Why Were The Nazi’s Successful in the 1920’s Essay Example
In the 1932 election, the Nazi's broke through in triumph to become the leading political party in Germany. There are many ways they achieved this, both factors that they could control, and that they couldn't.Some would say that the Nazi's were so successful in the 1930's because of the weakness of the Weimar Republic - The fact that they had set in depression and economic decline throughout the country, or that it was the spring from the depression that boosted the Nazi's into such a great stranglehold on the country. It could also be said that it was simply Hitler and the Nazi's technique of offering hope, jobs and prosperity that landed them in leadership.
This is essay is going to look at the foundations of The Nazi supremacy, and decipher the reasons for them triumphing over the rule o
...f Germany.The juxtaposition of the Nazi's pre and post 1924 is very strange. Before December the Nazi's were incredibly aggressive and used force in most of their actions, causing them to try and rise up and over throw the government in the Munich Putsch. This ended up with the government turning against the Nazis, and resulted in Hitler's arrest.During Hitler's time in prison in Landsberg he wrote the infamous 'Mein Kampf' and dictated it to Nazi's within his facility. His greatest follower and Deputy Rudolph Hess listened intently to the whole of Hitler's Mein Kampf numerous times, and depicted it as a fantastic vision of Hitler and the Nazi's ideology.
After his release in December 1924, the Nazi's took a great turn. With the release of Mein Kampf, their visions set in stone and Hitler out o
prison, the Nazi's were able to find a great sense of direction, and became incredibly organized.From this point the Nazi's became dedicated, and incredibly concentrated on becoming the greatest political power in Germany. They started to really appeal to the public, and so they changed their tactics. The Nazi's were now seen as a passive party, trying to get rid of extremism that had risen through the country because of depression, and ultimately eradicate the depression altogether.
The now super organized Nazi's now had the attention of the general public, and they jumped from 12 seats in the Reichstag in 1928 to 107 seats in 1930.How did they win these seats? some may ask, but the answer is fairly simple. The new found organization of the Nazi's was incredible. Remembering that many Nazi's had been soldiers in WW1, and brought about the level of obedience as they had been used to in the trenches.
This meant that Hitler was able to organize public speaking classes for his Nazi's, affecting the way they delivered themselves to the public, and how they portrayed the Nazi image.As well as the Nazi population spreading the memorandum of themselves, Hitler also organized the implausible and renowned propaganda that the Nazis are still recognized for today.Hitler put together a huge propaganda machine, for he had experience in the propaganda field to try and attract the people of Germany to vote for him. His posters included the anti-communist (above) and anti-semitic message that at the time, many Germans found appealing.As time moved on and the Nazis kept gaining seats throughout the 1930's, there were a number of uncontrollable factors which contributed towards the
Nazis coming to power.
One of the most important of these of course, was the weakness of the opposition in the 1930s. Many people were very angry at the Weimar government, and in their eyes it was the Weimar who had caused them to lose jobs, money and houses. This factor encouraged the Nazi's to exploit the hatred for the Weimar by promising the following; Peace, jobs, money, hope, leadership and prosperity throughout Germany. This relates to the way that the Nazi's bounced off of the Depression to win them votes. Not only did they seem like they were going to offer people jobs and money, they also acted as if they were going to boost the economy of the whole country, to bring them back to the Golden Years that the Germans had just experienced.Another contributing ingredient into the Nazi rise to power was the rise in Extremism.
The fact that support for the Communists was growing made middle class, upper class and non-voters throw their vote to the Nazi's just to stop the grow of Marxism, and also because Hitler was promoting his anti-maoist message to those exact target audiences.The uncontrollable features of their soar were greatly helped by the aspects that they were organizing...As I have mentioned, Hitler organized the Propaganda Machine and also turned the Nazi's to a more ordered party.
However, he was also responsible for the creation of the SA, Hitler's 'personal' army of toughened war veterans, simply created in Hitler's words to 'keep political meetings safe'.The SA really influenced the country to vote Nazi as they showed a very developed sense of structure within the Nazi Party. The SA
also held people at gun point in certain voting booths to try and convince them to vote for Hitler.Hitler himself also contributed towards the Nazi popularity by just being himself.
He had a very gripping personality, which the people of Germany loved. He was enforcing and took action where it was needed. He also gave great rally speeches to hundreds of people, rising an aura of patriotic spirit representing how it feels to be a Nazi supporter.I feel that the success of the Nazi's in the 1930's were a whole combination of the various things I have looked at over this essay, but for me the most dormant dynamic of the Nazi success was the change from militant to passive attitude.
I feel that this greatly increased the Nazi popularity, and also allowed them to comprehend situations more effectively; giving them the time they needed to think about how their actions would affect their own status within the Reichstag, and their reputation with the German public. This is a treasure that no successful political party could afford to lose.
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