Using Training and Development to Spice up Business Essay Example
Using Training and Development to Spice up Business Essay Example

Using Training and Development to Spice up Business Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (647 words)
  • Published: May 5, 2022
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McCormick was founded by Willoughby M. McCormick and three young workers in 1889 ("Historic milestones and passionate flavor discoveries", 2016). Since then the company has grown, and its brands are currently available in 140 countries (Businesses, 2016). As it seeks to improve the universal experience of eating, the company has inspired home cooks and professional chefs with their flavorings and spices. Like any typical company, its key strategies are growing sales, fostering innovation, managing the cost base and planning for succession.

Training and Development Initiatives

As the Vice President of Learning for McCormick, I would create several training and development initiatives, namely: learning centers, a network of learning and development professionals, multiple management boards for leadership development and a sensory panel program for my company (Bingham & Galagan, 2007). McCormick offers courses and resources through their learning centers for their e


mployees to ensure they develop their career skills and better manage change. The multiple management board provides opportunities for participants to solve critical business challenges across diverse geographies and cultures. A network of learning and development professionals simultaneously expands employees with internal professional networks and provides them with developmental opportunities (Bingham & Galagan, 2007). The sensory panel program is used to taste new flavors from the creative center. Therefore the creator receives a response rapidly. A positive reaction from the sensory panelist captures employees' interest in product development.

According to Chevalier, 2010, a measure of the effectiveness of my initiatives can be by evaluating accomplishment of most basic, intermediate, and business-level goals. The return on investment (ROI) on learning and development directly affects the company's balance sheet. The metric used at the most basic level is changes in

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sales (Chevalier, 2010). Sales team training should result in increased sales over the course. At the intermediate level, I would focus on customer retention after training the marketing team, and at the business level, turnover. Overall profitability is calculated by summing performance of all departments involved in training their staff. Laurie Bassi, a researcher for the American Society for Training and Development, noted that a company that invested more toward teaching and developing employees raised its stock's value in the following financial year (McCann, 2011).

Employees Who Are Not Trained or Learning Experts

I could use supervisory employees who are neither learning nor training experts to teach others as a means of making training and learning more strategies. Firstly, it ensures employees gets all information regarding an activity and effectively applies it to their role. Secondly, it creates a cohesive team as it offers a more engaging experience since the supervisors know all risks. Thirdly, employees can be easily evaluated on their progress by their supervisors since they are aware of the performance gaps. McCormicks Mulitple Management Board (MMB) evaluation process gives the directors an opportunity to rank their peer's capabilities (Bingham & Galagan, 2007). Lastly, this training process offers a platform that brings knowledge seekers to knowledge creators and it makes employees qualified successors to all leaders in the company.

As the Vice President, I can collaborate with the supervisors to create a training program tailored to particular functions and ask for their feedback on its success.McCormick’s Director’s, Rick Frattalli, saying, "A company that teaches together performs together" emphasizes teamwork and coaching. Coaching, apprenticeship and listing of job instructions for employees, equips them with tools for advancement

and ensures employee loyalty (Bingham & Galagan, 2007). Finally, developing employee abilities will ensure proper execution of tasks and behavioral changes.


  1. Bingham, T., & Galagan, P. (2007). Growing Talent and Sales at McCormick. T AND D, 61(7), 30.
  2. Businesses. (2016). McCormick. Retrieved from
  3. Chevalier, R. (2010). Gap analysis revisited. Performance Improvement, 49(7), 5-7.
  4. Historic milestones and passionate flavor discoveries. (2016). McCormick. Retrieved from
  5. McCann, D. (2011 June 1). Measured response. Retrieved from
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