Asi se dice! 2: Workbook and Audio Activities
Asi se dice! 2: Workbook and Audio Activities
1st Edition
Conrad J. Schmitt
ISBN: 9780078883828
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 1: Vocabulario 2

Exercise a
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 1
In this exercise, you have to choose whether the following sentences are true or false.

**1.** **You read:**

*A passport is a form of official identity.*

**The correct answer is:**


**2.** **You read:**

*A passport is required to travel from one state to another in the United States.*

**The correct answer is:**


**3.** **You read:**

*Before boarding a flight, all passengers must pass through the security checkpoint.*

**The correct answer is:**


**4.** **You read:**

*A flight that leaves on time has a delay.*

**The correct answer is:**


**5.** **You read:**

*Passengers board at the airline counter.*

**The correct answer is:**


**6.** **You read:**

*Passengers must wait in line to board the plane.*

**The correct answer is:**


**7.** **You read:**

*Flight attendants work at the airport and agents work onboard the aircraft.*

**The correct answer is:**


**8.** **You read:**

*The aircraft takes off at the end of the flight.*

**The correct answer is:**


**9.** **You read:**

*Passengers may place their carry-on baggage in the aisle.*

**The correct answer is:**


Step 1
1 of 11
In this exercise, you have to mark each sentence as true (verdad) or false (falso) on the two columns of the right.
Step 2
2 of 11
The first points states Spanish for *Passport is a form of official identity*.

This statement is correct, so the **true** box in the columns on the right is to be checked.

Step 3
3 of 11
The second point states Spanish for *A passport is required to travel from one state to another in the United States*.

This statement is incorrect, so the **false** box in the columns on the right is to be checked.

Step 4
4 of 11
The third point states Spanish for *Before boarding a flight, all passengers must pass through the security checkpoint*.

This statement is correct, so the **true** box in the columns on the right is to be checked.

Step 5
5 of 11
The fourth point states Spanish for *An on-time flight has a delay*.

As it can be seen, the second part of the statement contradicts the first part. Therefore, the **false** box in the columns on the right is to be checked.

Step 6
6 of 11
The fifth point states Spanish for *Passengers board at the airline counter*.

This statement is incorrect, since passengers board at the boarding gate. Therefore, the **false** box in the columns on the right is to be checked.

Step 7
7 of 11
The sixth point states Spanish for *Passengers must queue to board the plane*.

This statement is correct, so the **true** box in the columns on the right is to be checked.

Step 8
8 of 11
The seventh point states Spanish for *Flight attendants work at the airport and agents work onboard the aircraft*.

This statement is incorrect, since it is the opposite of what actually happens. Therefore, the **false** box in the columns on the right is to be checked.

Step 9
9 of 11
The eighth point states Spanish for *The plane takes off at the end of the flight*

This statement is incorrect, since planes take of at the beginning of the flight. Therefore, the **false** box in the columns on the right is to be checked.

Step 10
10 of 11
The ninth point states Spanish for *Passengers may place their carry-on baggage in the aisle*.

What this statement says is the opposite of the safety measures of every airline, so it is incorrect. Therefore, the **false** box in the columns on the right is to be checked.

11 of 11
1. verdad
2. falso
3. verdad
4. falso
5. falso
6. verdad
7. falso
8. falso
9. falso
Exercise b
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 8
In this exercise, you have to join each word in the left column with its opposite in the right column.
Step 2
2 of 8
The first point on the left column is *la salida*, which has different meanings. In the context of this lesson, it means *departure*.

Therefore, its opposite in the right column is *la llegada*, meaning *arrival*.

Step 3
3 of 8
The second point on the left column is *embarcar*, meaning *boarding*.

Therefore, its opposite in the right column is *desembarcar*, meaning *disembarking*.

Step 4
4 of 8
The third point on the left column is *el despegue*, meaning *takeoff*.

Therefore, its opposite in the right column is *el aterrizaje*, meaning *landing*.

Step 5
5 of 8
The fourth point on the left column is *aterrizar*, meaning *to land*.

Therefore, its opposite in the right column is *despegar*, meaning *to take off*.

Step 6
6 of 8
The fifth point on the left column is *procedente de* meaning *coming from*.

Therefore, its opposite on the right column is *con destino a*, meaning *bound for*.

Step 7
7 of 8
The sixt point on the left column is *debajo de* meaning *below* or *under*.

Therefore, its opposite on the right column is *encima de*, meaning *over* or *on top of*.

8 of 8
1. la salida > f. la llegada
2. embarcar > c. desembarcar
3. el despegue > e. el aterrizaje
4. aterrizar > a. despegar
5. procedente de > d. con destino a.
6. debajo de > b. encima de
Step 1
1 of 2
In this exercise, you have to match the two columns with their oppositions.

