Comparison Between John Dewey’s and Friedmans on Education System Essay Example
In the view of Dewey, Education is considered to be good when it has purpose for the individual student and purpose for the society. According to Dewey both the short-term and long-term educational experience quality matters. It is therefore the responsibility of educators to provide learners with experiences that are immediately of value and which enable learners to contribute to the society better.
The progressive and traditional education are the two extremes that are polarized by Dewey. He criticizes traditional education for the lack of understanding of students and the designing of curricula that is overly focused on content rather context and process that is judged by the amount of contribution to the well-being of society and individuals.
He argues on the other hand that a system that is progressive is too reactionary and takes a free appr
...oach without the knowledge of why or how freedom can be of use the most in education. He advocates for the involvement of the theory of experience in order to enable people break from this paradigm.
To Dewey it is vital for educators to first understand human nature experience. He states that experience comes from the interaction of the two principles of interaction and continuity. In continuity the experience that each person has will have an influence over the future of that individual. The present experience of an individual is a function of the interaction between the present situation and the past experiences of that individual. Interaction is the situational influence on the experience of an individual. He states as an example that an individual`s experience of a lesson, depends on the arrangements of the teacher and facilitation of the lesson,
and the previous student`s experience of teachers and similar lessons.
There is no experience with a value that is pre-ordained, therefore a detrimental experience for one individual could be a rewarding experience to another individual.
Dewey states that the theory of experience allows educators to progressively organize their subject matters in such a way that it will be able to take into consideration the experiences of the student in the past, and also provide them experiences that will lead to the students being open and able to access future experiences of growth. This enables the expansion of the likelihood of an individual to make a contribution towards the society.
He looks into the theory of experience in context to educational challenges of a practical nature, such as the argument between the level of discipline to use against the freedom level. He depicts that interaction and continuity can be vital tools in the process of guidance on how best to solve such issues.
Dewey`s view towards education therefore is that there should exist a strong emphasis on the subjective quality of the experience of a learner and that it is necessary for an educator to understand the past experiences of a learner so that a sequence of liberating experiences can be effectively designed for the purposes of allowing the learner fulfill their potential as societal members.
Milton and Rose advocated for the introduction of universal vouchers for elementary and secondary schools, this they stated would aid in the ushering in of an age of educational experimentation and innovation. This increases all positive sorts of outcomes and widens the options range for parents and students as argued out by Milton and Rose.
stated that Government preferably the local units would provide each child, through his/her parents a particular amount of money that is meant to be used only in the payment of that particular child`s education. The amount of money given will be spent by the parents freely on the school of their own choice as long as the minimum laid down standards by the governmental unit that is relevant to the field are met by the parents. Such schools he proposed that they be conducted under a variety of observation by various bodies such as governmental units, private profit making enterprises, religious bodies and nonprofit institutions established through private endowment.
The Friedman’s viewed that this system of education based on vouchers would allow the low income earners in America a chance of receiving a better and god education and move away from the traditionally worse schools. They saw that vouchers would bring an increased healthy competition amongst institutions of education and a variety of the educational institutions available.
Milton and Rose therefore were proponents of systematic and radical change in education that emphasized on competition and choice as the perfect means of increasing the performance of education and student and parent satisfaction.
In terms of comparing the views of the two sides in education John Dewey`s views targeted individuals especially the learner and the educator. For the betterment of the society there should be a clear understanding of the learner by the educator in order for the educator to be able to impact the right knowledge that will be both easily and clearly understood and also relevant. Milton and Rose views are contrary as the majorly focus on the
main drivers of education contribution i.e. the government and the institutions. They state that education quality is affected by type of institutions and government contributions towards the sector, they therefore suggest the introduction of vouchers that will allow learners go to their preferred institutions saying that this will lead to an improved provision of education by institutions and satisfaction of both he learner and the parent.
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