Foundational theories are the perceived set of rules, the framework, that children explain and describe their environment and their experiences of life. These theories are founded on individual experiences, and most of them may really have fanciful explanations or false. For example: “My parents take alcohol because I am indiscipline.” The field of psychology may have expanded to be respected as a field of study. Scientific method and objectivity are both part of the psychologist’s way of operation. However, the greatest psychologists can only explain why human beings behave the way they do. Facts are not part of psychology. Everything is open and relative to speculation. Psychology theorists give their ideas and views about life.
In psychology, there are many different sectors of interest. Human development is the most popular area in which those who study psychology are in
...terested in. Just to mention a few, Freud, Erikson and Piaget area among great psychologists who developed different ideas regarding human development. Each of them came up with stages for human development and ideas about each stage, (DeVellis, 2016). Each theory developed different ideas about each stage. The theories also differed in how they treated paradigmatic assumptions, relationship towards educational practice, and learning and development.
Freud developed the theory psychosexual theory of development. Although part of his work has been dispelled, most of it still holds water in the field of psychology. He said that the most influential of all internal forces was our sexual being. Freud related everything to sex including any bodily pleasure. In this way, when Freud explains the children sexual needs, they are not similar to the ones of an adult. Freud also mentioned tha
certain body parts are erogenous zones. These areas include the genitals and the mouth. These areas fit completely in Freud’s obsession with sex. Freud’s theory on human development can be given the label psychosexual stages of human development. Freud believed that humans underwent different stages in life as per the body part which gave them sexual gratification. Freud came up with five psychosexual development stages.
The first one is the oral stage which occurs between births to about one year. At this stage, the child’s mouth is the source of pleasure. The child is orally oriented. At this stage, children to suck everything they touch and come across, (Bossel, 1999)
The second stage occurs between the ages of two to three years. The source of pleasure shifts to anal region. He believes that children experience sexual gratification when they retain bowel movements and also during the bowel movements. Children may also experience pleasure looking at or handling their own feces. This is called the anal stage. When the anal stage has been completed, the next is referred to as the phallic stage. It is at the age of about three years. The erogenous zone shifts to the genital organs. Another name for this stage is the Oedipal stage. This name originated from a king who killed his own father and afterwards married his biological mother. At this stage, sexual organs are the source of pleasure. Children take a keen interest on their sexual organs. Soon they realize the similarities and differences between their parents and themselves, (Kagitcibasi, 2013). They want to be with the parent of the opposite sex. For girl’s case, it’s referred to as Electra
Once the phallic stage has been completed, the next stage is the stage of latency. It is characterized by the lack of shift of erogenous zones or even their absence. After the child realizes that he or she cannot be with his or her parent sexually, the child shifts attention to same-sexed relationships. The stage which occurs lastly is the Genital stage. This stage occurs between puberty to adulthood. Erogenous zone returns to the genitals in a powerful way.
Piaget also believed in human development theory. She came up with cognitive development theory. Her stages were cognitive. The stages were based things the child is able to do. As per Piaget, a child goes through four developmental stages in its life. Piaget’s interest was on the child’s senses and abilities, not sexual desires.
Piaget believes that the first development stage should be cognitive one. The first stage she came up with is the sensorimotor stage. This stage takes place between births to two years of age. At this stage, the child learns object permanence, motor meaning, and symbolic representation. The child is able to organize his activities in accordance with his environment. The second step in Piaget’s theory is the preoperational stage. It occurs between two to seven years of age. At this stage, the child develops language. He uses symbols to represent people, events, and places. From about seven to thirteen years the child enters the concrete operational stage. They can solve practical problems logically. They can understand form concepts and rules. The last stage in Piaget’s theory is called formal operational stage. Its stakes occur from twelve ages to adulthood. At this stage, one should
be able to conceive abstractly, use hypothetical reasoning and manipulate abstract concepts.
From the theories examined and explained in this essay we can draw conclusions that human behaviors and thoughts can impact mental either positively or negatively which is a great influence in psychological development.
- Bossel, H. (1999). Indicators for sustainable development: theory, method, applications (p. 138). Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development.
- DeVellis, R. F. (2016). Scale development: Theory and applications (Vol. 26). Sage publications.
- Kagitcibasi, C. (2013). Family, self, and human development across cultures: Theory and applications. Routledge.
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