Miller and Levine Biology
Miller and Levine Biology
1st Edition
Joseph S. Levine, Kenneth R. Miller
ISBN: 9780328925124
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Page 787: Review

Exercise 1
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People depend on rice, wheat, soybeans, and corn as the crops that make up their main food supply.
Exercise 2
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Plants are responsible for producing raw materials for food that can be fed to animals and humans. Some plant products are used in making clothes and medicines. More importantly, they can also provide raw materials for construction.
Exercise 3
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Farming makes use of natural resources in order to provide our basic needs, particularly the food, fiber, and other raw materials that nourish, clothe, and shelter us. One particular example is the croplands in North America and Canada. These two countries have the most productive farms that fed millions of people worldwide. It also paved its way into increasing the genetic diversity of food supply.

However, farming does not only provide us with the raw materials that we need in order to sustain life. It is also equally important to the farmers, agricultural, and industrial sectors because it provides jobs to the people in a society. In this case, it became the foundation in which societies are built.

Exercise 4
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Food crops, such as rice, wheat, soybeans, potatoes, and corn, are the plant species that are cultivated and harvested for living or profit. On the other hand, wild plants, such as blackberries, cattails, pine, prickly pear cactus, and chickweed, grow independently in nature without the help of humans.
Exercise 5
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Large-scale cultivation can affect the diversity of species on Earth. For example, when forests are cleared for farming, hundreds of wild plant and animal species would be wiped out in exchange for the food crops that are planted. In this case, plant and animal diversity would suffer. This event would cause the ecosystem to become unbalanced.

In addition, large-scale cultivation involves the use of tons of chemical fertilizers, This action damages the soil condition and the surrounding ecosystems. It can also disrupt the nutrient cycles within the biosphere.

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