We've found 16 Dietary Guidelines For Americans tests

Biotechnology Dietary Guidelines For Americans Digestive System Fat Free Milk Nutrition Tolerable Upper Intake Level
Test Answers on Health Chapter 9 – Flashcards 11 terms
Collin Foley avatar
Collin Foley
11 terms
Brain And Nervous System Center For Disease Control Dietary Guidelines For Americans
Fitness Theory and Practice Final – Flashcards 98 terms
Alexandra Robertson avatar
Alexandra Robertson
98 terms
Dietary Guidelines For Americans Nutrition
Nutrition 1, chapter 1 – Flashcards 76 terms
Blake Terry avatar
Blake Terry
76 terms
Dietary Guidelines For Americans Nutrition
Ole Miss Nutrition – Flashcards 77 terms
Ashlynn Thompson avatar
Ashlynn Thompson
77 terms
Dietary Guidelines For Americans Disease Prevention And Health Promotion Nutrition Public Health
Pearson questions – Flashcards 22 terms
Killian Parsons avatar
Killian Parsons
22 terms
Dietary Guidelines For Americans Magazines And Newspapers Nutrition Sequence Of Events
Nutrition Study – Flashcards 51 terms
Ruth Jones avatar
Ruth Jones
51 terms
Comparison Dietary Guidelines For Americans Drinks Food Maintain Good Health Nutrition
NUTR 275 – CHAPTER 2 – Flashcards 10 terms
Alexandra Robertson avatar
Alexandra Robertson
10 terms
Dietary Guidelines For Americans Ldl Cholesterol Levels Nutrition
Principles of Nutrition Ch.11 – Flashcards 20 terms
Kenneth Miller avatar
Kenneth Miller
20 terms
Dietary Guidelines For Americans Health
Health Module 5 – Flashcards 95 terms
Marvel Brown avatar
Marvel Brown
95 terms
3 Times Per Week Dietary Guidelines For Americans Physical Fitness
therapeutic exercise – Flashcards 70 terms
Pedro Huang avatar
Pedro Huang
70 terms
Dietary Guidelines For Americans Foods Nutrition United States
FSHN 120 Ch 15 – Flashcards 10 terms
Keisha White avatar
Keisha White
10 terms
Dietary Guidelines For Americans Music Education
Nutrition Chapter 16 Quiz – Flashcards 40 terms
Sarah Taylor avatar
Sarah Taylor
40 terms
Dietary Guidelines For Americans Food And Nutrition Board Nutrition
nutritional biochem – Flashcards 57 terms
Isabel Padilla avatar
Isabel Padilla
57 terms
Biochemistry Dietary Guidelines For Americans Lean Body Mass Tolerable Upper Intake Level
Nutritional Biochemistry Exam 1 – Flashcards 83 terms
Chad Lipe avatar
Chad Lipe
83 terms
Dietary Guidelines For Americans Milk And Milk Products Tolerable Upper Intake Level
DHN 212 chapter 3 20 terms
Larry Charles avatar
Larry Charles
20 terms
Dietary Guidelines For Americans Health Health Education Nutrition
chapter 10/section 3 – healthy food guidelines 13 terms
Linda Lynch avatar
Linda Lynch
13 terms
How do the Dietary Guidelines for Americans address the problem of obesi
They recommend balancing kcalories consumed with the kcalories expended in activity.
