Health Care Professional Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Health Care Professional?
Health care professionals play an integral role in providing medical care to individuals with a variety of medical conditions. These professionals are responsible for providing high-quality care and services that help ensure the wellbeing of their patients. Health care professionals must possess a range of skills and knowledge to effectively evaluate patients and determine appropriate treatments. Health care professionals may specialize in various areas, such as emergency medicine, primary or specialty care, nursing, rehabilitation therapies, nutrition and dietetics, public health or mental health. They also work in a variety of settings including hospitals, clinics and other healthcare facilities. Regardless of the setting they are employed in or the area they specialize in, all health care professionals have one goal: delivering quality patient-centered healthcare services that improve patient outcomes. In order to accomplish this goal health care professionals must be well trained and educated on the latest advances in medicine as well as the best practices for delivering quality patient-centered services. They should be knowledgeable about anatomy & physiology; pharmacology; diagnoses; treatment plans; laboratory tests & results; surgical procedures; infection control protocols; medical ethics & legal issues; communication techniques & methods for working with diverse populations across different cultures & beliefs. Furthermore, it is important for health care professionals to keep up to date on changing trends within their profession by attending conferences or taking online courses or seminars on new treatments or technologies that could benefit their patients’ health and wellbeing. In addition to technical training and clinical experience, many states require additional certification such as National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) Certification before issuing a license for certain positions within the healthcare field such as physicians assistants or nurse practitioners. Lastly but perhaps most importantly healthcare providers need empathy when interacting with their patients because often times when people come into contact with them they are dealing with some type of illness which can be emotionally challenging not only for them but also their families too which is why having strong interpersonal skills is essential so they can build rapport while providing empathy simultaneously thus allowing them to provide better overall patient centered healthcare services that lead to positive outcomes both short term and long term.