**The correct form is:**

**1.** *Departure.* – **f.** *Arrival.*

**2.** *Boarding.* – **c.** *Disembarking.*

**3.** *Take-off.* – **e.** *Landing.*

**4.** *Landing.* – **a.** *Take-off.*

**5.** *From.* – **d.** *To.*

**6.** *Below.* – **b.** *Above.*

2 of 2
**The correct form is:**

**1.** *Departure.* – **f.** *Arrival.*

**2.** *Boarding.* – **c.** *Disembarking.*

**3.** *Take-off.* – **e.** *Landing.*

**4.** *Landing.* – **a.** *Take-off.*

**5.** *From.* – **d.** *To.*

**6.** *Below.* – **b.** *Above.*

Exercise c
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 2
In this exercise, you have to match the expressions in the two columns that mean the same thing.

**The correct form is:**

**1.** *Sometimes.* **c.** *From time to time.*

**2.** *A time delay.* **d.** *A delay.*

**3.** *Embark.* **e.** *Boarding.*

**4.** *Queue.* **f.** *A line.*

**5.** *Have to.* **b.** *It is necessary.*

**6.** *Exit door.* **a.** *Boarding gate.*

2 of 2
**The correct form is:**

**1.** *Sometimes.* **c.** *From time to time.*

**2.** *A time delay.* **d.** *A delay.*

**3.** *Embark.* **e.** *Boarding.*

**4.** *Queue.* **f.** *A line.*

**5.** *Have to.* **b.** *It is necessary.*

**6.** *Exit door.* **a.** *Boarding gate.*

Step 1
1 of 8
In this exercise, you have to match the phrases or expressions in the columns on the left with their synonyms in the column on the right.
Step 2
2 of 8
The first point on the column of the left is *a veces* meaning *sometimes*.

The expression with the same meaning on the column of the right is *de vez en cuando*.

Step 3
3 of 8
The second point on the column of the left is *un retrado* meaning *a delay*.

The expression with the same meaning on the column of the right is *una demora*.

Step 4
4 of 8
The third point on the column of the left is *embarcar* meaning *to board*.

The word with the same meaning on the column of the right is *abordar*.

Step 5
5 of 8
The fourth point on the column of the left is *una cola* meaning *line* or *queue*.

The expression with the same meaning on the column of the right is *una fila*.

Step 6
6 of 8
The fifth point on the column of the left is *hay que* meaning *it is necessary to…*.

The expression with the same meaning on the column of the right is *es necesario*.

Step 7
7 of 8
The sixth point on the column of the left is *la puerta de salida* meaning *the departure gate*.

The expression with the same meaning on the column of the right is *la puerta de embarque*.

Step 8
8 of 8
1. a veces > c. de vez en cuando
2. un retraso > d. una demora
3. embarcar > e. abordar
4. una cola > f. una fila
5. hay que > b. es necesario
6. la puerta de salida > a. la puerta de embarque
Exercise d
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 12
In this exercise, you have to write one word related to each of the ten words shown below.

The following possible solutions are going to be proposed according to the topic of the lesson.

Step 2
2 of 12
The first word is *seguro*, which has different meanings. In the context of this lesson, it means *safe* or *secure*.

A related word could be *destino*, meaning *destination*.

Step 3
3 of 12
The second word is *pasar*, which has different meanings. In the context of this lesson, it means *to go ahead*.

A related word could be *azafata*, meaning *flight-attendant*.

Step 4
4 of 12
The third word is *el embarque* meaning *the boarding*.

A related word could be *adelantado*, meaning *advanced* (in time).

Step 5
5 of 12
The fourth word is *tardar*, meaning *to be late* or *to take time* (doing something).

A related word could be *esperar*, meaning *to wait*.

Step 6
6 of 12
The fifth word is *salir*, which means *to go out* or *to depart* when talking about a flight.

A related word could be *tarde*, meaning *late*.

Step 7
7 of 12
The sixth word is *asistir*, meaning *to attend*.

A related word could be *conferencia*, meaning *conference*.

Step 8
8 of 12
The seventh word is *volar*, meaning *to fly*.

A related word could be *rápido*, meaning *fast*.

Step 9
9 of 12
The eighth word is *despegar*, meaning *to take off*.

A related word could be *peligrosamente*, meaning *dangerously*.

Step 10
10 of 12
The ninth word is *aterrizar*, meaning *to land*.

A related word could be *emergencia*, meaning *emergency*.

Step 11
11 of 12
The tenth word is *proceder*, which has different meanings. In the context of this lesson, it means *to come from*.

A related word could be *pueblo*, meaning *village*.

12 of 12
1. destino
2. azafata
3. adelantado
4. esperar
5. tarde
6. conferencia
7. rápido
8. peligrosamente
9. emergencia
10. pueblo
Step 1
1 of 1
In this exercise, you have to give words related to those presented in the exercise.

**An answer can be:**

**1.** *Confident.* – **Firme.** *Firm.*

**2.** *Pass to* – **Transcurrir.** *Passing.*

**3.** *The shipment.* **Aveturarse.** *Venturing.*

**4.** *Take.* **Demorar.** *Delay.*

**5.** *Exit.* **Surgir.** *Emergence.*

**6.** *Attend.* **Acudir.** *Attending.*

**7.** *Fly.* **Correr.** *Run.*

**8.** *Take off.* **Apartar.** *Set aside.*

**9.** *Land.* **Descender.** *Descend.*

**10.** *Proceed.* **Actuación.** *Performance.*

Exercise e
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 12
In this exercise, you have to write a sentence with each of the words proposed in the previous exercise D.