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Which is NOT included in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans? a) Limit your intake of saturated fat, cholesterol, and trans fat b) Choose and prepare foods with little added sugars c) Exercise three times a week d) Maintain body weight in a healthy range
c) Exercise three times a week
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/chapter-2-t-b/
MyPlate is a food guidance system that illustrates the recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 and reinforces the important concepts of
Meal planning, healthful choices, proportionality, and moderation
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/nutr-275-chapter-2/
To maintain a healthful weight, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends
increasing the level of physical activity and reducing sedentary activities
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/fshn-120-chapter-2/
Which of the following topics is one of the five key components of Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010? Building healthy eating patterns Using Nutrition Facts panels to make wise choices Eating more calcium-rich foods Avoiding junk foods
Which of the following recommendations is an overarching concept of Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010? A. Increase your intake of vitamins and minerals B. Reduce your intake of salt to lower your risk of hypertension C. Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods and beverages D. Incorporate whole grains into half of your meals
Question 1 1 out of 1 points Correct The _____ stores bile until it is needed. Answer Selected Answer: gallbladder Question 2 1 out of 1 points Correct Question 3 1 out of 1 points Correct A magazine advertisement for a weight loss product includes before and after photos of a woman who supposedly lost 50 pounds in 3 weeks while taking the product. The bottom of the ad includes the statement, “Results are not typical.” This statement is an example of a(n) Answer Selected Answer: disclaimer. Correct Answer: disclaimer. Response Feedback: correct Question 4 1 out of 1 points Correct The following substances were detected in a jar of baby food. Which of the substances is a not a direct food additive? Answer Selected Answer: Glass fragment Correct Answer: Glass fragment Response Feedback: correct Question 5 1 out of 1 points Correct According to Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010, _____ are unhealthy and should be consumed in limited amounts. Answer Selected Answer: trans fats Correct Answer: trans fats Response Feedback: correct Question 6 1 out of 1 points Correct A person suffering from celiac disease must avoid Answer Selected Answer: consuming foods that contain gluten. Correct Answer: consuming foods that contain gluten. Response Feedback: correct Question 7 0 out of 1 points Incorrect Muscle fatigue may result from _____ accumulation in working muscles. Answer Selected Answer: glycogen Correct Answer: H+ Question 8 1 out of 1 points Correct Osmosis is the Answer Selected Answer: passage of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane. Correct Answer: passage of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane. Response Feedback: correct Question 9 1 out of 1 points Correct Iodine is necessary for Answer Selected Answer: maintaining normal thyroid function. Correct Answer: maintaining normal thyroid function. Response Feedback: correct Question 10 1 out of 1 points Correct Phil takes supplements that supply 1000 mg of vitamin C three times a day. The recommended amount of vitamin C is 90 mg/day. His daily vitamin C intake is an example of a Answer Selected Answer: megadose. Correct Answer: megadose. Response Feedback: correct Question 11 1 out of 1 points Correct A/an _____ study is one in which neither the participants nor the researchers are aware of who is receiving the placebo or the experimental treatment. Answer Selected Answer: double-blind Correct Answer: double-blind Question 12 1 out of 1 points Correct Intracellular water Answer Selected Answer: is within cells. Correct Answer: is within cells. Response Feedback: correct Question 13 1 out of 1 points Correct Consumers can use information about _____ provided on food labels to compare nutrient contents of packaged foods and make more healthful choices. Answer Selected Answer: %DVs Correct Answer: %DVs Question 14 1 out of 1 points Correct The dietary concept that a person should eat many types of nutritious