United States Government-Comprehensive Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is United States Government-Comprehensive?
The United States government is a complex system of federal and state governments. Each governmental entity has its own set of rules, regulations, laws, processes and procedures. This complexity can be overwhelming for the average citizen to understand or keep track of in detail. However, having an understanding of the basics of how our government works is essential for all citizens in order to better participate in democracy. At the foundation level sits the US Constitution which serves as the basis for all American lawmaking and executive decision-making. The Constitution establishes three branches: legislative (Congress), executive (President) and judicial (U.S Supreme Court). Each branch operates independently from each other but work together to ensure that checks and balances are maintained among them in order to prevent any one branch from having too much power over another one. The Legislative Branch consists of two parts House of Representatives and Senate which make up Congress; it is responsible for passing laws governing activities within states as well as conducting foreign policy matters with other countries around world. Members are elected by their local constituents who serve terms varying length depending on their position; most representatives serve two year terms while senators generally serve six year terms. The Executive Branch is headed by President who acts chief officer responsible carrying out orders passed down by Congress while also providing leadership during times crisis or emergency situations; Vice President serves under him/her performing duties delegated him/her time-to-time basis when necessary carry out those orders effectively & efficiently manner possible without political interference influencing actions taken place Oval Office White House Washington DC where both reside during term office they have been elected into office since 1789 after George Washington took oath Presidentship United States America becoming first leader nation history remember today still speak highly his accomplishments made throughout career provided country great model follow continue strive success same way he did centuries ago even though things may different now but basic principles remain same moving forward future generations come bring changes needed help progress this wonderful nation forever land free proud citizens call home showing patriotism doing whatβs right no matter situation always stands test integrity fairness justice equality everyone involved making sure these values remain stable never falter helping guide decisions made every day life here states across board entire globe maintaining peace balance everywhere important aspect consider importance stability security public safety paramount keeping mind when going about everyday business trying accomplish goals set forth leaders past present coming ahead us pave road success expedite process accomplishing dreams aspirations shared amongst many different people groups walks society working together create something special unique kind momentous happenings hope inspire others take part similar ventures join forces unifying force bring ideas fruition lasting impact felt years come dream big reach stars ask questions get answers move mountains if need accomplish task overarching goal benefit humanity human race whole concept sounds quite romantic grandeur scale course reality required hard work dedication perseverance effort become reality stay strong stand tall your shoulders bear burden show strength courage face challenges head on fight good fight ultimately prevail against odds prove yourself worthy taking charge situation leading charge new frontier.