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Page 244: Preparacion para el examen
From the context, we will choose “fecha de nacimiento” because in the sentence we have mentioned “solicitud de empleo” (job application).
For the second sentence, we will choose “campaña” (campaign).
In the third example, we will choose “pacial” (partial) because it the only one that suits the context of the sentence.
For the fourth sentence, we will choose “atender” (atend) because we have “recepcionista” mentioned.
In the fifth example, we have “árboles” (trees) mentioned, therefore we will choose “sembrar” (plant trees).
For the sixth example, we will choose “salvavida” (lifesaver) because we have “pisicina” (pool) mentioned.
In the seventh sentence, we have “a todos” therefore, we will choose “garantizan” (guarantee).
And lastly, for the eighth example, we will choose “construyen” (build) because we have “casas” (houses) mentioned.
The subject is Pilar. Since we have “antes de” (before) we will use the pluperfect. This tense indicates an action that happened in the past before another action in the past. To form the pluperfect, we will use the third person singular imperfect form of the verb “haber” (había) and the past participle of the verb “trabajar” (trabajado).
In the second example, we will choose the demonstrative pronoun “aquél” because it is replacing the noun (puesto).
In the third example, the subject is “profesora”. We will use the present perfect subjunctive because this tense indicates an action that maybe occurred before the action of the main verb. To form the present perfect subjunctive, we will use the third person singular present subjunctive form of the verb “haber” (haya) and the irregular past participle of the verb “escribir” (escrito).
For the fourth example, we will use the present perfect tense.
The subject is “yo”. To form the present perfect, we will use the first person singular present form of the verb “haber” (he) and the past participle of the verb “ver” (visto).
In the fifth example, we will use the demonstrative adjective “estas” because we have “las solicitudes” (the applications) and the demonstrative adjective has to agree in the number and gender with the noun.
For the sixth example, We will use the present perfect subjunctive because this tense indicates an action that maybe occurred before the action of the main verb. The subject is “ustedes” (you). To form the present perfect subjunctive, we will use the third person plural present subjunctive form of the verb “haber” (hayan) and the past participle of the verb “juntar” (juntado).
In the seventh example, we will use the present perfect tense. To form the present perfect, we will use the second person singular present form of the verb “haber” (has) and the past participle of the verb “reparar” (reparado).
And lastly, the eighth example. The subject is “los voluntarios” (the voluntarios). Since we have “cuando llegué” (when I came) we will use the pluperfect. This tense indicates an action that happened in the past before another action in the past. To form the pluperfect, we will use the third person plural imperfect form of the verb “haber” (habían) and the past participle of the verb “poner” (tpuesto).
-También tengo experiencia como vendedor de seguros.
-Hablo con fluidez el alemán, inglés y portugués.
-Soy puntual y tengo buena orientación de servicio al cliente.
-Me considero una persona responsable y amable.
-Cuento con varias cartas de recomendación escritas por jefes anteriores.
-¿Cómo sería el horario de este nuevo empleo?
-¿Qué tipo de saldo percibiría?
-Además del saldo, ¿qué otros beneficios de daría este empleo?
– Es un trabajo a tiempo completo.
– Se necesita que la persona sea puntual y responsable, que sepa trabajar con computadores y que tenga buenas referencias.
(b) Soy una persona extrovertido, informado sobre los diferentes tipos de máquinas que están a la venta y sobretodo bueno trabajando en grupo. Además, tengo formación en economía, lo cual me ayudaría a hacer un plan de ventas beneficiosa para la empresa.
(c) He trabajado para la Oficina Presupuestaria de mi universidad, como mensajero para la cámara de comercio y como secretario para la alcaldesa del municipio de Roble Viejo.