Decentralized Decision Making Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Decentralized Decision Making?
Decentralized decision making is a process of decision-making that allows individuals or groups to make decisions independently, without centralized control. This type of decision-making can be used in many different contexts, ranging from businesses and organizations to governments. In a decentralized system, decisions are usually made by individual employees or teams rather than a single leader or manager.One major advantage of decentralized decision making is its ability to encourage creativity and innovation. Without the presence of centralized control, individuals have more freedom to think outside the box and come up with unique solutions to problems. This can lead to more effective problem solving as well as improved productivity within an organization. It also allows for better employee engagement since they feel empowered to take initiative in their own work. Another benefit of decentralized decision making is increased collaboration between team members and departments within an organization. By allowing teams and departments to collaborate on their own decisions, it encourages them to work together in order achieve common goals instead of competing against each other for resources or authority. This cooperation can help create a more cohesive work environment as well as improved efficiency in operations overall. However, there are some drawbacks associated with decentralized decision making as well such as lack of accountability and transparency within the process itself. Since there isn’t one central authority overseeing the process, it can be difficult for those involved in the decision-making process to ensure that all parties are held accountable for their actions and contributions if something goes wrong or if any conflict arises during implementation stages down the line. Additionally, since individual team members may not always have access to all relevant information needed for informed decisions, it could potentially lead them towards poor quality outcomes due entirely due bad data input from any one person which affects everyone else working on that same project/decision eventually leading towards huge losses sometimes even complete failure depending upon how critical was that initial data input/decision taken by anyone involved party at any given time period/stages during implementation phase throughout entire LIFE cycle/project completion lifespan stages till end result achieved whatever was expected out of it at first place when whole idea conceived & initiated initially before implementation started & finalized successfully eventually post completion stage once again & mutually agreed upon by ALL parties involved directly/indirectly otherwise after failed attempts till success achieved finally one way or another at last near end stage.