This is the inconvenient truth- wars have been a part of our history from the beginning of time. Conflicts arising from different countries, colonies or communities have led to wars; sometimes for the greater good or sometimes for greed. What the people of the country fail to realize is the aftermath of these wars- the effects they create on individuals, general public and the world. An individual's mental and physical health can be greatly damaged- forced to a downward spiral of delusion.
Grievously, the negative effects from war outnumber the positive effects ending in an unstable country which would take long periods of time to recover. Hence, I agree with the statement 'War has never led to anything positive" which I will further explore throughout this essay. The biggest negative impact on war focus on the casualties lost during w
...ar. The loss of unfortunate lives due to war lead to a decrease of population and broken families- lack of money supply and support. The impact of economy is devastating; with high debts from bonds and foreign loans which decrease the wealth of the country.
Devastation of houses, cities, farms and factories, resulting in lost jobs, wounds, injuries and healthcare would all need to be compensated by the government to rebuild houses and cure the people of the country. War also increase the number of refugees hence government aid to support these refugees increase alongside. Wars would also lead to widespread unemployment, which would force the government in creating jobs for the greater good of the country. The country would face recession which would result in low standards of living.
In addition to this, there can also be politica
and civil unrest resulting in the morale of the people to be very low. An example of a country with unrest would be Iraq and Germany, where they lost many homes and historic buildings. Hence, the loss of innocent beings and instability of the country would result in the negative impacts to exceed the positive. Secondly, there would be excessive amounts of negative social impacts resulting as an aftermath of war-taking years to recover. The country would cease to have distorted resources which would bring starvation to the country and would lead to additions of innocent deaths.
Poverty would strike the country due to an unstable government with debts. Poverty and lack of food would encourage violence to women and children which would create disputes with human rights and equality. The effects on wars would lead to countries facing serious difficulties which would take generations to recover. In contrast to the negative effects faced by countries in war, there are an agreeable amount of positive effects which are resulted by wars. The biggest positive effect to a war would be that countries would work together to reach a common goal, an example to this would be the UN.
Many advances in technology were caused by wars: weaponry, communications, intelligence, medicine and industry. New weapons such as tanks, airplanes, submarines and the most destructive, the atomic bomb was created during war. Computers and radars were created, canned food was first invented for soldiers. The devastation of war encouraged countries such as Japan to work toward building a powerful economy- which Japan is today. Social advancements and increased knowledge of neighboring countries through war are also considered positive impacts
of war.
Wars had both positive and negative outcomes, but those positive outcomes still do not justify the number of people lost due to it. In conclusion, there were both positive and negative effects of war. Unfortunately, the negative effects would overpower the positive outcomes resulting in war to be destruction regionally. It is the inconvenient truth that war is a troublesome part of our world- a burden people must face in their lifetime. War is not only a way of love but is an adaptation tool in sculpting a society for the better or worse. So how should we end these wars? There is only one answer: In living with peace, love and harmony.
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