foods and should not eat the same foods every day is called Answer Selected Answer: variety. Correct Answer: variety. Question 15 1 out of 1 points Correct A gene is a Answer Selected Answer: piece of DNA that codes for a specific protein. Correct Answer: piece of DNA that codes for a specific protein. Response Feedback: correct Question 16 1 out of 1 points Correct After you eat a meal, the pancreas secretes glucagon, a hormone that signals your body to store energy. Answer Selected Answer: False Correct Answer: False Question 17 1 out of 1 points Correct April wants to add _____ to her salad, because the food is a naturally rich source of omega-3 fats. Answer Selected Answer: walnuts Correct Answer: walnuts Response Feedback: correct Question 18 1 out of 1 points Correct Max wants to increase his intake of vitamin C without taking a dietary supplement. When he shops for food, he reads Nutrition Facts labels. Which of the following kinds of information will help him choose foods that are the richest sources of vitamin C? Answer Selected Answer: %DVs Correct Answer: %DVs Response Feedback: correct Question 19 1 out of 1 points Correct Researchers are conducting a study to determine the effects of vitamin D supplements on the human immune system. The study involves providing pills that contain vitamin D to one group of human subjects and pills that do not contain the vitamin or other active ingredients to another group of people. The pills that do not contain vitamin D are Answer Selected Answer: placebos. Correct Answer: placebos. Response Feedback: correct Question 20 0 out of 1 points Incorrect MyPlate Answer Selected Answer: uses the same food groupings as the Exchange System. Correct Answer: can be individualized to meet a person’s food preferences. Response Feedback: incorrect Question 21 1 out of 1 points Correct According to Sam’s physician, his LDL cholesterol level is too high. To help lower his LDL cholesterol, Sam can add foods that contain _____ fiber to his diet. Answer Selected Answer: soluble Correct Answer: soluble Question 22 1 out of 1 points Correct Dana wants to reduce her intake of saturated fat by eating Answer Selected Answer: less beef. Correct Answer: less beef. Response Feedback: correct Question 23 0 out of 1 points Incorrect Basal metabolism includes energy needs for Answer Selected Answer: performing physical activity. Correct Answer: circulating blood. Response Feedback: incorrect Question 24 1 out of 1 points Correct Geoff wants to lower his risk of cancer. According to scientific studies, consuming ____ may decrease his risk of this chronic disease. Answer Selected Answer: broccoli Correct Answer: broccoli Response Feedback: correct Question 25 1 out of 1 points Correct Michelle’s weekly exercise program includes stair stepping, static stretching, cycling, and push-ups. Which of these activities is generally classified as a flexibility exercise? Answer Selected Answer: Static stretching Correct Answer: Static stretching Response Feedback: correct Question 26 1 out of 1 points Correct A primary function of the digestive system is the Answer Selected Answer: breakdown of food into nutrients. Correct Answer: breakdown of food into nutrients. Response Feedback: correct Question 27 1 out of 1 points Correct Pregnant women who develop gestational diabetes are more likely to give birth to ______ infants than pregnant women who do not have this condition. Answer Selected Answer: high-birth-weight Correct Answer: high-birth-weight Response Feedback: correct Question 28 0 out of 1 points Incorrect Chronic alcohol abuse increases the risk of Answer Selected Answer: All of these are correct. Correct Answer: pancreatic cancer. Response Feedback: incorrect Question 29 0 out of 1 points Incorrect Insulin Answer Selected Answer: All of these are correct. Correct Answer: helps glucose enter cells. Response Feedback: incorrect Question 30 1 out of 1 points Correct Deleon hasn’t been feeling well for several weeks. Although he has tried to lose excess weight, his excess fat (the “spare tire”) remains around his waist. Last night, Deleon became acutely ill, and he vomited material that resembled coffee grounds, even though he does not drink coffee. Based on this information, Deleon probably has _____, and the “coffee ground” material was ____ that had been exposed to stomach acid. Answer Selected Answer: an esophageal ulcer; blood Correct Answer: an esophageal ulcer; blood Response Feedback: correct Question 31 1 out of 1 points Correct According