Scientific Method Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Scientific Method?
The scientific method is a process used to acquire knowledge and answer questions about the world we live in. It involves making observations, forming hypotheses, carrying out experiments, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. This method is used by scientists all over the world to study everything from biology to physics.To begin, a scientist will observe an event or phenomenon and form a hypothesis or educated guess as to what might be causing it. For example, if one were observing different temperatures within a given region they may hypothesize that higher altitudes are associated with cooler temperatures. After forming this hypothesis they would then devise an experiment in order to test their theory. This could involve taking temperature readings at various points along an elevation gradient while controlling for other variables such as wind speed or radiation intensity. Once the experimental design has been determined the experiment can be conducted and data collected from which conclusions can be drawn. The next step would involve interpreting the results of the experiment and either confirming or disproving the original hypothesis based on analytical techniques such as statistical analysis (or sometimes qualitative observation). If the conclusion agrees with what was originally hypothesized then further experimentation may be done in order for more precise measurements/conclusions to be made about that particular phenomenon being studied. However if there is disagreement between what was expected and what was observed then new hypotheses must be formed until agreement with reality can achieved once again using proper experimental technique . In summary, The scientific method is used by scientists all over the world when attempting to answer questions regarding our environment; it involves making observations followed by forming hypotheses , conducting experiments , collecting data ,and drawing conclusions .