We've found 14 Carl Rogers tests

Carl Rogers Psychoanalysis Therapy Unconditional Positive Regard
CH 14 STUDY GUIDE PSY 101 – Flashcards 15 terms
Sabrina Peterson avatar
Sabrina Peterson
15 terms
Carl Rogers Developmental Psychology Human Growth And Development Life Span Development Nervous System Scientific Method Social And Cultural Contexts
Life Span Development Chapter 1 – Flashcards 58 terms
Tara Rose avatar
Tara Rose
58 terms
Carl Rogers Occupational Outlook Handbook Theories And Techniques Of Counseling
Praxis II – Professional School Counselor – Flashcards 52 terms
Cara Robinson avatar
Cara Robinson
52 terms
Abnormal Psychology Carl Rogers Self Help Group
Chapter 2 Quiz Questions – Flashcards 91 terms
Matthew Carle avatar
Matthew Carle
91 terms
Carl Rogers Change The Subject Health Psychology Introductory Psychology Psychology Self Serving Bias Sigmund Freud
Learning Curve: 14a The Psychological Therapies – Flashcards 25 terms
Rae Jordan avatar
Rae Jordan
25 terms
Abnormal Psychology Carl Rogers Client Centered Therapy Clinical Psychology Introductory Psychology
Chapter 16 questions Test Questions – Flashcards 50 terms
Patricia Harrah avatar
Patricia Harrah
50 terms
Carl Rogers Person Centered Therapy Psychology Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Chapter 13 Psy – Flashcards 34 terms
Robert May avatar
Robert May
34 terms
Carl Rogers Client Centered Therapy Pharmaceutical Sciences Regression Toward The Mean Valium And Xanax
Psych Chapter 16 Quiz – Flashcards 180 terms
Tommy Mason avatar
Tommy Mason
180 terms
Carl Rogers Low Self Esteem Rational Emotive Therapy Social Skills Training
psych 16 – Flashcard Test Answers 145 terms
Aiden Simmons avatar
Aiden Simmons
145 terms
Carl Rogers Low Self Esteem Rational Emotive Therapy Social Skills Training
Therapy Practice Test – Flashcards 84 terms
Matthew Carle avatar
Matthew Carle
84 terms
Carl Rogers Evidence Based Practices Music Therapy Person Centered Therapy
Introduction to Music Therapy Mid-Term – Flashcards 91 terms
Claire Scott avatar
Claire Scott
91 terms
Carl Rogers Developmental Psychology Educational Psychology Needs And Desires Nervous System Quantity And Quality School Age Children Scientific Method
Human growth chapter 1-4 – Flashcards 134 terms
Keisha White avatar
Keisha White
134 terms
Abnormal Psychology Carl Rogers Correlation And Causation Cross Sectional Research Educational Psychology Life Span Development
Human Growth Development: Chapter 2 – Flashcards 20 terms
Daniel Thompson avatar
Daniel Thompson
20 terms
Carl Rogers Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
Flashcards on Chapter 11 study guide 17 terms
Sarah Adrian avatar
Sarah Adrian
17 terms
According to the views of Carl Rogers, what is an important component in therapy?
Empathy with the patient
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/chapter-16-questions-2/
Carl Rogers was proud that his students’ clinical training included __________, which he innovated.
a supervised practicum experience
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/exam-4-quizzes/
According to Carl Rogers, which of the following is the major force promoting healthy change in therapy?
a supportive emotional climate
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/chapter-15-psychology-of-everyday-life/
Which of the following is true about Carl Rogers’ background?
Before entering psychology, Rogers planned a career as a minister.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/personality-exam-3/
Which neo-Freudian viewed personality disturbances as resulting from the feelings of inferiority all people share? a) Carl Jung b) Alfred Adler c) Carl Rogers d) Karen Horney
. b Adler viewed personality disturbances as resulting from the feelings of inferiority all people share. Jung focused on archetypes in the collective unconscious.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/chapter-13-psych/
According to Carl Rogers, the __________is how people think they should be. A) id B) ego C) ideal self D) real self
Which of the following therapists would most likely challenge and dispute a client’s self-defeating thoughts? a. Joseph Wolpe b. Albert Ellis c. Carl Rogers d. Aaron Beck
b. Albert Ellis
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/module-13-therapy-test-review/
1. In the 1940s, one of the most distinct components of Carl Rogers’s therapy was that: a. He actually listened to his clients. b. He used movement therapy and sometimes danced with his clients. c. He used subception to sense what clients were feeling without them talking. d. He meditated with his clients. e. None of the above is true.
a. He actually listened to his clients.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/ch-5-person-centered-theory-and-therapy/
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