Mind Body Connection Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Mind Body Connection?
The Mind-Body connection is the relationship between our physical body and our mental, emotional and spiritual state. It is an ancient concept that has been discussed in various cultures throughout history but recently it has become more accepted by modern medical science as a valid system of understanding health.The mind-body connection suggests that the way we think, feel and behave can impact our physical health. This means that if we are stressed or anxious, it can lead to physical symptoms such as headaches or stomachaches. Similarly, if we are physically ill, it can lead to emotional distress such as depression or anxiety. Therefore focusing on improving our mental health can help us to improve our physical wellbeing too.One way to understand the mind-body connection is through the practice of mindfulness which involves being aware of your body’s sensations and how you are feeling in any given moment without judgement or criticism. By doing this regularly you can become better connected with yourself and your body’s needs enabling you to manage stress more effectively. This in turn helps create a healthier balance between your mental and physical health. Another form of mind-body therapy is yoga which combines breathing exercises with postures designed to relax both body and mind for improved wellbeing overall. Regular practice of yoga has been found to reduce stress hormones in the body while also calming the nervous system leading to a sense of relaxation and improved mood states for many people who practice it regularly. Finally, psychotherapy is another approach which explores how thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviours interact with each other influencing each other’s expression within different contexts including within physical illness or injury situations. By exploring these underlying issues in psychotherapy sessions people often find relief from their symptoms while also gaining insight into their own unique ways of responding mentally emotionally spiritually when faced with challenging life circumstances.