Energy dynamics between the sun, atmosphere and the earth Essay Example
The Sun is the ultimate source of energy to life on the Earth, and the earth’s atmosphere attenuates this dynamics as a pathway. The atmosphere is a major component of the Earth aside Lithosphere and hydrosphere. The atmosphere contains atmospheric gases inevitable for life on Earth, and acts as a pathway by which solar energy gets to the organisms that need it. All life depends on the Sun for energy, directly or indirectly. This energy is first utilized by plants that have the characteristic property of producing organic compound from inorganic raw materials with the use of light energy.
Besides, there are other plants that utilize other simpler energy sources for their activities: they are chemotropic. This energy of the Sun is used for the photolysis of water into ions u
...sed during the dark phase. Eventually, there is energy production in form of glucose. This is either stored in various forms or converted into other energy forms. The energy produced is utilized by animals starting the food chain from the herbivores, to the carnivores down to the omnivores. Humans belong to the last group.
Apart from this process of energy use of recycle, there are other important means described as Cycles such as sulphur, oxygen, carbon and water cycles. These also form a major part of the energy dynamics between the earth, its atmosphere and the Sun. These serve to maintain ecological balance; thus maintaining life on the planet. The energy of the Sun is indispensable for life on Earth, it is the ultimate source; it is carried as rays through the atmosphere to the life that use it on the
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