Asi se dice! 2: Workbook and Audio Activities
Asi se dice! 2: Workbook and Audio Activities
1st Edition
Conrad J. Schmitt
ISBN: 9780078883828
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 9: Vocabulario 1

Exercise a
Step 1
1 of 12
**You have to choose the correct answer for each sentence.**
Step 2
2 of 12
1. **The sign** indicates that you cannot pass. *(the entrance, **the sign**)* *(la entrada, el rótulo)*
Step 3
3 of 12
2. You cannot pass when there is a **continuous** line. *(**continuous**, cut off)* *(continua, cortada)*
Step 4
4 of 12
3. **A highway** has a greater number of lanes in each direction. *(a road, a **highway**)* *(Una carretera, Una autopista)*
Step 5
5 of 12
4. There is only **one lane** each way on the national highway. *(one lane, one speed)* *(un carril, una velocidad)*
Step 6
6 of 12
5. The margin along a road or highway is the **lane**. *(hard shoulder, lane)* *(el arcén, el carril)*
Step 7
7 of 12
6. Where two streets meet or cross is a **street intersection**. (block, *street intersection*) *(una cuadra, una bocacalle)*
Step 8
8 of 12
7. If you want to use the parking meter you have **to put** a coin. (*to put, out)* *(meter, salir)*
Step 9
9 of 12
8. When you park the car on the street you must put the ticket on **the windshield**. *(the fine, the windshield)* *(la multa, el parabrisas)*
Step 10
10 of 12
9. You must go in the opposite direction. You have to **turn around**. (to bend, *turn around*) *(doblar, dar la vuelta)*
Step 11
11 of 12
10. If you want to take the highway, you have to pay **the toll**. *(the toll, the sentry box)* *(el peaje, la garita)*
12 of 12
1. El rótulo.
2. continua
3. una autopista.
4. un carril
5. el carril
6. bocacalle
7. meter
8. el parabrisas
9. dar la vuelta
10. el peaje
Exercise b
Step 1
1 of 13
**You have to look for words that mean more or less the same thing.**

a. The boundary *(el acotamiento)*
b. A crossing *(un cruce)*
c. Put *(poner)*
d. The direction *(la dirección)*
e. Not fast, slowly *(no rápido, lentamente)*
f. Pass *(pasar)*
g. A block *(una manzana)*
h. Go down *(bajar)*
i. Sentry box *(la garita)*
j. The plane *(el plano)*
k. The fee *(la cuota)*

Step 2
2 of 13
1. **Not fast, slowly** / slow
Step 3
3 of 13
2. **Go down** / Reduce
Step 4
4 of 13
3. **Put** / Insert
Step 5
5 of 13
4. **The plan** / The map
Step 6
6 of 13
5. **A block** / a block
Step 7
7 of 13
6. **A crossing** / A street intersection.
Step 8
8 of 13
7. **The fee** / The toll
Step 9
9 of 13
8. **Sentry box** / The cabin
Step 10
10 of 13
9. **The boundary** / The hard shoulder
Step 11
11 of 13
10. **Pass** / Advance
Step 12
12 of 13
11. **The direction** / The direction.
13 of 13
1. e
2. h
3. c
4. j
5. g
6. b
7. k
8. i
9. a
10. f
11. d
Exercise c
Step 1
1 of 10
**You have to correct the false sentences.**
Step 2
2 of 10
1. There is a toll booth at the sign.

**There is a toll booth on the highway.**
*(Hay una garita de peaje en la autopista.)*

Step 3
3 of 10
2. The toll road indicates the speed limit
*(El peaje indica el límite de velocidad.)*
Step 4
4 of 10
3. A road is bigger than a highway.

**A highway is bigger than a road.**
*(Una carretera es mas grande que un camino.)*

Step 5
5 of 10
4. A broken line indicates that it is prohibited to overtake another vehicle.

**A broken line indicates that you can pass another vehicle.**
*(Una línea cortada indica que puedes adelantar a otro vehículo.)*

Step 6
6 of 10
5. The lane is on the side of the road.
*(El carril está al margen de la carretera.)*
Step 7
7 of 10
6. You must go faster when you get to a street intersection.

**You must go slower when you get to a street intersection.**
*(Debes ir mas lento al llegar a una bocacalle.)*

Step 8
8 of 10
7. You have to stop when there is a green light.

**You have to stop when there is a red light.**
*(Tienes que pararte cuando hay una luz roja.)*

Step 9
9 of 10
8. If you want to go in the opposite direction you have to turn.
*(Si quieres ir en dirección contraria tienes que doblar.)*
Step 10
10 of 10
9. If you want to go left, you have to turn around.
*(Si quieres ir a la izquierda tienes que dar la vuelta.)*
Exercise d
Step 1
1 of 9
**You have to look up pages 266 and 267 of the book, some friends tell others what to do. Look at the conversation on the page and complete the sentences.**
Step 2
2 of 9
1. **Pay** the toll
Step 3
3 of 9
2. **Put** a coin in the parking meter.
Step 4
4 of 9
3. **Put** the ticket on the windshield.
Step 5
5 of 9
4. **Be** careful!
Step 6
6 of 9
5. **Go** to the right.
Step 7
7 of 9
7. **Cross** to the left.
Step 8
8 of 9
8. The highway **toll.**
9 of 9
1. paga
2. coloca
3. coloca
4. ve con
5. da
6. sigue
7. cruza
8. el peaje
Exercise e
Step 1
1 of 7
**You have to use each word in an original sentence.**
Step 2
2 of 7
1. The toll booth.
**The toll booth is open**.
*(La garita del peaje está abierta.)*
Step 3
3 of 7
2. The label
**You have to read the indications on the label.**
*(Tienes que leer las indicaciones del rótulo.)*
Step 4
4 of 7
3. The lane.
**Cars are in the correct lane.**
*(Los carros van por el carril correcto.)*
Step 5
5 of 7
4. Overtake.
**The school bus wants to overtake the car.**
*(El bus escolar quiere adelantar al carro.)*
Step 6
6 of 7
5. One block.
**My school is one block away.**
*(Mi escuela queda a una cuadra.)*
Step 7
7 of 7
6. The parking meter.
**My car is next to the parking meter.**
*(Mi carro está al lado del parquímetro.)*
Exercise f
Step 1
1 of 4
**You have to choose the correct answer between the two options.**
Step 2
2 of 4
1. What is another way of expressing ” they will nail you with a fine”?
a. **They will give you a fine.** *(Te darán una multa)*
b. You will give a fine. *(Darás una multa)*
Step 3
3 of 4
2. Who will give you a fine if you don’t pay to park?
a. Parking meters. *(Los parquímetros)*
b. **Police officers.** *(Los agentes de policía)*
4 of 4
1. a
2. b
Exercise g
Step 1
1 of 2
**You have to explain and answer these questions: he says that José is very stingy. Why is he stingy? What doesn’t he like to do?**
Step 2
2 of 2
José is stingy because he doesn’t like to spend his money.
*(José es tacaño porque no le gusta gastar su dinero.)*
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