The Disadvantages of Living Away from Parents Home Essay Example
The Disadvantages of Living Away from Parents Home Essay Example

The Disadvantages of Living Away from Parents Home Essay Example

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  • Pages: 13 (3337 words)
  • Published: November 11, 2016
  • Type: Analysis
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The effects of living far from home on HUCFL first year students’ study.

1. What are positive effects of living far from home on HUCFL freshmen students’ study?

2. What are negative effects of living far from home on HUCFL freshmen students’ study?

3. How can we overcome negative effects?

I. Introduction:

The topic for my research project is “the effects of living far from home on HUCFL first year students’ study”. I made decision research this topic because of the following reasons.

First of all, today most students study at university after graduating from high school. Due to the distance between their hometown and college, a few students live with their family while many others live far from home to study. This issue h


as long been a matter of everyone concern, especially students and their parents.

Second, life away from home has very important effect on their psychology and study. When leaving home to live in another place, they will be difficult avoid some problem of the new habitat. As a result, some students are decreased in their study.

Therefore, I research this project to help students understand thoroughly about the effects of living far from home. Finally, I suggest some solution to surmount the negative effects when living far from home. Through this study, I also hope that students will have more overall regard for this issue. From that, they realize the difficulties which they meet and can render the concretely solution to diminish the negative effects to study more effectively.

II. Literature review:

1. Positive effects of living far from

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home. What are the best and worst things about living away from home?

Living far away from home, even for a short period, can be fascinating, exciting and unforgettable, but at the same time it has vary effects on our life especially international students. One of the positive effects is teaching us the precious lesson of grow up as a person. Whenever you step out of your home and approach to a new country, that means you have to say good bye the comfortable life and get into a life full of duties. You have to learn how to do things by yourselves, start worrying about every phase of our life, from vast parts to smaller tasks such as balancing my checkbook for not to be in the red.

I have never done this in my country before. While I stay with my family, I don’t even think about my balance because I am youngest in my family, so everyone tries to take care of me very well. They think, I’m still young for response payments by myself. I’m kind of not being aware to spend money. I mean, I just buy whatever I think it is so important things to me without considering the price carefully. But it doesn’t work at here. Everything costs an arm and a leg. The price is totally different from my country. In fact, it charge me double price. Moreover, your independence behavior will grow inside of you.

You have to organize your life and be responsible to your housework; cleaning the room, doing your washing up, or cooking your own meal. Being self-discipline and responsible

will help you go through independence life and achieve it. For instance, at here (USA. ), I can do whatever I want. No one will complain me as I stay at home. This is good for your privacy. You are able to wake up whenever you want to and come home at late night. No one will report you to your parents. Besides, you can decide every situations base on your thinking without arguing with your parents.

However, the freedom can ruin the rest of your life if you can’t control yourselves this gives us a new feeling of independence. Many of us have been craving for freedom even since high school years. After all those times being in the control of over ? protective parents, now we can get away from all the bindings, and, in some way, stretch our wings. More importantly, living far away from home can teach us the invaluable lesson of living in harmony with other people. We learn to live with many roommates, and sometimes, bear with their bad habits.

We learn to tolerate, as well as respect others. Apparently, it is like we are living in a small society, and this will help us a lot in getting along with people later in our career. .One of the advantages indicated by young college students is that they develop independence from their family. I recalled when I first lived away from home, tried living off campus and in an apartment, I had to learn how to cook, clean and for the most part take care of myself. For the first time, I learned how to balance my

checkbook and pay my bills. I had acquired personal maturity by being responsible.

I met new people from various cultural and personal backgrounds. I found all of this during my first year while living in a dormitory and thereafter living in apartments. Although initially I walked on eggshells and felt a bit of trepidation, my anxieties greatly were reduced as I eased into adulthood. During that first year in college, living on my own felt great. Another advantage to living on your own is having freedom from your parents. As a teenager, I remember having so many constraints placed upon me. After all, I wasn’t yet an adult and was living in my parents’ household.

Living on my own, I was able to wake up when I wanted to or come home at late hours of the evening. I did not have to report to anyone and was able to act according to how I felt. Conflicts were obsolete since I had no one to argue with. Power and control were mine; an advantage of living away from home was gaining complete liberty and freedom. The final advantage to living away from home was having complete privacy. If I wanted to walk around my house naked, I was able to do just that. If I wanted to keep money in a secret hiding place, my private boundaries allowed that. Privacy also existed in my living arrangements.

