Social And Cultural Factors Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Social And Cultural Factors?
Social and cultural factors can have a great effect on how we perceive the world around us, as well as our behavior. Culture is defined as a shared set of values, beliefs, customs, norms, practices and symbols that are passed down from one generation to another. These social and cultural influences shape our attitudes and actions in various ways such as attitudes toward education or the roles of men and women in society. The environment we live in also plays an important role in influencing our culture. This includes aspects such as economic conditions, political systems, media coverage, religion and family structure. Social networks also influence culture; people with similar interests often come together to form their own communities which may be based on shared experiences or common goals. Our identity is strongly shaped by the particular cultures we belong to our ethnicity or race; religious background; birthplace; language spoken at home; gender orientation; etc. which can all have a profound impact on how we view the world around us. For example, those who grow up within certain ethnic or racial groups may share common experiences related to discrimination which could affect their outlook on life. Similarly religious backgrounds can shape values related to morality and ethics which might guide lifestyle choices throughout adulthood.At the same time there are also global cultural influences which can be seen through international trade agreements between countries or popular trends that start off in one region but eventually spread worldwide (such as fast food chains). In addition technology has made it easier for individuals from different parts of the world to interact with each other thus creating new opportunities for exchange of ideas between cultures further blurring traditional boundaries. It’s clear then that social and cultural factors play an important role in forming our identities while impacting both individual behavior patterns as well as collective ones across societies everywhere.