Ageing Population in Singapore Essay Example
Ageing Population in Singapore Essay Example

Ageing Population in Singapore Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (322 words)
  • Published: May 10, 2018
  • Type: Case Study
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Some domestic issues related to the conspicuous ageing population trends in clued increased government spending on public facilities and resources to meet the growing s social, financial and health needs of the elderly in Singapore. In order to treat the situation, a com prehensile and long term solution is required, involving the government, various nongovernmental I agencies, and the community.

Also, the various policy suggestions ought to be specific to the so economic situation of the graying population in Singapore. Various measures need to be implemented to encourage the elderly to remain n active and eager to contribute to the workforce in different capacities (the elderly in this case can be taken to include both the pre and post retirement employees).

Due to the rapid DVD enactments in technology in a globalizes world, an increasing number of services


and manful actuating processes are becoming automated.

In order to help the elderly remain integrated in the e fast changing economy, a series of retraining and reemployment programs are necessary. S such resources will equip this sector of the population with the skills necessary to remain compete dive in the information technology era. The Workforce Development Agency(WAD) in Sin gaper IS a statutory board agency aimed at funding and providing various courses and t raining organizations at the local grassroots level.

Additionally, the WAD is a platform for employers to work closely with different trait inning organizations as well as to provide adverts segments for different job openings and positions aimed specifically at the older community y in Singapore.

These resources made highly accessible to the community at large would help the ageing population to remai

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competitive in spite of the changing times and the strut rural changes in the economy. Another solution to lessen the ill effects of an ageing population is to enact PU bill policies in areas such as housing which aim at protecting and strengthening t he family unit.

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