We've found 23 Human Relations Movement tests

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Op & Quality Mgmt Ch 1 – Flashcards 45 terms
Deacon Kirby avatar
Deacon Kirby
45 terms
The Human Relations Movement was based on what belief?
That satisfied workers are more productive.
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In the context of human relations movement and related studies, who among the following is a “ratebuster?
A person performing above the work group performance norm
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“True is better than new” is one of the truths of A. scientific management. B. the human relations movement. C. operations management. D. evidence-based management. E. management science.
D. evidence-based management.
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Early Behaviorism, Human Relations Movement, Behavioral Science
The three phases of the Behavioral Viewpoint
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The basic notion of the human relations movement was that
satisfies employees would work harder for the company
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Describe the general aim of the human relations movement
effort among theorists and practitioners to make managers more sensitive to employee needs
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Over time, the human relations movement
reflected a shift in values and concerns, from things to people.
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Explain why the human relations movement arose
special circumstances that happened in the early 20th century 1. the threat of unionization 2. the Hawthorne studies 3. the philosophy of industrial humanism
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Human relations movements
Truly effective control comes from within the individual worker rather than strict authoritarian control
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What is the basic premise of Human Relations movement?
Satisfied employees would work harder for a company
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