to Cleo’s physician, her blood cholesterol level is too high. Which of the following foods can Cleo add to her diet to help lower her cholesterol? Answer Selected Answer: Cooked oatmeal Correct Answer: Cooked oatmeal Response Feedback: correct Question 32 0 out of 1 points Incorrect A group of nutrition researchers interviews 100 adults who have chronic high blood pressure to determine whether there is an association between consuming diets low in calcium during adolescence and developing high blood pressure in adulthood. This study is an example of a ____ study. Answer Selected Answer: prospective Correct Answer: retrospective Response Feedback: incorrect Question 33 0 out of 1 points Incorrect The _____ is the second segment of the small intestine. Answer Selected Answer: duodenum Correct Answer: jejunum Response Feedback: incorrect Question 34 1 out of 1 points Correct To reduce the likelihood of experiencing traveler’s diarrhea when you visit high-risk countries, you should Answer Selected Answer: drink only bottled and sealed water. Correct Answer: drink only bottled and sealed water. Response Feedback: correct Question 35 0 out of 1 points Incorrect ______ is the hormone that enables glucose to enter cells. Answer Selected Answer: Glucagon Correct Answer: Insulin Question 36 1 out of 1 points Correct Muscles store ____, the immediate source of glucose for contracting muscles. Answer Selected Answer: glycogen Correct Answer: glycogen Response Feedback: correct Question 37 0 out of 1 points Incorrect Functions of intentional food additives include Answer Selected Answer: making the food taste better. Correct Answer: All of these are correct. Response Feedback: incorrect Question 38 1 out of 1 points Correct Hands should be washed with hot and soapy water for at least ____ seconds before and after touching food. Answer Selected Answer: 20 Correct Answer: 20 Question 39 1 out of 1 points Correct Jamie has a tumor that affects the functioning of her beta cells. Based on this information, Jamie’s Answer Selected Answer: blood glucose level is difficult to regulate. Correct Answer: blood glucose level is difficult to regulate. Response Feedback: correct Question 40 1 out of 1 points Correct In the body, vitamin A helps Answer Selected Answer: maintain epithelial cells. Correct Answer: maintain epithelial cells. Response Feedback: correct Question 41 1 out of 1 points Correct The hormone oxytocin Answer Selected Answer: enables the “let-down” reflex to occur when a woman breastfeeds her baby. Correct Answer: enables the “let-down” reflex to occur when a woman breastfeeds her baby. Response Feedback: correct Question 42 1 out of 1 points Correct Chemicals make up Answer Selected Answer: All of these are correct. Correct Answer: All of these are correct. Response Feedback: correct Question 43 1 out of 1 points Correct Most ready-to-eat cereals have undergone Answer Selected Answer: fortification. Correct Answer: fortification. Question 44 0 out of 1 points Incorrect All the following are modifiable risk factors for cardiovasular disease EXCEPT: Answer Selected Answer: Smoking Correct Answer: Family history Question 45 1 out of 1 points Correct An organic apple is more nutrient-dense than a conventionally grown apple. Answer Selected Answer: False Correct Answer: False Question 46 1 out of 1 points Correct Excess fluid consumption can result in a condition called Answer Selected Answer: water intoxication. Correct Answer: water intoxication. Response Feedback: correct Question 47 0 out of 1 points Incorrect In the human body, water is involved in Answer Selected Answer: All of these are correct. Correct Answer: transporting substances. Response Feedback: incorrect Question 48 0 out of 1 points Incorrect Ricardo’s BMI is 33.4; his waistline measures 42 inches and his hip circumference is 38 inches. According to this information, he Answer Selected Answer: has a high risk of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Correct Answer: All of these are correct. Response Feedback: incorrect Question 49 1 out of 1 points Correct Derek takes protein supplements before and after his workouts. He told his workout partner that he became 200% stronger within a couple of months after he added the supplements to his diet. His report about the effects of the supplements is an example of a(an) Answer Selected Answer: anecdote. Correct Answer: anecdote. Response Feedback: correct Question 50 1 out of 1 points Correct The organization responsible for monitoring and enforcing