Asi se dice! 2: Workbook and Audio Activities
Asi se dice! 2: Workbook and Audio Activities
1st Edition
Conrad J. Schmitt
ISBN: 9780078883828
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 1: Gramática

Exercise a
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 2
In this exercise, you have to complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

**The correct form is:**

**1.** Yo **hago** un… *I make a trip to Spain.*
**2.** Yo **he hecho** el viaje… *I have made the trip by plane.*
**3.** Yo **salgo**… *I leave tomorrow.*
**4.** Yo **he salido** del… *I have left the international airport.*
**5.** Yo **pongo** mi… *I put my clothes in a suitcase.*
**6.** Yo **he puesto** ropa… *I have put clothes in my backpack as well.*

2 of 2
**The correct form is:**

**1.** Yo **hago** un… *I make a trip to Spain.*
**2.** Yo **he hecho** el viaje… *I have made the trip by plane.*
**3.** Yo **salgo**… *I leave tomorrow.*
**4.** Yo **he salido** del… *I have left the international airport.*
**5.** Yo **pongo** mi… *I put my clothes in a suitcase.*
**6.** Yo **he puesto** ropa… *I have put clothes in my backpack as well.*

Step 1
1 of 8
In this exercise, you have to add the first person singular of the present indicative form of the verb in parentheses within the blanks.

All vers has to be used in the first person singular because the subject is always *yo*, Spanish for *I*, in every sentence.

Step 2
2 of 8
In the first sentence, the given verb to be used in present indicative is *hacer*, which has many meanings. The most commonly used are *to make* and *to do*.

First person singular of the present indicative of verb *hacer* is *hago* (meaning **I do**).

Step 3
3 of 8
In the second sentence, the given verb to be used in present indicative is *hacer*, which has many meanings. The most commonly used are *to make* and *to do*.

First person singular of the present indicative of verb *hacer* is *hago* (meaning **I do**).

Step 4
4 of 8
In the third sentence, the given verb to be used in present indicative is *salir*, which has many meanings. The most commonly used are *to leave* and *to get out*.

First person singular of the present indicative of verb *salir* is *salgo* (meaning **I get out**).

Step 5
5 of 8
In the fourth sentence, the given verb to be used in present indicative is *salir*, which has many meanings. The most commonly used are *to leave* and *to get out*.

First person singular of the present indicative of verb *salir* is *salgo* (meaning **I get out**).

Step 6
6 of 8
In the fifth sentence, the given verb to be used in present indicative is *poner*, which means *to put*.

First person singular of the present indicative of verb *poner* is *pongo* (meaning **I put**).

Step 7
7 of 8
In the sixth sentence, the given verb to be used in present indicative is *poner*, which means *to put*.

First person singular of the present indicative of verb *poner* is *pongo* (meaning **I put**).

8 of 8
1. hago
2. hago
3. salgo
4. salgo
5. pongo
6. pongo
Exercise b
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 2
In this exercise, you have to form sentences using the expression take a trip.

**This can be an answer:**

**1.** Yo he hecho un viaje a España. *I have made a trip to Spain.*

**2.** Yo he hecho un viaje con mi primo. *I have made a trip with my cousin.*

**3.** Nosotros hacemos un viaje en avión. *We make a trip by plane.*

**4.** Mis hermanos no han hecho un viaje a España. *My brothers have not made a trip to Spain.*

**5.** Ellos hacen un viaje a México. *They take a trip to Mexico.*

**6.** ¿Adónde han hecho un viaje tus padres? *Where have your parents taken a trip?*

**7.** Mis padres han hecho un viaje a México también. *My parents have taken a trip to Mexico as well.*

2 of 2
**This can be an answer:**

**1.** Yo he hecho un viaje a España. *I have made a trip to Spain.*

**2.** Yo he hecho un viaje con mi primo. *I have made a trip with my cousin.*

**3.** Nosotros hacemos un viaje en avión. *We make a trip by plane.*

**4.** Mis hermanos no han hecho un viaje a España. *My brothers have not made a trip to Spain.*

**5.** Ellos hacen un viaje a México. *They take a trip to Mexico.*

**6.** ¿Adónde han hecho un viaje tus padres? *Where have your parents taken a trip?*

**7.** Mis padres han hecho un viaje a México también. *My parents have taken a trip to Mexico as well.*

Step 1
1 of 9
In this exercise, you have to write down a sentence with the expression *hacer un viaje*, meaning *to make a trip*, using the proposed words in each point to form the expression in the proper number of the present indicative, according to the given subject.
Step 2
2 of 9
In the first point, you have to use *yo*, meaning *I*, and *a España*, meaning *to Spain*.

