Women Are Equals: No Longer Inferior to Men
Women Are Equals: No Longer Inferior to Men

Women Are Equals: No Longer Inferior to Men

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  • Pages: 2 (311 words)
  • Published: April 24, 2022
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I agree that women are better than being mothers and wives who are only good at household duties. The mentality of men to perceive women as inferior to them is not functional anymore. The only difference between men and women is their gender, and that makes none inferior or superior to the other. Men have gone way too far to assume that they deserve to be respected by every living creature including women. They should realize that women are as important as they are or even they could be termed better for the role that they play of bearing children. As per Sophia’s words, people respect for the duties that they play and not who they are, and that gives women more credit than men.

Without women, there would be no men and for that reason, men should give women the respect th


ey deserve. If women were allowed to explore their world like men without limits, they would have reached the higher ranks in education or professionally a long time ago. But men hindered their growth for fear of losing their superiority to women by suppressing them and making them feel small. I believe that women deserve to be respected because they handle their roles as mothers and at the same time, tend to their professional careers. Some even perform better than men who dedicate the better part of their time to their work. I agree with Sophia that women are as capable as men and given the opportunity, they would advance and offer their best.

Therefore, it is good for every organization to view women from a perspective of capability and offer them opportunities for bigge

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roles. Women should be allowed to choose what they want in life, either to pursue higher learning or become mothers. Again, there should be equal access to opportunities for both men and women.

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