Tertiary Circular Reactions Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Tertiary Circular Reactions?
Tertiary circular reactions refer to the mental ability of a person to use abstract reasoning and problem solving in order to carry out more complex tasks. This type of reaction is often seen as an advanced skill that needs to be developed in order for an individual to reach their full potential. In general, this term is used when someone has the capacity to modify existing ideas or objects in new ways, create and think about possibilities that don’t yet exist, or combine ideas from different sources. In terms of cognitive development, tertiary circular reactions are found during the concrete operational stage (ages 7-11). During this period, children gain the ability to integrate and manipulate symbols related to their environment. This allows them to make connections between abstract ideas and objects which then aids in more complex problem solving skills. For example, they can understand how specific actions will produce specific results even if they have never experienced them before. Tertiary circular reactions are also important for creativity and innovation since they involve taking what’s already known and creating something entirely new with it. They help individuals come up with creative solutions by combining multiple concepts into one unified idea or product. Additionally, these types of reactions allow individuals to develop higher levels of self expression since they can take existing ideas and create something completely unique from them. Overall, tertiary circular reactions are incredibly important for both cognitive development as well as creativity and innovation in adults. They provide individuals with the ability to think abstractly about problems while also being able combine different concepts into one cohesive idea or solution which can be extremely beneficial for many aspects of life ranging from career success to personal growth opportunities.