Therefore, a possible solution could be *Cada año, yo hago un viaje a España con mi familia*, meaning *Every year, I make a trip to Spain with my family*.

Step 3
3 of 9
In the second point, you have to use *yo*, meaning *I*, and *mi primo*, meaning *my cousin*.

Therefore, a possible solution could be *Yo hago un viaje con mi primo para visitar a nuestros abuelos*, meaning *I make a trip with my cousin to visit our grandparents*.

Step 4
4 of 9
In the third point, you have to use *nosotros*, meaning *we*, and *en avión*, meaning *by airplane*.

Therefore, a possible solution could be *Yo hago un viaje en avión siempre que puedo*, meaning *I make an airplane trip whenever I can*.

Step 5
5 of 9
In the fourth point, you have to use *mis hermanos no*, meaning *my siblings do not*, and *a España*, meaning *to Spain*.

Therefore, a possible solution could be *Mis hermanos no hacen un viaje a España porque está muy lejos*, meaning *My siblings do not take a trip to Spain because it is too far away*.

Step 6
6 of 9
In the fifth point, you have to use *ellos*, meaning *they*, and *a México*, meaning *to Mexico*.

Therefore, a possible solution could be *Ellos hacen un viaje a México por su luna de miel*, meaning *They make a trip to Mexico for their honeymoon*.

Step 7
7 of 9
In the sixth point, you have to use *¿adónde*, meaning *where to?*, and *sus padres?*, meaning *his/her/their parents?* or *your parents?* in a formal form.

Therefore, a possible solution could be *¿Adónde hacen un viaje sus padres en Navidad?*, meaning *Where do their parents make a trip at Christmas?*

Step 8
8 of 9
In the seventh point, you have to use *mis padres*, meaning *my parents*, and *a México también*, meaning *to Mexico too*.

Therefore, a possible solution could be *Mis padres hacen un viaje a México también para celebrar su aniversario*, meaning *My parents are also making a trip to Mexico to celebrate their anniversary*.

9 of 9
1. Cada año, yo hago un viaje a España con mi familia.
2. Yo hago un viaje con mi primo para visitar a nuestros abuelos.
3. Yo hago un viaje en avión siempre que puedo.
4. Mis hermanos no hacen un viaje a España porque está muy lejos.
5. Ellos hacen un viaje a México por su luna de miel.
6. ¿Adónde hacen un viaje sus padres en Navidad?
7. Mis padres hacen un viaje a México también para celebrar su aniversario.
Exercise c
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 7
In this exercise, you have to complete each sentence with the present indicative of verbs *hacer* (meaning *to do* or *to make*, *to pack* when been followed by suitcase), *poner* (meaning *to put*) and *salir* (meaning *to get out*, *to leave* or *to depart*), conjugating the verb in the proper number according to the subject of the sentence.
Step 2
2 of 7
In the first point, the subject is in the third person singular. Therefore, the correct forms are *hace*, *pone* and *sale*.
Step 3
3 of 7
In the second point, the subject is in the first person plural. Therefore, the correct forms are *hacemos*, *ponemos*, *hacemos* and *salimos*.
Step 4
4 of 7
In the third point, the subject is in the second person singular. Therefore, the correct forms are *haces*, and *sales*.
Step 5
5 of 7
In the fourth point, the subject is in the third person plural. Therefore, the correct forms are *hacen*, *ponen*, *hacen* and *salen*.
Step 6
6 of 7
In the fifth point, the subject is in the first person singular. Therefore, the correct forms are *hago*, *pongo*, *hago* and *salgo*.
7 of 7
1. hace, pone, sale
2. hacemos, ponemos, hacemos, salimos
3. haces, sales
4. hacen, ponen, hacen, salen
5. hago, pongo, hago, salgo
Step 1
1 of 2
In this exercise, you have to complete the sentences with the correct form of hacer, poner, and salir.

