International Trade Debate Essay Example
International Trade Debate Essay Example

International Trade Debate Essay Example

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  • Pages: 1 (262 words)
  • Published: September 27, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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International trade refers to the global exchange of goods and services between various countries, encompassing both developed and developing nations. The international trade system extends an invitation to all interested countries wishing to engage in trade.

International trade has diverse effects on developing economies, encompassing improvements in transportation, industrialization, globalization, and employment. Despite possible short-term drawbacks, international trade ultimately promotes economic growth, heightened welfare, elevated employment rates, and the establishment of social ties between trading nations. As per the assertion made, developing countries are able to engage in unrestricted global business opportunities due to international trade.

The liberalization and democratization of countries is a result of this phenomenon. Developing nations have less stringent trade regulations, but they still retain control over which goods and businesses they choose to engage with. As a result, both developing and devel


oped nations benefit from unrestricted trade. Although certain protections and regulations, such as safeguarding domestic corporations and controlling foreign markets and imported products, cannot be enforced in a free trade market, nations involved in free trade are exposed to competition that encourages the emergence of internationally compliant businesses. Free trade fosters fierce competition among countries, enabling developing nations to globally export their local products with reduced tariffs. Consequently, this promotes economic growth by facilitating global commerce. In conclusion, governments operating under restricted trade face obstacles when compared to countries participating in free trade agreements.

Communication enables the unrestricted exchange of resources and technology, facilitating international trade and free trade.


  1. Shah, Anup. (2007). Free Trade and Globalization. URL Retrieved September 16, 2007.
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