After years of living in an apartment and having a soul mate, we moved in together coexisting in a de facto relationship. Although my parents were against this type of arrangement, our relationship was private and

did not involve others. Overall, living away from home gives young adults privacy, independence, the freedom to nourish them selves and mature into... think that you will leave a vivid, colorful, wonderful and unforgetable memory in your life when you have such a much more dramatic life. You have some friends from different places, you share what you know about life with your friends, you go for sightseeing together.

More importantly, living far away from home can teach us the invaluable lesson of living in harmony with other people. We learn to live with many roommates, and sometimes, bear with their bad habits. We learn to tolerate, as well as respect others. Apparently, it is like we are living in a small society, and this will help us a lot in getting along with people later in our career. Furthermore, most of students get a part-time job. That’s the good atmosphere to teach them some skill helpful with her profession in the future. And when you work, you will be on contact with other worker, that bring to you some necessary social relationships....

Firstly, when you live far away from home, you can communicate with many people and learn many different cultures from them. Moreover, you learn to become independent and self-sufficient. In addition, living far away from home helps you improve your knowledge. Secondly, you can afford essential anythings you want for life and be free of your parents. Besides advantages, there are a lot of disadvantages of living far away from home, too. You should know to how to manage your monthly money. On the other hand, you are responsible for

yourself to avoid many bad habits of the life styles such as: Drugs, sex, gamble... hen you are alone, you will get homesick so much. Sometimes you're feel lonely because of you lack of love from relative. As you know living far away from home has ad and disad but anyway if you choice to live far away from home, this will help you can live independant and has responsibility with yourself. * As stated above, your parents can’t come knocking whenever they want. You’re not going to see your parents mini-van rolling up when you’re in the middle of one of your football tailgates or come bother you during finals.

Even more importantly, they won’t be as likely to come and visit you if you don’t do as well on your finals as expected (although I’m sure none of you have to worry about that). * The farther away from home you get, the less likely you’ll be to run into a face you know. To some people this is comforting. They want to leave the past where it is and turn the page to a new chapter. If you want to completely submerge yourself in a new environment, besides the ambience of college itself, journeying farther away for school will set this in stone. As Lisa put it nicely in her article, weather factors in a lot more than you would expect when in college. If you’re from a relatively Midwestern climate like myself, think about all the cold and snowy mornings you attempted to fake sick (or still are trying to fake sick) to avoid a brutally bone chilling day of

academics. No one is there to force you to go to class. When push comes to shove, you’ll be surprised at how much more enticing your couch seems than bundling up and going to class.

If you’re the type that can’t stand to be inside on a beautiful day, think before moving far south or west before choosing a school. Your class attendance is usually directly related to your success in any course, so be sure you’re prepared to cope with whatever Mother Nature has in store. * Another advantage of not having the need to be close to home, means you have a greater pool of colleges to choose from. If you know what you want to major in this gives you the ability to really find a school with a program and situation that its your individual circumstances. Students become more independent. Also they discover if life is easy or difficult and they will learn new things for example cooking food and ironing their cloths for them self. They will meet new friends for example my friend Mona when she went to study far away from her home to Dubai college she meeting a lot of friends and now she has more friends from another city. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages. Married students may have to leave their children but their children need more than their study.

Girls may meet the wrong people and lose their traditional culture for example some girl will abandon her traditional clothes because there are many girls from many countries who live together in university and that can effect on their traditional values.

Also they may feel lonely like my friend Fatima when she went to Al Ain University. She felt so lonely because was difficult to find a good friend and communicate with other people. . To many students coming from distant provinces, the experience of living away from home may be one of the best parts in their university life.

This can be really unforgettable and exciting, and at the same time, it has a very important effect on students’ life, especially freshmen, as for many of whom, this is their first time living so far away from home in such a long period. To some extents, both trends have their own advantages and disadvantages which have the major effect on the final decision of each student on the threshold of their new life in the universities.


  • • Learning to look after ourselves
  • • Experience new culture, food, habits, etc. ,
  • • Become bold enough to face tough situations
  • • Open new avenues for the personal as well as professional development Learning to interact with many and can experience a new crowd
  • • We will very much aware about our traditions and culture when we are away from home

Being away from home, first of all, does have some benefits. It is the chance to gain a new experience, at least, regardless of wherever people choose to go. This gives us a new feeling of independence. Many of us have been craving for freedom even since highschool years. After all those times being in the control of over – protective parents, now

we can get away from all the bindings, and, in some way, stretch our wings.