**This is the correct form:**

**1.** Juan **hace**… – Él **pone** una… – Él **sale** para… *Juan packs his suitcase. He puts a shirt in the suitcase. He leaves for Malaga.*

**2.** Nosotros **hacemos**… – Nosotros **ponemos** blue… – Nosotros **hemos hecho** la…. – …porque **salimos** a… *We pack our suitcase. We put blue jeans in the suitcase. We have packed our suitcase because we are leaving for Cancun, Mexico.*

**3.** Tú **haces** tu… – …dónde **sales**? *Where do you pack your suitcase? Where do you leave for?*

**4.** … padres **hacen**… – Ellos **ponen** muchas… – Ellos **han hecho** su… – …porque **salen** para… *My parents pack their suitcase. They put a lot of things in their suitcase. They have packed their suitcase because they are leaving for Miami.*

**5.** Yo **hago**… – Yo **pongo** blue… – Yo **he hecho** la… – …porque **salgo** para… *I pack my suitcase. I put blue jeans and T-shirts in my suitcase. I’ve packed my suitcase because I’m leaving for the Guadarrama mountains where I’m going camping.*

2 of 2
**This is the correct form:**

**1.** Juan **hace**… – Él **pone** una… – Él **sale** para… *Juan packs his suitcase. He puts a shirt in the suitcase. He leaves for Malaga.*

**2.** Nosotros **hacemos**… – Nosotros **ponemos** blue… – Nosotros **hemos hecho** la…. – …porque **salimos** a… *We pack our suitcase. We put blue jeans in the suitcase. We have packed our suitcase because we are leaving for Cancun, Mexico.*

**3.** Tú **haces** tu… – …dónde **sales**? *Where do you pack your suitcase? Where do you leave for?*

**4.** … padres **hacen**… – Ellos **ponen** muchas… – Ellos **han hecho** su… – …porque **salen** para… *My parents pack their suitcase. They put a lot of things in their suitcase. They have packed their suitcase because they are leaving for Miami.*

**5.** Yo **hago**… – Yo **pongo** blue… – Yo **he hecho** la… – …porque **salgo** para… *I pack my suitcase. I put blue jeans and T-shirts in my suitcase. I’ve packed my suitcase because I’m leaving for the Guadarrama mountains where I’m going camping.*

Exercise d
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 2
In this exercise, you have to complete the sentences with the correct form of tener and venir.

**This is the correct form:**

**1.** Yo **tengo** mucha… – ..porque **vengo** de… *I am very lucky because I come from Toledo, a fantastic city near Madrid.*

**2.** Jesús y Juanita **tienen**… – Porque **vienen** de… – Caribe que **tiene** playas… *Jesus and Juanita are very lucky because they come from Puerto Rico, a tropical island in the Caribbean Sea that has great beaches.*

**3.** Nosotros **tenemos** mucha… – …porque **venimos** de la… *We are very lucky because we come from Mexico City, the fabulous capital of our country.*

**4.** Jorge **tiene** mucha… – …porque **viene** de Quito… *Jorge is very lucky because he comes from Quito, a colonial city in the Andes.*

**5.** …tambén **tienes** mucha… – …porque **vienes** de… *You are also very lucky because you come from Acapulco.*

2 of 2
**This is the correct form:**

**1.** Yo **tengo** mucha… – ..porque **vengo** de… *I am very lucky because I come from Toledo, a fantastic city near Madrid.*

**2.** Jesús y Juanita **tienen**… – Porque **vienen** de… – Caribe que **tiene** playas… *Jesus and Juanita are very lucky because they come from Puerto Rico, a tropical island in the Caribbean Sea that has great beaches.*

**3.** Nosotros **tenemos** mucha… – …porque **venimos** de la… *We are very lucky because we come from Mexico City, the fabulous capital of our country.*

**4.** Jorge **tiene** mucha… – …porque **viene** de Quito… *Jorge is very lucky because he comes from Quito, a colonial city in the Andes.*

