One Queen's life, however, can be accounted for. Her name is Queen Alfred. The life of Queen Alfred was greatly affected by the geography, science, technology, time continuity, and culture of the Anglo Saxon collocation. Queen Alfred (otherwise known as Alfred or Lifestyle) was the first kings' wife ever to be anointed queen of England. This meant that she held a high status throughout England and was allowed many privileges. One of those privileges was the ability to own and obtain nicer quality items.
Like most civilizations, the Anglo Saxons relied heavily on trade to receive the things that they needed. Because England was surrounded on almost al sides by water, It was no surprise the mall source of trade was by ship. Queen Alfred wore many expensive jewelry and dress
...es made from luxurious fabrics from all over the world. Without the ability to stop at many trade routes along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea, Queen Alfred would not have been able to get the expensive Jewelry and fabrics used to make clothing fit for a Queen.
England was full of rolling hills and large fiat plains. This was very useful to have access to when Queen Alfred ordered a farm "built" privately for the use of the royal family only.
Queen Alfred was very full of her title and refused to eat or use any items grown or sold in the marketplace. This included items like fruits, vegetables, wheat, meat. Jewels. Fabric, or animals.
The long flat areas of land surrounding the castle allowed enough space for the Queen to have crops grown and animals like pigs, sheep, cows
and ox to be raised.
The rolling hills became a source of protection and defense for the Queen, which kept her safe during times of battle for many years. Unsafe for digestion, most of the water from lakes, ponds, and streams was not fit for drinking. Because of this Queen Alfred and the rest of the royal family attempted to trade for healthy drinking water. This lasted a few short months but became difficult so the royal family went back to drinking a dull form of beer that the Anglo Saxon citizens drank In replacement of water.
This replacement for water was made from barley, honey, mean, ale, and a very small amount of water.
Although small bodies of water such as Lake Mere were considered polluted, they were used as a source of entertainment for many years. The Anglo Saxon citizens, mostly including children often skipped rocks and swam in the lakes and streams. Richer citizens such as the royal family and knights would participate In small boat racing and sometimes water Jousting. The technological abilities of the Anglo Saxons increased heavily when SST.
Augustine brought Christianity to England.
Because of recurrent warfare in England buildings fell so often, the people had to find a cheap and easy way to reconstruct buildings regularly. Up until around 900 AD, the people constructed with wood and roof thatching. When proven highly flammable, the people were influenced by Roman architecture and started to construct with stone blocks. Like most buildings, fore the use of stone blocks, the castle where Queen Alfred lived was built from strong timber.
When the warfare increased, the castle was slowly switched from
wood to the even stronger blocks.
When this happened Queen Alfred had her chambers raised many levels for more protection. Since trade was a large part of the Anglo Saxon civilization, and most trade was by water, the Anglo Saxons needed a strong ship that was very durable and could move very quickly in all weather. The Anglo Saxons designed large ships made from timber that could carry a large number of people and a surplus of cargo. Many times the hips would be attacked my raiders and other civilizations while returning from a trip with all of the Queens belongings. Due to this Queen Alfred insisted the traders were protected at all times.
The Anglo Saxons designed a weapon comprising of an iron spearhead and wooden chute. The spears were usually made of ash and measured about 4. 9-?8. Ft in length.
Both the ships and weapons from this time have inspired present day ships and weapons. Metalwork and glasswork were a large export for the Anglo Saxons. The Anglo Saxons were exceedingly skillful craftsman who manufactured Jewelry like earrings, classes, bracelets, and occasionally rings. The Anglo Saxons did not have buttons or any for of zippers so often times brooches were used to hold articles of clothing together.
Precious metals and enamel were mostly used to make all of these things. Much of the metalwork done by the Anglo Saxons has survived today. Although Queen Alfred seldom used anything made for the market, she habitually would have jewelry made exclusively for her. The Anglo Saxon glasswork was exquisite.
Fine beads, stained windows, bowls, charms, and frames were some of the main items created
by glass blowers. The glass items were often painted and traded all over the world. Many of these works by the Anglo Saxons have inspired civilizations throughout history. As time progressed, so did England.
This brought about many noticeable changes in history. Many of these changes were closely related to politics.
Queen Alfred held a high status in politics, which was generally presented. First wedded to Delaware, the son of half king Talents, Queen Alfred eventually married King Edgar of England. As documented in history, there were many kings during the time of the Anglo Saxons. One of them being Queen Oilfield's son Teller.
Teller was the second heir to the throne behind King Edger's son Edward. Queen Alfred did not feel that Edward was fit to be king so she decided that he needed to be murdered.
King Edward took a tour to Coffer Castle, where he was eventually assassinated. King Edwards trip to Coffer Castle was not at random, but rather was meant to be a source of protection. During late 977, a famine broke out and the population of England dropped largely and rapidly.
Afraid of becoming sick and dying, King Edward went to Coffer Castle in hopes of waiting for the sickness to pass. While out hunting at Coffer Castle, Queen Oilfield's servants stabbed King Edward in the back and Queen Oilfields stepson, Queen Alfred was seen as a malicious stepmother in many medieval stories.
As Teller got older, married, and had children, Queen Oilfields high political status dwindled and she held a lesser station. The Anglo Saxons have been known for having a culture inspired by many other countries and
civilizations. Having immigrated from Germanic and Dutch areas, the Anglo Saxons passed traditional characteristics like religious belief in paganism to England.
Faith played a sizeable role in Queen Oilfield's life. Once she was anointed queen and was given more rower, she was in control over things relating to religion like churches. When SST.
Augustine converted the Anglo Saxons from Pagans to Christians, most all of the temples were switched to churches. After the murder of King Edward, Queen Alfred devoted her life to nunnery and instituted many monasteries in England.
She became a large supporter of second chances and began to give to the underprivileged. Nonetheless, this did not mean she stopped providing herself with nicer more expensive things. Most Anglo Saxons were vegetarian due to the high pricing. The rich, including Queen Alfred ate red meat and imported dried fish and food from Norway.
Some of these included eels, lampreys, pike, cod, crab, lobster, oysters, plaice, salmon, sprats, and sturgeon. Since water was not healthy, most people drank beer and milk.
Rich Anglo Saxons drank Wine and Mead. Queen Alfred imported many affluent wines from all over Europe. As one can see, geography, science, technology, time continuity, and culture play an enormous part in the life of numerous Anglo Saxons, a particular individual being Queen Alfred. The events that occurred throughout her life can easily be interconnected or triggered by those five themes.
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