consumer protection laws and for investigating complaints about false or misleading health claims that appear on the Internet is the Answer Selected Answer: Federal Trade Commission. Correct Answer: Federal Trade Commission. Question 51 1 out of 1 points Correct Caregivers should not feed _____ to infants. Answer Selected Answer: honey Correct Answer: honey Response Feedback: correct Question 52 1 out of 1 points Correct A molecule forms when two or more atoms are attracted to each other and held together by Answer Selected Answer: bonds. Correct Answer: bonds. Response Feedback: correct Question 53 0 out of 1 points Incorrect For the past 4 years, 23-year-old Maggie has been losing a lot of blood during her menstrual periods. Based on this information, which of the following conditions is she most likely to develop? Answer Selected Answer: Hemochromatosis Correct Answer: Iron-deficiency Response Feedback: incorrect Question 54 1 out of 1 points Correct Chelsea is concerned that her 2-year-old daughter may have type 1 diabetes. Which of the following conditions is a typical sign or symptom of this form of diabetes? Answer Selected Answer: Having fruity-smelling breath Correct Answer: Having fruity-smelling breath Response Feedback: correct Question 55 1 out of 1 points Correct The esophagus is a muscular tube that connects the stomach to the small intestine. Answer Selected Answer: False Correct Answer: False Question 56 1 out of 1 points Correct Rosa is a teenager who has an eating disorder characterized by self-imposed starvation. Based on this information, her body is in ____ nitrogen balance. Answer Selected Answer: negative Correct Answer: negative Response Feedback: correct Question 57 0 out of 1 points Incorrect To reduce the risk of baby bottle caries, infants should be given Answer Selected Answer: None of these is correct. Correct Answer: only water in a baby bottle at bedtime. Response Feedback: incorrect Question 58 1 out of 1 points Correct A person’s _____ does not influence the amount of energy he or she uses while performing physical activity. Answer Selected Answer: ethnic ancestry Correct Answer: ethnic ancestry Response Feedback: correct Question 59 1 out of 1 points Correct During a disaster, it is safe to drink the water from Answer Selected Answer: undamaged water heaters. Correct Answer: undamaged water heaters. Response Feedback: correct Question 60 1 out of 1 points Correct Reduced _____ is a normal physiological change associated with aging. Answer Selected Answer: saliva production Correct Answer: saliva production Response Feedback: correct Question 61 0 out of 1 points Incorrect A person’s usual pattern of food choices is his or her Answer Selected Answer: All of these are correct. Correct Answer: diet. Response Feedback: incorrect Question 62 1 out of 1 points Correct According to results of numerous scientific studies, high-salt diets increase people’s chances of developing high blood pressure. Thus, a diet that supplies excessive amounts of salt is a ____ for high blood pressure. Answer Selected Answer: risk factor Correct Answer: risk factor Response Feedback: correct Question 63 1 out of 1 points Correct One kilocalorie is equivalent to Answer Selected Answer: 1000 calories. Correct Answer: 1000 calories. Question 64 1 out of 1 points Correct Dietitians often refer to _____ as “empty-calorie” foods. Answer Selected Answer: sugar-sweetened soft drinks Correct Answer: sugar-sweetened soft drinks Response Feedback: correct Question 65 1 out of 1 points Correct Manny’s blood alcohol concentration is 0.36. Based on this information, Manny is Answer Selected Answer: unconscious. Correct Answer: unconscious. Response Feedback: correct Question 66 1 out of 1 points Correct Diarrhea, vomiting, or rash during a period in which a new food was introduced to an infant are most likely signs of Answer Selected Answer: a food allergy. Correct Answer: a food allergy. Question 67 0 out of 1 points Incorrect Intrinsic factor is needed to absorb vitamin Answer Selected Answer: B-6. Correct Answer: B-12. Response Feedback: incorrect Question 68 0 out of 1 points Incorrect In the body, lipids Answer Selected Answer: stimulate the production of vitamins and minerals. Correct Answer: provide energy. Response Feedback: incorrect Question 69 0 out of 1 points Incorrect Certain organs and tissues use _____ to send messages to target cells. Answer Selected Answer: enzymes Correct Answer: hormones Response Feedback: incorrect Question 70 1 out of 1 