**5.** …tambén **tienes** mucha… – …porque **vienes** de… *You are also very lucky because you come from Acapulco.*

Step 1
1 of 7
In this exercise, you have to complete each sentence with the present indicative of verbs tener(meaning to have), and venir (meaning to come), conjugating the verb in the proper number according to the subject of the sentence.
Step 2
2 of 7
In the first point, the subject is in the first person singular. Therefore, the solutions are *tengo* and *vengo*.
Step 3
3 of 7
In the second point, the subject is in the second person plural for the first statement and third person singular for the second one. Therefore, the solutions are *tienen*, *vienen* and *tiene*.
Step 4
4 of 7
In the third point, the subject is in the first person plural. Therefore, the solutions are *tenemos* and *venimos*.
Step 5
5 of 7
In the fourth point, the subject is in the third person singular. Therefore, the solutions are *tiene* and *viene*.
Step 6
6 of 7
In the fifth point, the subject is in the second person singular. Therefore, the solutions are *tienes* and *vienes*.
7 of 7
1. tengo, vengo
2. tienen, vienen, tiene
3. tenemos, venimos
4. tiene, viene
5. tienes, vienes
Exercise e
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 10
In this exercise, you have to write sentences in the present indicative using the words given in each point, conjugating the verb according to the subject.

The proposed solutions are going to follow the order of the words shown.

Step 2
2 of 10
With the words of the first point, a possible solution could be *Yo salgo de casa ahora*, meaning *I am leaving home now*.
Step 3
3 of 10
With the words of the second point, a possible solution could be *Mi hermano sale también*, meaning *My brother is leaving too*.
Step 4
4 of 10
With the words of the third point, a possible solution could be *Nosotros hacemos un viaje a España*, meaning *We make a trip to Spain*.
Step 5
5 of 10
With the words of the fourth point, a possible solution could be *Mi hermano tiene mucho equipaje y yo tengo mucho también*, meaning *My brother has a lot of baggage and I have a lot too*.
Step 6
6 of 10
With the words of the fifth point, a possible solution could be *En el aeropuerto, nosotros hacemos cola*, meaning *At the airport, we queue up*.
Step 7
7 of 10
With the words of the sixth point, a possible solution could be *Yo traigo el equipaje de mano abordo del avión*, meaning *I bring hand luggage on board the aircraft*.
Step 8
8 of 10
With the words of the seventh point, a possible solution could be *Los asistentes de vuelo vienen por la cabina con comida*, meaning *Flight attendants come by the cockpit with food*.
Step 9
9 of 10
With the words of the eight point, a possible solution could be *Nosotros no tenemos que usar la máscara de oxígeno*, meaning *We do not have to use the oxygen mask*.
10 of 10
1. Yo salgo de casa ahora.
2. Mi hermano sale también.
3. Nosotros hacemos un viaje a España.
4. Mi hermano tiene mucho equipaje y yo tengo mucho también.
5. En el aeropuerto, nosotros hacemos cola.
6. Yo traigo el equipaje de mano abordo del avión.
7. Los asistentes de vuelo vienen por la cabina con comida.
8. Nosotros no tenemos que usar la máscara de oxígeno.
Step 1
1 of 2
In this exercise, you have to form sentences in the present tense with the following phrases.

**An answer can be:**

**1.** Yo salgo de casa ahora. *I am leaving home now.*

**2.** Mi hermano sale también. *My brother goes out as well.*

**3.** Nosotros hacemos un viaje a España. *We make a trip to Spain.*

**4.** Mi hermano tiene mucho equipaje y yo tengo mucho también. *My brother has a lot of baggage and I have a lot of baggage too.*

**5.** En el aeropuerto nosotros hacemos una cola. *At the airport we queue up.*

**6.** Yo traigo equipaje de mano a bordo del avión. *I bring carry-on luggage on board the plane.*

**7.** Las asistentes de vuelo vienen por la cabina con comida. *Flight attendants come by the cabin with food.*

**8.** Nosotros no tenemos que usar la máscara de oxígeno. *We do not have to wear the oxygen mask.*

2 of 2
**An answer can be:**

**1.** Yo salgo de casa ahora. *I am leaving home now.*

**2.** Mi hermano sale también. *My brother goes out as well.*

**3.** Nosotros hacemos un viaje a España. *We make a trip to Spain.*

**4.** Mi hermano tiene mucho equipaje y yo tengo mucho también. *My brother has a lot of baggage and I have a lot of baggage too.*

**5.** En el aeropuerto nosotros hacemos una cola. *At the airport we queue up.*

**6.** Yo traigo equipaje de mano a bordo del avión. *I bring carry-on luggage on board the plane.*

**7.** Las asistentes de vuelo vienen por la cabina con comida. *Flight attendants come by the cabin with food.*

**8.** Nosotros no tenemos que usar la máscara de oxígeno. *We do not have to wear the oxygen mask.*

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