Car Accident Essay Example
Car Accident Essay Example

Car Accident Essay Example

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  • Pages: 1 (259 words)
  • Published: August 25, 2016
  • Type: Essay
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In large cities, accidents are common and frequently reported in newspapers. They usually occur because drivers neglect to follow traffic rules. One evening, my brother and I decided to see a movie at Sangam Cinema on the busy Chennai main highway. Since we were running late, we walked quickly along the crowded road. Suddenly, there was a loud crash and I saw a man collapse onto the ground after being hit by a car.

As the driver was driving at a normal speed, they noticed an oncoming lorry being driven recklessly. This caused concern about a potential collision. To avoid it, the driver attempted to steer their vehicle to the side but unfortunately, the clutch wire snapped. As a result, control of the car was lost and it collided with both a pedestrian and the pav


ement. The pedestrian suffered significant head and facial injuries, including a nosebleed and a severely bruised leg. A crowd gathered at the scene and quickly transported the injured individual to a nearby hospital.

Despite receiving confirmation that the car driver was not responsible and the incident was purely an accident, there were still individuals who mistreated and assaulted him. Thankfully, the victim recuperated and was declared out of danger. Healthcare experts attended to his injuries and advised him to rest in bed for full recovery from the ordeal. Law enforcement authorities arrived at the scene of the collision and transported both drivers to the police station. They documented their statements, which led to the release of the car driver while detaining the lorry driver.

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