points Correct A pound of body fat provides about _____ kcal. Answer Selected Answer: 3500 Correct Answer: 3500 Response Feedback: correct Question 71 1 out of 1 points Correct Generally, epidemiological studies Answer Selected Answer: cannot determine cause-and-effect relationships. Correct Answer: cannot determine cause-and-effect relationships. Response Feedback: correct Question 72 0 out of 1 points Incorrect The results of scientific research indicate that _____ may be effective as an ergogenic aid for weightlifters. Answer Selected Answer: chromium Correct Answer: creatine Response Feedback: incorrect Question 73 1 out of 1 points Correct Constance is making a vegetable soup that contains carrots, beans, water, salt, pepper, bits of ham, and onions. The soup has to cook for 4 hours. While the soup is cooking, what will happen to some of the minerals that are in its ingredients? Answer Selected Answer: The minerals will leach out of the food and into the cooking water, becoming part of the soup in the process. Correct Answer: The minerals will leach out of the food and into the cooking water, becoming part of the soup in the process. Response Feedback: correct Question 74 0 out of 1 points Incorrect A teaspoon of sugar supplies about 16 kilocalories, which is the same as _____ calories. Answer Selected Answer: 0.016 Correct Answer: 16,000 Response Feedback: incorrect Question 75 0 out of 1 points Incorrect In the human body, vitamin D acts as a Answer Selected Answer: protein. Correct Answer: hormone. Question 76 1 out of 1 points Correct The artificial sweetener sucralose Answer Selected Answer: is sold under the brand name Splenda. Correct Answer: is sold under the brand name Splenda. Question 77 1 out of 1 points Correct Bulimia Nervosa is a condition characterized by Answer Selected Answer: cyclic episodes of overeating (bingeing) and calorie-restrictive dieting, commonly attempting purging the calories consumed by vomiting and abusing laxatives or enemas. Correct Answer: cyclic episodes of overeating (bingeing) and calorie-restrictive dieting, commonly attempting purging the calories consumed by vomiting and abusing laxatives or enemas. Question 78 1 out of 1 points Correct Robin reads Nutrition Facts panels on packaged foods to choose products that meet dietary recommendations. By reading the panels, she is able to determine the amount of _____ in a serving of a food. Answer Selected Answer: All of these are correct. Correct Answer: All of these are correct. Response Feedback: correct Question 79 0 out of 1 points Incorrect In underdeveloped countries, severe vitamin A deficiency is a major cause of Answer Selected Answer: beriberi. Correct Answer: blindness. Response Feedback: incorrect Question 80 0 out of 1 points Incorrect Compared to infant formulas, breast milk contains _____ per ounce. Answer Selected Answer: less fat Correct Answer: more cholesterol Response Feedback: incorrect Question 81 1 out of 1 points Correct Risk factors for eating disorders include Answer Selected Answer: making repeated attempts lose weight by following fad diets. Correct Answer: making repeated attempts lose weight by following fad diets. Response Feedback: correct Question 82 0 out of 1 points Incorrect One day, Hillary consumed a handful of peanuts, a bowl of chocolate pudding, a sugar-sweetened soft drink, and three hard-cooked eggs. According to MyPlate, which of these foods is empty calories? Answer Selected Answer: A and B are correct. Correct Answer: Soft drink Response Feedback: incorrect Question 83 1 out of 1 points Correct An essential nutrient Answer Selected Answer: must be supplied by the diet. Correct Answer: must be supplied by the diet. Response Feedback: correct Question 84 1 out of 1 points Correct The host of a radio program makes a “red flag” claim about a nutrition-related product, because the claim is generally an indication that the information about the product is unreliable. The radio program host said, Answer Selected Answer: “All ingredients in this product have been scientifically tested and clinically proven.” Correct Answer: “All ingredients in this product have been scientifically tested and clinically proven.” Response Feedback: correct Question 85 1 out of 1 points Correct The placenta Answer Selected Answer: transfers nutrients and oxygen from the mother’s bloodstream to the embryo/fetus. Correct Answer: transfers nutrients and oxygen from the mother’s bloodstream to the embryo/fetus. Response Feedback: correct Question 86 1 out of 