed the way we lived. Many have spent most of their lives with the Internet and not with other people. Consequently, we don't appreciate the companies of each other. The Internet also conceived new ways to commit crimes and expressing hate. Without a bout, the internet has made life much easier.
Communication and information has never been as accessible and faster as they are now with the advent of the Internet. But did it make life so easy that
we rely on it to do all the work while we overlook the value we have on social interactions? The more we rely on the Internet, the more we isolate ourselves from human contact. Because society's reliance on the Internet is permanent, individuals must decide on their own what is best for them. They have two choices: either move to a society where the Internet doesn't exist or, better yet, cultivate our awareness of what stands behind our screen personae" (Turtle 687).
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