Human Life Span Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Human Life Span?
The human life span is a complex interplay of genetics, environmental influences, and lifestyle choices. On average, humans have a life expectancy of approximately 80 years. This number can be greatly increased or decreased depending upon the individual’s circumstances. For example, people who live in industrialized nations generally have longer life expectancies than those living in poor and developing countries. Additionally, individuals who exercise regularly and eat healthy diets can often increase their lifespans through simple proactive measures.Life expectancy has been steadily increasing for decades as medical treatments become more sophisticated and people adopt healthier lifestyles. The average lifespan of an American citizen is now nearly 79 years compared to just 42 years in 1900 due largely to improvements in healthcare and nutrition over the past century. As science progresses even further and new treatments are developed that extend our lives even longer this trend is likely to continue into the future as well. Genetics also plays a huge role in determining one’s lifespan as certain genetic variations can predispose individuals to conditions such as heart disease or cancer which can significantly shorten their lives if left untreated or unmanaged properly. Additionally, genetics can also be beneficial by providing protective factors against illnesses that might otherwise take away many years from your lifespan if you were not lucky enough to have them naturally embedded within your genetic makeup. Overall, there are many variables that influence the length of an individual’s life span but ultimately it is up to each person to make healthy choices that will extend their lives for many happy years with family and friends.