Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy?
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) is a form of therapy that uses virtual reality to help people confront and manage their fears, phobias, and anxieties. This type of therapy has been used for many years in the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), but more recently it has been used to treat other mental health issues such as anxiety and phobias. VRET is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy that uses computer-simulated environments to expose people to elements they are afraid of in order to help them confront their fears and learn healthy coping strategies.The goal of VRET is to gradually expose patients to their feared stimulus or experience over time, allowing them the opportunity to become desensitized and better understand how their reactions can affect the outcome of a situation. For example, if someone suffers from a fear of flying, they might be exposed through virtual reality simulations that gradually escalate in intensity until they are comfortable with the experience. During this process they would learn how breathing techniques can help reduce anxiety levels while also learning healthy coping skills such as distraction or relaxation techniques. VRET can be used both in individual settings or group settings depending on what works best for the patient’s needs. This type of therapy allows therapists and clinicians more control over the environment which can make it easier for patients who may have difficulty leaving home or visiting public places due to their anxiety or phobia. Additionally, because VRET only requires basic technology such as headsets and computers there is no need for expensive equipment like flight simulators which makes it easier for clinics with limited resources access this kind of treatment option. Overall, Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy is an effective tool for helping people confront their fears, phobias and anxieties by allowing them to practice healthy coping strategies while desensitizing themselves in a safe environment without having to leave home or visit public places if needed. It provides clinicians with more control over the environment which makes it easier for those with limited resources access this kind of treatment option without having expensive equipment like flight simulators