Increasing female participation in sports Essay Example
Increasing female participation in sports Essay Example

Increasing female participation in sports Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1037 words)
  • Published: September 11, 2017
  • Type: Research Paper
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This study aims to explore methods for enhancing women's engagement in Bayswater Sports Club. The findings demonstrate diverse barriers that hinder their involvement, such as limited time availability, lack of childcare amenities, financial constraints, transportation difficulties, and concerns regarding personal safety.

Efforts should be made to address the causes of lower female engagement in order to increase participation. It is important for Bayswater athletics club to focus on enhancing female involvement in sports activities, as there has been a decline in female participation rates. The club recognizes the need for initiatives that promote greater female engagement due to the higher number of male participants. Furthermore, maintaining a high-quality sports club relies on consistent participation from both genders.

The main objective of this study is to provide a set of findings that can assist the sports management in engaging, re-engaging, and retai


ning female members in the organization (Brunet, 2010).


The participation rate for women in sports is significantly lower than men in the current scenario. This gender gap is due to various personal, practical, cultural, and societal factors. The main reason for the low involvement of female athletes in the organization is explained below (Carter, 2012).

Main reason for lower involvement:

Lack of time and household responsibilities

Women have less leisure time than men due to their involvement in day-to-day household chores and taking care of their children and elderly parents simultaneously. As a result, women are reluctant to sign up for sports or join a club.

(Gibson, 2011).

Issues of Personal Safety and Lack of Self-Confidence

Women express a greater worry regarding their personal safety compared to men, particularly when it comes to using public transportation or being in areas surrounding sports communities

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Moreover, women with disabilities often face bullying or abuse, causing them to perceive traveling to and from sports communities as unsafe.

Lower Levels of Self-Confidence

In general, women typically have lower self-confidence in sports and judge their abilities and performance as inferior to those of men.

There is a connection between assurance and competition that causes certain women to favor competitive settings, while others steer clear of them. These women opt out of participating in certain activities because they are afraid of being surpassed by others. Additionally, they lack the confidence to engage in important periods of their lives, fearing that it may be too late. As a result, activities such as acrobatics, yoga, and aerobic exercises have gained popularity among females.

(Fuller, 1999).

Socio-economic position and female engagement:

Female participation in sports clubs can be impacted by their socio-economic status. Women from lower socio-economic backgrounds often have lower involvement rates due to financial limitations.

Perceived feelings of female participants:

Female participants may perceive themselves as lacking competitiveness within the sports organization and see their coach as excessively strict.

They also have concerns about being teased by their peers and try to fit in with others. They also have concerns about their appearance and how the organization is structured in terms of rules and procedures (Gilbert, 2005). The diagram below shows the age breakdown of participation in sports and physical activity in NSW from 1999 to 2000.


Recommendations that can be implemented to increase female participation at the Bayswater sports club are:

Offer child care services and flexible schedules.

The Bayswater sports club can provide child care solutions and classes for children.

It will benefit female participants by allowing them to bring their children when they come

to the sports club.

Enhancing promotional activities

The sports club can improve its sports activity promotion by giving free gifts to participants. Additionally, they can create a website for Bayswater sports club, providing members with all necessary information.

Equal availability of facilities for all participants

Assess the convenience of facilities and timing of games, and ensure fair access during peak times for women's sports. Introduce a system that delivers information in various formats to ensure equal access for all groups.

Ensure that staff undergo regular diversity training in order to provide an excellent service to club members.

Provide safe areas, activities, and secure facilities.

Ensure appropriate privacy for women and girls in changing rooms and other areas by minimizing exposed areas. Additionally, allow women to wear suitable clothing that they feel comfortable in. Furthermore, offer single sex activities and use separate facilities for men and women that are managed by female staff members. Ensure that these facilities are solely dedicated to women's sports.

Provide a friendly training service and instill confidence.

Trainers should establish a friendly rapport with female participants.

Besides, trainers can help athletes reduce their fear during sports activities. Additionally, trainers should provide reassurance to athletes when they are participating in sports.


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