As in the referenced exercise, the following sentences are going to be proposed according to the topic of the lesson.

Step 2
2 of 12
The proposed word in the first point of previous exercise D was *destino*, meaning *destination*.

Therefore, a possible solution could be: *Tailandia es un destino seguro para los turistas*, meaning *Thailand is a safe destination for tourists*.

Step 3
3 of 12
The proposed word in the second point of previous exercise D was *azafata*, meaning *flight-attendant*.

Therefore, a possible solution could be: *La azafata pasa con comida cada cinco minutos*, meaning *The flight-attendant comes by with food every five minutes*.

Step 4
4 of 12
The proposed word in the third point of previous exercise D was *adelantado*, meaning *advanced (in time)*.

Therefore, a possible solution could be: *Hemos perdido el avión porque el embarque see ha adelantado quince minutos*, meaning *We have missed the plane because boarding was advanced by fifteen minutes*.

Step 5
5 of 12
The proposed word in the fourth point of previous exercise D was *esperar*, meaning *to wait*.

Therefore, a possible solution could be: *El piloto tarda en llegar y los pasajeros no quieren esperar*, meaning *Pilot is late in arriving and passengers do not want to wait.

Step 6
6 of 12
The proposed word in the fifth point of previous exercise D was *tarde*, meaning *late*.

Therefore, a possible solution could be: *Llegaremos tarde porque el avión sale con retraso*, meaning *We will be late because the plane departs with delay*.

Step 7
7 of 12
The proposed word in the sixth point of previous exercise D was *conferencia*, meaning *conference*.

Therefore, a possible solution could be: *El doctor viaja para asistir a una importante conferencia*, meaning *Doctor travels to attend important conference*.

Step 8
8 of 12
The proposed word in the seventh point of previous exercise D was *rápido*, meaning *conference*.

Therefore, a possible solution could be: *Este es el avión que vuela más rápido en el mundo*, meaning *This is the fastest flying airplane in the world*.

Step 9
9 of 12
The proposed word in the eighth point of previous exercise D was *peligrosamente*, meaning *dangerously*.

Therefore, a possible solution could be: *A causa del viento, el avión ha despegado peligrosamente*, meaning *Because of the wind, the aircraft has taken off dangerously*.

Step 10
10 of 12
The proposed word in the ninth point of previous exercise D was *emergencia*, meaning *emergency*.

Therefore, a possible solution could be: *El piloto ha hecho un aterrizaje de emergencia inesperado*, meaning *Pilot has made an unexpected emergency landing*.

Step 11
11 of 12
The proposed word in the tenth point of previous exercise D was *pueblo*, meaning *village*.

Therefore, a possible solution could be: *Ese pasajero procede de un pequeño pueblo en las montañas*, meaning *That passenger comes from a small village in the mountains*.

12 of 12
1. Tailandia es un destino seguro para los turistas.
2. La azafata pasa con comida cada cinco minutos.
3. Hemos perdido el avión porque el embarque see ha adelantado quince minutos.
4. El piloto tarda en llegar y los pasajeros no quieren esperar.
5. Llegaremos tarde porque el avión sale con retraso
6. El doctor viaja para asistir a una importante conferencia.
7. Este es el avión que vuela más rápido en el mundo.
8. A causa del viento, el avión ha despegado peligrosamente.
9. El piloto ha hecho un aterrizaje de emergencia inesperado.
10. Ese pasajero procede de un pequeño pueblo en las montañas.
Step 1
1 of 1
In this exercise, you have to make complete sentences with the words you used in the previous exercise.

**An answer can be:**

**1.** Carlos es una persona firme con sus decisiones. *Carlos is a person who is firm with his decisions.*

**2.** Tiene que transcurrir mucho para que disminuya la contaminación en el medio ambiente. *It will take a long time for pollution in the environment to decrease.*

**3.** Mi familia quiere aventurarse a lugar exóticos estas vacaciones. *My family wants to venture to exotic places this vacation.*

**4.** El vuelo se va a demorar dos horas. *The flight is going to take two hours.*

**5.** Hay que trabajar muy duro para poder surgir. *You have to work very hard to make a living.*

**6.** Mis padres tiene que acudir a una reunión escolar. *My parents have to go to a school meeting.*

**7.** Tuve que correr para no perder el vuelo. *I had to run so I wouldn’t miss my flight.*

**8.** Hay que apartar un tiempo para estudiar español. *You have to set aside time to study Spanish.*

**9.** El helicóptero tiene que descender en la pista. *The helicopter has to land on the runway.*

**10.** La actuación de los jugadores en el partido fue excelente. *The performance of the players in the match was excellent.*

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