Sociology of Aging Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Sociology of Aging?
Aging is an inevitable process of life that affects everyone at some point in their lives. Through the lens of sociology, it has been studied extensively and its effects on society have been examined. The sociology of aging looks at how individuals interact with one another as they age, how societal attitudes towards aging affect those who are aging, and what kind of changes take place within our social structure due to an aging population. As people age, their roles often change within society and relationships begin to shift as well. Social isolation can become more common among older adults due to health issues or a lack of family and friends to support them. Senior citizens may also feel neglected by younger generations since many cultures tend to focus more on youth than old age. This can lead to feelings of loneliness or depression which can further compound any existing medical conditions they may have developed due to old age. The physical changes that come with growing older also play a role in the way elderly individuals are treated in society. Ageism is prevalent in most countries where stereotypes about senior citizens’ capabilities and abilities persist, despite advances being made towards greater acceptance for all ages in recent years. This includes biases against seniors when it comes to employment opportunities or access to healthcare services, treatments, or medications that could help improve their quality of life later on in life. Even though seniors contribute greatly to our culture through experience and wisdom, they still face much discrimination from others based solely on their age alone something that needs serious addressing if we want fairness for all members of society regardless of their circumstances or stage in life. Finally, there are major demographic shifts taking place around the world because longevity is increasing while fertility rates remain low resulting in an overall increase in the proportionate number of elderly people compared with other groups (i.e., children). This has implications not only for how resources will be allocated amongst different generations but also regarding policy decisions made by governments regarding pensions/social security programs and other economic/societal concerns related specifically (but not limited)to this population group’s needs . As such, understanding these dynamics better is essential if we hope for successful strategies geared towards helping ensure a comfortable retirement for current & future generations alike.