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Page 132: Actividad 30
From the context of the sentence, we will use the verb “comenzar” (start) because we have “la clase” (the class starts). The subject is “la clase” (the class), therefore we will use the third person singular subjunctive form of the verb “comenzar” (comience).
From the context of the sentence, we will use the verb “correr” (run). The subject is “los estudiantes” (the students), therefore we will use the third person plural subjunctive form of the verb “correr” (corran).
From the context of the sentence, we will use the verb “hablar” (talk).
The subject is “ellos/los estudiantes” (they/the students), therefore we will use the third person plural subjunctive form of the verb “hablar” (hablen).
From the context of the sentence, we will use the verb “hacer” (do). The subject is “los estudiantes” (the students), therefore we will use the third person plural subjunctive form of the verb “hacer” (hagan).
From the context of the sentence, we will use the verb “estirar” (strech). The subject is “nos/nosotros” (we), therefore we will use the first person plural subjunctive form of the verb “estirar” (estremos).
From the context of the sentence, we will use the verb “subir” (subir escaleras/climb the stairs). The subject is “nos/nosotros” (we), therefore we will use the first person plural subjunctive form of the verb “subir” (subamos).