We've found 25 Long Term Memory tests

Coronary Artery Disease Human Life Span Long Term Memory Low Self Esteem Non Hispanic Whites Oncology Public Health Sociology of Aging
Adult Developmental test 2 171 terms
John Smith avatar
John Smith
171 terms
Introductory Psychology Long Term Memory
Psy-150: Psychology Test Answers 82 terms
Marie Florence avatar
Marie Florence
82 terms
Increase The Frequency Long Term Memory Scientific Method Top Down Processing
Ed Psych Exam 2 questions – Flashcards 13 terms
Sean Hill avatar
Sean Hill
13 terms
of the following, which is the most similar to the concept of long term memory?
a filing cabinet
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/psych-ch-6-quest/
Retrieval from long term memory is usually BEST when the information has been stored at which level of processing?
What provides convincing evidence that memories are permanently and accurately stored in long term memory, as discussed in class and in the text? a. the detailed reports of childhood experiences given by adults under hypnosis b. the recovery of painful unconscious childhood memories when in therapy c. Penfield’s discovery that electrical stimulation of the brain activates vivid recollections of the distant past d. all of the above e. none of the above
none of the above
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sensory memory, working memory or short-term memory, and long term memory
what is the three-stage model?
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The process of taking new information and integrating it with stored information in long term memory is called ____. a. metacognition b. consolidation c. constructive memory d. reality monitoring
b. consolidation
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/essay-psy-420-chapter-6/
alcohol consumption disrupts the processing of recent experiences into long term memory by
decreasing REM sleep
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The most efficient way of transferring short-term memory into long term memory is by using
elaborative rehearsal
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/psychology-chapter-6-qa-fillins/
An inablility to accesss information in long term memory is known as…
retrieval failure
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/psych-flash-cards-ch-7/
Reviewing feedback given on a test will help you retain information in your short-term memory, but not your long term memory.
sensory memory/registar—working memory (short term)–(rehearsal, encoding, and retrieval)—long term memory
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/education-303-2/
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