1 points Correct Increased _____ is a physiological change associated with normal aging. Answer Selected Answer: heartburn Correct Answer: heartburn Response Feedback: correct Question 87 1 out of 1 points Correct Mitch is very health conscious. He buys organically grown fruits and vegetables, because he thinks they contain fewer pesticides, and they are less expensive and more nutritious than conventionally grown produce. Based on the information about organic foods in Chapter 3, which of Mitch’s beliefs are supported by the facts? Answer Selected Answer: Organic foods usually contain fewer pesticides than conventionally produced foods. Correct Answer: Organic foods usually contain fewer pesticides than conventionally produced foods. Response Feedback: correct Question 88 1 out of 1 points Correct Caffeine Answer Selected Answer: increases urine production. Correct Answer: increases urine production. Response Feedback: correct Question 89 1 out of 1 points Correct A person following a vegan diet would eat Answer Selected Answer: nuts. Correct Answer: nuts. Question 90 1 out of 1 points Correct Monique is a 19-year-old college student who would like to follow a Mediterranean diet pattern instead of her typical “western” diet. Based on this information, Monique should Answer Selected Answer: increase her intake of fruit and legumes. Correct Answer: increase her intake of fruit and legumes. Response Feedback: correct Question 91 1 out of 1 points Correct If you add a teaspoon of sugar to a glass of warm water, the sugar molecules Answer Selected Answer: move through the water by simple diffusion. Correct Answer: move through the water by simple diffusion. Response Feedback: correct Question 92 1 out of 1 points Correct Corrina is a 25-year-old pregnant woman. Her need for _____ is 50% higher than before she became pregnant. Answer Selected Answer: folate Correct Answer: folate Response Feedback: correct Question 93 0 out of 1 points Incorrect Aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone act to increase urinary Answer Selected Answer: water excretion. Correct Answer: water conservation. Response Feedback: incorrect Question 94 1 out of 1 points Correct In general, fat-soluble vitamins are Answer Selected Answer: stored in the liver and in body fat. Correct Answer: stored in the liver and in body fat. Question 95 1 out of 1 points Correct An _____ is an ion that can conduct electricity. Answer Selected Answer: electrolyte Correct Answer: electrolyte Response Feedback: correct Question 96 1 out of 1 points Correct Men’s Journal and Family Circle may be unreliable sources of nutrition information, because Answer Selected Answer: articles in such popular magazines generally do not undergo peer-review before they are published. Correct Answer: articles in such popular magazines generally do not undergo peer-review before they are published. Response Feedback: correct Question 97 1 out of 1 points Correct Most infants are physically ready to start eating solid foods when they Answer Selected Answer: can sit up with some back support. Correct Answer: can sit up with some back support. Response Feedback: correct Question 98 1 out of 1 points Correct Instructions for making proteins are coded in a cell’s Answer Selected Answer: DNA. Correct Answer: DNA. Response Feedback: correct Question 99 1 out of 1 points Correct Anna would like to offer a high-fiber, nutrient-dense snack to her healthy 4-year-old son. Based on this information, she should serve Answer Selected Answer: a small unpeeled apple that has been cut into wedges. Correct Answer: a small unpeeled apple that has been cut into wedges. Response Feedback: correct Question 100 1 out of 1 points Correct An _____ is a substance that protects vulnerable molecules from free radicals. Answer Selected Answer: antioxidant Correct Answer: antioxidant Response Feedback: correct Thursday, May 9, 2013 5:15:00 PM EDT OK
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/nutrition-final-2013/
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest a limit of about 8 teaspoons of sugar, or almost one soft drink’s worth, for a 2,200-calorie eating pattern. a. True b. False
What is the purpose of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
The guidelines are designed to help bridge the gap between the standard American diet and the key recommendations that aim to combat the growing obesity epidemic by balancing calories with adequate physical activity.
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