Performance levels for students who are at the same degree of study usually vary but normally, the difference is usually minimal. If the difference is not reasonable for some learners, there is a need for the instructors to evaluate them and assess their capabilities to determine if they can keep up with the pace of other students. In case the rate of learning for such learners is relatively slow than the others, instructors are obligated to develop supportive strategies to aid such students in improving their performance. However, for such additional support strategies to be successful, there is a need for a collective effort from the students’ custodians as well as the teachers. Moreover, the students also need to be prepared psychologically in a way that they shall have a positive attitude towards the support programs. Such students are not dis
...abled but rather, they have cognitive abilities that are below average and hence struggle to keep up with the academic demands of the typical classroom (Rashmi, 2013).
This paper seeks to thoroughly and professionally discuss the strategies relevant in aiding struggling students taking into account Maria’s case study. One of the strategies the instructors can employ in support of struggling students like Maria is the use of explicit teaching vocabulary. The instructor needs to use simple and understandable language for such learners and avoid most technical terms that might cause confusion and ambiguity. The tutor also needs to use a precise representational, abstract method that enables a student like Maria to have a clear perspective of the subject under study. For instance, the use of visual aids like pictures and paintings as well as the us
of assistive technologies especially electronic devices like calculators can be employed.
Furthermore, teachers can use mnemonic devices to aid in learning where students like Maria can easily remember what they studied. For example, they can formulate songs, poems and specific phrases about certain academic subjects for better memory. The teacher can also use graphics to assist in Maria’s learning by making use of charts where educational concepts can be represented in simple ways that are easy to comprehend. In all these ways, the tutor needs to take into consideration the student’s concentration span and use it effectively to drive the most relevant details home. Use of these strategies will aid Maria in understanding concepts in a better way, and this shall be an encouragement to her to add more effort and the level of interest.
In implementing such additional strategies, instructors need to counsel the student appropriately to create awareness of the problem and enable them to have a positive attitude towards the support programs. It is also important for the teacher to ensure that in every step they take, they ought to make sure that the self-esteem of a student like Maria does not deteriorate but rather goes higher so that they can withstand possible ridicule from other students with higher capabilities (Reddy, 1997). Students like Maria can also be encouraged to participate in other activities they like so that they can experience success and keep their self-esteem high as well as keep them connected to other students. By observing all the above vital details, a student like Maria shall excel and improve in her performance and be encouraged to pursue more success.
The success of the
additional support program like the one for Maria is dependent on the joint involvement of the parents apart from the school curriculum. That implies that the parents or guardians must be willing to support what happens at school for their children irrespective of how futile it might appear. In the first instance, Maria’s parents need to be advised not to be overprotective in that they may interfere with her improvement programs. There is a need for the instructor to be close to the parents of the learner so that in the case of any concern, they can freely share information meant to help the student. The best at-home activity that students like Maria can be encouraged to do is to probably attend a game or an event where she can have the opportunity to make friends because such a social activity enhances her self-esteem. The parents can also be encouraged to take Maria to exciting places that can spark some motivation into her and make her see the importance of success.
For example, they can take a trip to a nearby university for a simple yet fun benchmark. Furthermore, parents must be encouraged to observe a proper nutrition for a student like Maria since most researchers suggest that good nutrition and enough sleep are critical aspects of the performance of a student (Madison, 1971). Conclusively, learners like Maria are highly likely to be found in any regular class, and one of the objectives of this paper is to create awareness for everybody to recognize that it is not an unusual case. There is a need to treat such students with the respect they deserve, and this
is how the rest of the students can be supportive to them apart from socializing with them.
It is also highly necessary for tutors to support such students like Maria so as to bring out the best of their abilities as well as counsel them emotionally to improve their self-image (Margolis & McCabe, 2004).
- Madison, J. (1971). NCTE ERIC REPORT: The Slow Learner: A Winner at Last? Elementary English, 48(7).
- Margolis, H., & McCabe, P. (2004). Self-Efficacy: A Key to Improving the Motivation of Struggling Learners. The Clearing House, 77(6).
- Rashmi, B. (2013). Slow Learners: Role of Teachers and Guardians in Honing their Hidden Skills. International Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, 3(2).
- Reddy, G., L.
(1997). Slow Learners: Their Psychology and Administration. Discovery Publishing House
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