Going away from home is students’ pride and joy. They always take pride in their personal growth and are proud of the great love sent from their peaceful hometown. On another word, studying abroad means students will become the pride of their towns. You will leave a vivid, colorful, wonderful and unforgettable memory in your life when you have such a much more dramatic life. You have some friends from different places, you share what you know about life with your friends, you go for sightseeing together...

Thanks to independent life, they can flexibly spend time on learning, surfing websites or playing games without any complaint.

2. Negative effects of living far from home.

* Besides advantages, there are a lot of disadvantages of living far away from home, too. You should know to how to manage your monthly money. On the other hand, you are responsible for yourself to avoid many bad habits of the life styles such as: Drugs, sex, gamble... when you are alone, you will get homesick so much. Sometimes you're feel lonely because of you lack of love from relative.

As you know living far away from home has ad and disad but anyway if you choice to live far away from home, this will help you can live independant and has responsibility with yourself. * * On the other hand, there are some disadvantages. Married students may have to leave their children but their children need more than their study. Girls may meet the wrong people and lose their

traditional culture for example some girl will abandon her traditional clothes because there are many girls from many countries who live together in university and that can effect on their traditional values.

Also they may feel lonely like my friend Fatima when she went to Al Ain University. She felt so lonely because was difficult to find a good friend and communicate with other people. The other side of the parent pickle means that you aren’t going to be able to have the comforts of home whenever you want. You’ll have to wait for breaks and long weekends if you want to cure your homesickness. My friend Brianna who goes to Arizona State University has been going through this because her family and boyfriend are back in Illinois.

She’s seriously contemplating changing schools starting next Fall semester. * Speaking of sickness, if you happen to get really sick or there is an emergency, your parents aren’t exactly waiting on standby. Whether it’s a financial emergency, like you’ve lost your credit or debit cards, or a real emergency, like your apartment burning down (it definitely happens), some people like the thought of always being able to go home for assistance. * Living far from home is certainly pricey as opposed to living an hour or so away.

Other than just the regular prices of food and other comforts, the travel expenses are definitely going to factor in at some point. This includes any care package your parents may want to send you and every time you go home, especially if you have to fly. * Unless you live in an exceptionally large state

like Texas or California, chances are “far away” means out-of-state, which means out-of-state tuition. If you go to a school closer to home you’ll often get the benefit of reduced tuition fees and that can dramatically decrease any likely debt the majority of students will have after they complete college.

Going to a school far away usually means forfeiting this perk. * The farther away you live, the harder it’s going to be to move most of your belongings, especially if “going to school” means you need a boarding pass. Moving to the other side of the country equals one of two things, unless special criteria exist. One, you have a lengthy road trip ahead of you and your parents have it on the way back. Two, you have a lot of baggage fees to pay and some furniture to buy when you land. + The first disadvantage of living far from home is that we often get homesick.

When we stay with our parents, they always take care of us and pay attention to what we do. So when we live away from home, we often miss our parents. We might miss the moments that we share with our family, or even those familiar things, which used to belong to us such as our rooms, our pets and so on. Another difficulty of living far from home is that we have to learn how to do things by ourselves. Say goodbye to the carefree life, and step into a life full of duties. Now we have to worry about every aspects of our life, from bigger ones such as balancing our budget.

style="text-align: justify;">We have to do from bigger to smaller things like cooking our meals, washing our clothes, cleaning our rooms, etc, which used to be done with our parents' help However, life away from home teaches us the feeling of independence. Once we live far from our family, we have to know how to control our life and our spending. We must know how to solve our personal affairs, as well as other affairs on our own. We also need to take care of ourselves because if we get ill, it will become very complicated for us to do anything. It is all above things that will make us more mature. The major, and also a very common, problem that students have to face is that once we start a regular life away from home, we always get homesick. Missing our family and the attention they paid to us is a very usual thing to do. We can even miss little moments that we share with our family, such as sitting together in a couch watching TV shows, or telling your parents about your school day during family meals, and coming home from schools, greeting your parents, ? Mom, Dad, I? m home!?. Besides, we often miss all the facilities we used to have back at home, like our bedrooms, our beloved bed, our stuffed animals, and even our bathrooms.

As a result, we start to realize how valuable our family are, and appreciate everything we had back where we used to belong. What? s more, once we live far away from home, we have to learn how to do things by ourselves. Say

goodbye to the carefree life, and step into a life full of duties. Now we have to worry about every aspects of our life, from bigger ones such as balancing our budget, making ends meet, to smaller tasks like cleaning our rooms, doing our washing up, or cooking our own meals, and learning to get around by buses. ( t? do qua s? lam sv s? ng buon th? va b? loi cu? n vao cac t? n? n xh)

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